天然純手工不含防腐劑❤️ 環境優美適合拍照👍🏻 老闆熱情又可愛😍. 這是一家擺脫傳統中式糕點做法,不油,不膩,清新口感,完全靠手工揉製而成的中式西做的糕點。 以五種水果入味的糕點,口感清新,爽口,大推麥田天空手作糕點喔!更是台東縣沿海風景的新拍照路標。. [read more]
現烤Pizza. 每人最低消費100元. 披薩料多味美,且是現做現烤的。咖啡也很好喝!. [read more]
蓝鹊小铺烘焙坊 is a bakery, located at 602, Chiayi County, Fanlu Township, 梅花 六路 3 巷 2 號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 918 556 760 for more detailed information. [read more]
好喝的茶有品味的老闆. 好吃的甜甜圈好喝的茶🍵. [read more]
價格親民又好吃. [read more]
最喜歡牛軋餅乾,甜而不膩!. [read more]
可惜台東店沒開了. 環境舒服乾淨,餐點都好吃有特色,有家的舒適感. 手作蛋糕 好好吃 義大利麵好好吃. [read more]
味道香而爽口,成分簡單天然,好吃!. 跟大甲奶酥差不多 也是值得一吃 只是也不便宜啦. 在地人的麵包店,好食。. [read more]
有點貴,但麵包還不錯. 獨一無二的美味寒單餅. [read more]
餅皮酥度口感恰到好處,鳳梨酥內餡屬於有酸度的品種,酸甜度剛好,內餡也不過黏。 推蒜頭酥餅,吃過很難忘,是蒜頭烤過的溫醇風味,有如帶酥皮的蒜味麵包,不會濃厚到令人害怕,配茶品或當正餐搭濃湯享用很棒,其他地方沒有的特色鹹點。. 蒜頭味的餅~很酥很好吃~新一輩的可能不太習慣~老一輩喜歡蒜頭的可以嘗試看看!. [read more]
東西多,料好實在. 鮮奶饅頭與起司饅頭都很好吃!古早味麵包也讓人愛不釋手!. 美味可口又健康的麵包,值得一品再品,強力推薦!. [read more]
正港的鹿港糕餅名產就是這間👍👍. 東西好吃,吃完令人回味!!!讚. the most authentic local pastry offered by friendly staff. [read more]
紅櫻花食品 is a bakery, located at No. 388, Zhongshan Road, Lukang Township, Changhua County 50563. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 776 6788 for more detailed information. [read more]
溪口有名的餅店,是地方名產。. 價格公道,貨物期全. 優質店家~溪口著名的百年餅店,地方名產鳥仔餅可愛又好吃~. [read more]
好吃的,小月餅和吐司超讚!!. 月餅好吃,老闆,員工們好親切, 濃濃的人情味。. 他們家的餅很好吃唷. [read more]
老牌70年歷史正宗古早味鹹蛋糕 黑糖蛋糕. [read more]
好多好好吃的零食餅乾 價格又實惠. 這是一座很大的零食集中地,有各國進口的,本地的,自己找,如果找不到可以請工作人員幫忙,她們很熱心又快速。價格便宜。. [read more]
肉干吃不膩,肉絲超唰嘴,停不下的好味道,禮盒漂亮又大方,讚!. 每次到彰化必帶的伴手禮,喜歡這種在地實在的好味道. 優質好店家,老闆老闆娘的用心實實在在的都能感受到!門市小姐都笑容可掬😊😊送禮自用兩相宜!值得推薦👍. [read more]
伊莎貝爾 彰化門市 (Permanently Closed) is a bakery, located at No. 134, Section 2, Zhongzheng Road, Changhua City, Changhua County 500. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 726 2939.. [read more]
Fragrance 満庭芳烘焙専売店 is a bakery, located at No. 422-7, Zhongshan Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 970. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 836 2799 for more detailed information. [read more]
孟克牌磅蛋糕 is a bakery, located at 545, Nantou County, Puli Township, 中正路261號. [read more]
The store’s service attitude is super good and they can complete your gift box according to your needs. I chose five flavors (original, sun and moon black tea, matcha, lavender, and seaweed waffle). [read more]
和昇烘焙坊 is a bakery, located at 號, No. 277壯五路壯圍鄉宜蘭縣 Taiwan 263. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 938 7289 for more detailed information. . [read more]
老闆又帥又親切 車輪餅 皮香、內餡實在,奶油裡真的有看到香草子耶!. 真材實料 便宜又好吃的車輪餅. [read more]
法式麵包不錯吃. 太晚過去吐司就沒了 常會很快賣完哦 回到麵包單純的本味 但是偏日式哦. [read more]
服務親切 價格合理. [read more]
麵包種類多,蛋糕美味. 麵包種類滿多,喜歡墨西哥捲餅,香料味不錯,以為餅皮吃下是偏硬,結果還滿適口 滿500才有會員喔!. Really good bakery next to the bus stop. 很好吃的面包在车站的旁边。. [read more]
邱阿姨蔬菜餅 is a bakery, located at 號, No. 6下福東路五結鄉宜蘭縣 Taiwan 268. [read more]
真心 Sincere 手工裝飾蛋糕 is a bakery, located at 號, No. 231冬山路冬山鄉宜蘭縣 Taiwan 269. They can be contacted via phone at +886 927 340 788 for more detailed information. [read more]
好吃搶手,來晚就沒了. [read more]
有免費冷泉泡腳,有寬敞的戶外休息區,有好吃的手工麻薯,冷泉冰沙 ,DIY課程,很不錯的,免費的試吃,有空來走走逛逛. 服務人員很親切客氣,點心試吃大方也很好吃,館內雖然不大,但很適合旅途中到此一遊唷!可以和可愛吉祥物拍照!重點是體驗戶外冷泉,透心涼!. [read more]
蘇澳菜市場雞蛋糕 is a bakery, located at 號, No. 17新市路蘇澳鎮宜蘭縣 Taiwan 270. [read more]
Avin's Dessert is a bakery, located at 號, No. 25新市路蘇澳鎮宜蘭縣 Taiwan 270. They can be contacted via phone at +886 935 331 314 for more detailed information. [read more]
麵包相當好吃 價格偏便宜 店內相當乾淨 感覺得出來老闆相當用心經營. 有一次順路經過,幫女兒買個生日蛋糕與起司派,發現便宜又好吃. [read more]
雖然價格偏高,晚到會買不到,但是品質具有競爭力. 喜歡有加肉片的吐司,好吃. 無意中發現的,有來花蓮的朋友,別忘了來嘗嘗他們家吐司的厲害!他們的吐司超軟Q,如果要吃記得先預定喔! (回台北的路上,雖然吐司起士肉片冷掉了,但還是很好吃,佩服). [read more]
米加現烤蛋糕 is a bakery, located at No. 428, Heping Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 970. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 832 9780 for more detailed information. [read more]