仁愛農会展示中心 is a store, located at 546, Nantou County, Ren’ai Township, 榮華巷45號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9280 1772 for more detailed information. [read more]
看得到雲海的餐廳,熱熱的鍋湯底超讚,愛貓人士的友善用餐區,隨時都有貓咪出現在身邊! 露營區的露友預約用餐還有紅酒🍷一杯送喔!. 只能說路難走,但是要散心就是要這樣。 這麼偏僻的地方,餐點還可以這麼用心。 希望這個後花園一直一直永恆。。。。. 喜歡山上的寧靜,非常適合帶一本書好好放空的地方,今天再度造訪,多了好多隻貓,跟老闆相談甚歡,原來也是愛貓同好^_^. [read more]
入住的當天晚上的剛好碰到爆雨,我們一家四口鞋全濕透了,一早4:30穿涼鞋開車去張學良故居,8點多回來吃早餐,碰到民宿老板告訴我們幫我們把濕濕的鞋放到有太陽的地方曬,好貼心的舉動,因為我們並沒有告知鞋濕的事,讓人感到很窩心😄 早餐很豐盛還有咖喱雞肉搭配😋美味料理. 價錢合理,環境ㄝ不錯,老闆熱心. 修閒,用餐,享受大自然、,超讚的,. [read more]
雖然去的時候季節性關係,湖水快乾涸了,但還是不失其幽美。. 湖裏的蓮蓬因為缺水紛紛挺立在湖底近乎乾涸的泥土中,店家養了一群不怕人的觀賞雞,這是向天湖這裏會讓你待在那冥想,聊天的地方。. 湖山景色很美,鬆餅飲料都好吃,但建議平常日來,少了人群吵雜聲,感覺更棒。. [read more]
Nice environment in the middle of the woods, there's entertainment room which includes PS3, ps4, Xbox and wii but they're mostly in Japanese. Enjoyed using the pool table the most. [read more]
彰化銀行 ATM is an atm, located at No. 707, Section 3, Zhongyang Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 970. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 856 3362 for more detailed information. [read more]
东丰旅行社有限公司 is a travel agency, located at No. 60, Zhongzheng Road, Pingtung City, Pingtung County 900. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 733 7835 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務態度好 推!. [read more]
update:附近景色. . you'll surprise about why there's a general.. [read more]
紅豆牛奶很推,香醇不甜膩. 綠豆口味系列的,好好吃。 上次買很多去台南南鯤鯓拜拜,居然還被識貨的人偷走⋯. 最推薦白雪酥,自己結婚時就是訂這兒的,偶而也會買個兩塊給女王解饞,只因熱量高,不會常吃. [read more]
老闆很親切,有關去綠島的問題都很熱心幫忙,讚……推。. 老闆人親切,古意~好好人各位有空可以去捧場。. 這是富岡最讚的停車場,硬體還可以,老闆足黑也還可以!. [read more]
原本為舊的台東火車站 現在已經改建成現有的台東轉運站 主題建築其實還看的出來當年舊台東火車站的影子 從這邊搭乘可以接駁至台東地區的任何一處 站內不管是服務人員 客運時刻表 搭乘專區引導牌都有設置 交通非常方便 站內有洗手間 非常整潔乾淨 外來遊客必定造訪之處. Downtown bus station with tourist information center and Taiwan Tourist Shuttle bus stop. [read more]
除了轉運. 是很漂亮的地方. 拍照留念最佳. 由旅客服務中心改建而成,現在客運都統一在這發車,很方便!. 台東市主要的客運轉運站. [read more]
綠島蘭嶼哈利旅行社 is a travel agency, located at No. 19, Section 1, Songjiang Road, Taitung City, Taitung County 950. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 928 0369 for more detailed information. [read more]
人很好服務很好. 服務超好 超推薦的. 老闆人很好! 機車很優. [read more]
除了11,12月之外,這邊應該都很美,之後再來參訪一次!這有有步道及咖啡,想必可以好好遠離塵囂一整個下午。. 這次是參加那米哥旅行社的花東金針花及伯朗大道之旅而來到此地,剛好遇上天氣不穩定,才能看到如夢似幻的山中傳奇景色,非常特別,非常漂亮。. They serve delicious meal. . [read more]
你們來台東可參加台灣觀巴旅遊行程山海行程皆有:私房景點帶你們去走走看看!. [read more]
早上擺攤的肉圓四神湯肉粽好吃又便宜實在喔. 在地服務品質穩定與方便. 地方媽媽好去處. [read more]
