The muffin brunch is really delicious. I have been here for several times! The location is near to Big City, it's convenient to park too. I'll visit here again soon!. [read more]
醉好食雞 is a restaurant, located at No. 104, Nanya Street, North District, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +886 986 837 857 for more detailed information. [read more]
Awsome Pizza's. . . well, who could go wrong with a pizza right??? Try all the big names. . . . . At Nico's its a hand tossed delight. The base is as crispy as it needs to be and the toppings are.. [read more]
朋友情侶約會聚餐好去處 但今天的青醬有點鹹 所以扣一顆星 其他都好吃👍👍👍 首推薦他們的燉飯~ 抹茶奶酪好吃喔~. Food is great, and the waiters are so wonderful!. [read more]
價格實惠,麵飯都還不錯吃~. 老闆手藝不錯餐點好吃. 乾意麵很好吃又香. [read more]
Theatre is nice, spacious, clean, and easy. Not much more you can ask for. I saw the latest Star Wars film on a Friday night opening weekend and the theatre had hardly anyone there. [read more]
接受大量預訂。 少量購買請至竹蓮市場。. [read more]
中途休息的好地方。. 免費休息好地方. [read more]
滷大王麻辣燙新竹元培 is a restaurant, located at 300, Hsinchu City, Xiangshan District, 新竹市元培街290號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 927 387 029 for more detailed information. [read more]
很好吃!從小到大都吃這間的!(*´∀`). 有古早味的……早餐店。. 純樸,好吃,便宜。 O: 河粉蛋餅,蘿蔔糕。. [read more]
買了蘋果牛奶和酪梨牛奶,蘋果牛奶我選無糖、不過很甜、很有蘋果香,很好喝,酪梨牛奶也是有不錯的水準. 果汁現榨很好喝。. 現打,好喝的果汁. [read more]
好吃也經濟實惠. 牛肉燴飯挺好吃的,價格也不貴. [read more]
漢堡大師龍山店(早午餐) is a meal takeaway, located at No. 250, Section 3, Longshan Road, Zhunan Township, Miaoli County 351. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 762 2833 for more detailed information. [read more]
千層真的好好吃!. 千層好吃,不會太甜. 蛋糕超好吃的,很清爽,不甜,吃完身體無負擔的感覺,用餐環境也很多。超讚!. [read more]
口味與一般連鎖店完全不同 非常好吃 列入口袋名單 值得再來. 湯頭美味,價位合理,用餐環境佳。 會是我的薑母鴨餐廳名單首選!. [read more]
滷大王麻辣燙苗栗育達 is a restaurant, located at No. 100, Xuefu Road, Zaoqiao Township, Miaoli County 361. They can be contacted via phone at +886 972 390 911 for more detailed information. [read more]
The best things we've had here are their extra spicy fried chicken (jipai) and their mango snow ice. The boys will sometimes mess up our order and some of the other foods aren't very good, but.. [read more]
Good place to take a break and grab some food if you find yourself driving the west coast highway. Good selection of American dishes and some Mexican selections. [read more]
推薦甜燒餅 傳統的味道. 91歲健壯的老爸爸老闆凌晨1點去店裡煮豆漿 等4點半第一盤肉燒餅出爐 吃個燒餅配一鋼杯豆漿 一邊跟我們講著他以前的豐功偉業 5點半滿足的飆著他寶貝的電動車下班回家睡覺去囉. [read more]
豆漿很香濃好喝,蛋餅餅皮很Q彈,分量很大。. 蛋餅裡面有紅蘿蔔絲味道很好,但店裡衛生需要加強點. 蛋餅,蘿蔔糕,煎包都好吃,主推. [read more]
炒飯,炒麵一級棒. 炒飯好吃,以前有賣過的牛肉麵更是棒棒,希望可以再吃到牛肉麵. 炒飯,大魯麵好吃. [read more]
真才實料,好喝。. 香濃好和,新竹物價好高70元. . . . . 喝過這家,你應該不會在別的地方點木瓜牛奶了. [read more]
臭很大臭豆腐上面醬汁很厲害! (泡菜是百香果口味個人不愛) 鹹酥臭豆腐很特別好吃嚕甲嚕唰嘴~ 湯豆腐的份量十足湯好喝。. 口味多,外酥內嫩,搭配百香果泡菜很對味,清爽. 店家最特別的就是水果醃製過後的泡菜,配上臭豆腐,口感清爽不油膩,值得來試試看喔~. [read more]
這湯頭真的不是蓋的,好喝不膩也不油!!. 是竹南越式羊肉爐的創始店,隔壁的是徒弟開的。創始店老闆對湯頭很有信心,個人認為香味比徒弟的店香,口味倒是屬普通,不算重口味。. 碳烤羊肉爐,真的是料多味美又便宜,是來這兒必點的,其它點菜類覺得較鹹,較屬下酒菜吧!. [read more]
乾淨衛生還可以加蒜頭跟洋蔥. 鹹酥雞外脆內多汁,雞屁股肉多不乾材,小黃瓜多水爽口(四季豆比較多纖維). 喜歡這裡的鹽酥雞、炸雞翅、豆干跟脆薯!脆薯加梅粉我家小孩很愛~. [read more]
改名稱:新竹悅豪;住房休息皆宜。「早餐非常棒,接待外賓「日客」,都稱讚不已呢!. [read more]
文史書籍豐富,有大量的明清檔案和近乎完整的清代內務府檔案;今天更尋到不少的日本平安、鐮倉時代繪卷,可說是相當難得。比較可惜的是近代畫家畫集只有菱田春草一人。. 不錯,就是遠了點. 這地方跟迷宮一樣. [read more]
1976年高一的教室就在圖書館旁邊,常借散文書籍看~. [read more]
幸福花園影音租書坊 is a library, located at Minghu Road, East District, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 529 7192 for more detailed information. [read more]
Library & Information Building is a library, located at No. 110號, Xuefu Road, Toufen City, Miaoli County 351. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 760 5500 for more detailed information. [read more]
可以去裡面看書,體會當地人的日常,還可以聽到當地人以客家話聊天,很親切。. 充實知識好所在. 館藏豐富,交通便利. [read more]
以兒童繪本引導美術創造力的課程,深受三歲到小六的孩子喜歡。他們在此建立自信、培養美感及創造力,透過清潔收拾,養成負責任的人格。繪本的議題無限廣闊(從親子關係、友誼、自我認知、生命教育、風土民情、自然萬物到兩性關係),可以帶領孩子獲得無限的心靈成長及視野,並透過內在的轉化,變成自己獨一無二的創作。. 優質美術教育,讓小朋友自由發揮創意。. [read more]
芎林鄉立圖書館 is a library, located at No. 290, Wenshan Road, Qionglin Township, Hsinchu County 307. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 592 3641 for more detailed information. [read more]
君毅高中圖書館 is a library, located at No. 245號, Gongyi Road, Zhunan Township, Miaoli County 350. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 762 2009#22 for more detailed information. [read more]
精密儀器發展圖書館 is a library, located at No. 20號, R&D 6th Rd, East District, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 577 9911#305 for more detailed information. [read more]
造橋國中圖書館 is a library, located at 361, Miaoli County, Zaoqiao Township, 27號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 762 2773 for more detailed information. [read more]