老闆親切人超好,早餐好吃!. 看熱氣球住宿的好地方,乾淨便宜,空間寬敞. 因為悠閒的鄉村田野風光! 景色宜人! 庭院裡的龍柏樹優雅的佇立著! 一棵棵的七里香,長的圓圓的! 雖然非為5星級飯店! 但親切的很具有吸引力喔!. [read more]
快速處理的好幫手. [read more]
空間寬敞,除了一般超商的商品外,還有生鮮商品與農特產品。. [read more]
車況佳,價格實惠,老闆也很親切~ Nice car rental choice in Taitung! Car condition was good, price rate was reasonable, and the staffs were welcoming :). 老闆很熱心介紹景點。. 車況新,車內也相當乾淨,重點是離火車站近,老闆也十分親切,非常推薦喔~. [read more]
可以釣魚,烤營火,寬廣的草皮,很棒的營區. 隨然規模不大,但非常清潔幹淨~尤其是廁所,雖然只有2間(男女各1),確是我露營以來遇過最幹淨的… 園區還可以釣魚、附近可抓蝦,還有那個鞦韆……小孩都不想回家了!!. 非常不錯的營區 老板年輕又和善 這裡的衛浴很特別 廁所很乾淨喔 還香香的 有看到老板的用心. [read more]
I go here regularly to do some work on my computer. Great vibe. Plenty of electronic plugs. Staff are always friendly. Coffee and drinks are delicious. [read more]
Travel bug made me fall in love with Dulan. The people, the ambience, the joy and excitement - I will definitely miss this place when I leave :( If you're looking for a place with good music,.. [read more]
沙也的家 is a movie theater, located at 95941, Taitung County, Donghe Township, 台東縣東河鄉都蘭村17鄰41號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 953 1838 for more detailed information. [read more]
裡面的手工藝品很精緻獨特,手工啤酒很好喝,假日門口有音樂表演及攤販,感受到原住民的熱情跟天然的嗓音,老闆是會講中文的外國人:). [read more]
國泰世華ATM (國壽台東分公司) is an atm, located at 950, Taitung County, Taitung City, 四維路二段630號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 935 2211 for more detailed information. [read more]
騎樓座位不多,只能坐早餐店旁邊聞油煙味!但室內二樓座位舒適,廁所也蠻乾淨的。. Decent coffee at a good price. 店員親切 東西美味可口 座位很多 有WIFI. [read more]
老闆娘手藝好! 大阪燒好好吃,不過價格稍高。. 大板燒比日本好吃 多款日本酒 串燒也好吃 八點半後有音樂的表演. 老闆帥。老闆娘更美。很有情調放鬆的小館 聊聊天聽聽歌,真好!. [read more]
东河乡农会 is a bank, located at 959, Taitung County, Donghe Township, 都蘭203號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 953 1202 for more detailed information. [read more]
2nd time here, and place grows more and more on me. Great place to eat, drink, meet people from all over the world. Owners are the best. Clean and comfy rooms. [read more]
有點貴,但麵包還不錯. 路過都香噴噴~~還不錯吃. 台東最優的伴手禮在這✌️ 寒單餅很獨特也很好吃 路過走過的朋友一定要吃看看 沒騙你們 🤔. [read more]
玉山銀行 台東分行 is a bank, located at No. 239號, Zhongzheng Road, Taitung City, Taitung County 950. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 936 1313 for more detailed information. [read more]
國票綜合證券 is a bank, located at 950, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 1, Zhonghua Road, 397號2樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 932 1789 for more detailed information. [read more]
總類雖算不上多樣,但還蠻精緻,口味也不錯。. 蛋糕、泡芙、馬芬都好好吃喲, 價錢也非常的平實! 頗推~~. 剛好沒有想要的口味了 就買了小泡芙以及櫻桃熔岩巧克力蛋糕 泡芙甜而不膩 巧克力蛋糕一個人吃完會比較膩~ 但是很好吃 !. [read more]