老闆娘很親切!房間設施很有味道!善用花蓮在地特色!鄰近柴魚博物館和七星潭. 簡單舒適!!老闆娘人很貼心~另有單人房可以詢問,一個人旅行的好住所. 簡便舒適和溫暖的夏屋家人. [read more]
iFly B&B is a lodging, located at No. 275, Zhongmei Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 970. They can be contacted via phone at +886 980 287 422 for more detailed information. [read more]
動作快 服務好 芭樂芒果柳橙超好喝. 水果很新鮮 但是果汁有點甜. [read more]
舒適乾淨,但熱水壺使用時有雜質,希望改善。. I love here. Thank you so much. . 很棒!天花板是通的~隔音不好~但是應有盡有. [read more]
台灣的加油站,到處都有加油的。只要你願意. [read more]
價格跟賣場一樣便宜,服務又親切. 價格實在,優良店家. [read more]
希望能跟進其他門市引進熟食與咖啡專區. [read more]
「宜蘭座」是宜蘭最早開業之戲院,風水師說,這原是一處蓮花池吉穴,為黄阿西家族的地產。由本地人黃天賜、吳蕃薯、林長陽、黃崇煌、黃火木、黃來富、呂長柏等發起,組成「宜蘭劇場株式會社」,集資八萬日圓,以鋼筋水泥興建二層樓建築,工程花費共三萬餘日圓。 1933年的8月24日宜蘭座正式開幕,係宜蘭重要地標,落成後演出多仍以歌仔戲、新劇為主,1940年代後有聲電影盛行,更改為播映電影為主,戰後更名為「宜蘭戲院」,1990年停止營業而荒廢,現整體建築仍在。 宜蘭座係蘭陽第一座電影院,佔地305坪,甚具規模,鋼筋水泥二層樓高(上下建坪289坪),係屬日人所謂「近世復興式」建築,外觀為折衷主義樣式,具對稱之正立面,入口居中,上方為弧形山牆,檐口有線腳及裝飾,角隅兩端量體突出是為售票室及廁所。長條窗及窗上鑲嵌的彩色玻璃,化解厚重沉穩之建築量體,特別反映當時現代時尚而又活潑輕盈的娛樂文化特色。。總體裝飾為新藝術(Art Deco)風格,正面跨距氣勢磅薄,且山牆上的山頭、雨庇等均一再簡化,再以帶狀幾何(Geometric designs)紋飾收束邊線;兩側翼塔上採大幅斜紋窗格,簡潔俐落;牆面用洗石子(Wall of washed stones),即將一定比例的水泥與細石混合,抺上牆身,待未乾快乾之際,噴水洗去表層,使露出砂粒表面;另外,也使用北投窯出產陶製的13溝面磚來構成裙腳。 小學時還曾在裡面看過電影「唐山過台灣」。. [read more]
隸屬鎮公所的公墓,每年清明節前來慎終追遠、祭拜祖先的人潮不斷,是先人的安詳之地,土地越來越少,現代人的安詳地,已往納骨塔發展,是一種趨勢。. [read more]
步道不長,下午或清晨來運動很適合,欄杆有些年久失修,可以釣魚. [read more]
服務很好,價格便宜(算次的,如果會騎很久,就真的有便宜)。平日租車費用每次(不限時)自行車100-150元,親子車150元(有小嬰兒及小朋友兩種親子座椅),二人電動車500元,四人電動車800元。營業時間07:00-18:00。地點:日暉飯店正門停車場旁。. 老闆人很好,有腳踏車也有電動車. [read more]
登茂五金百貨 is a home goods store, located at No. 240, Zhongshan Road, Chishang Township, Taitung County 958. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 986 3381 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kolin歌林(中林电器行) is a home goods store, located at No. 327, Section 2, Zhongshan Road, Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 870 1105 for.. [read more]
伯安健康药局 is a pharmacy, located at 962, Taitung County, Changbin Township, 106、. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 983 2519 for more detailed information. [read more]
很不錯,細心,技術也好,又便宜,推薦。. 剪髮技術很好 理髮師又很會聊天 氣氛也不錯. [read more]
广达超级商店 is a convenience store, located at No. 108, Xinsheng Road, Chishang Township, Taitung County 958. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 986 2343 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務很好,誠信好店. [read more]
價位偏高,但真材實料 可品茶或選用套餐,套餐含甜點飲料 環境氛圍佳,整潔乾淨 店長親切. [read more]
Good coffee made by the owner who is clearly a coffee lover & expert. No English spoken but you can get by with friendly gestures. Simple atmosphere but recommended!. [read more]
合口味的鹹酥雞,店面乾淨,炸物選項多,可以選擇加不加蒜蔥,服務流程流暢,經過值得嚐嚐。. 雞排鮮嫩多汁,不會柴也不會乾,炸麵衣也是薄薄的一層而已,很讚,另外值得一推的是皮蛋和雞蛋豆腐,炸過的皮蛋不會有直接吃的那種臭味在. Nicely cooked. Late night meal best choice in Nangang area. [read more]
仁心仁術,有德有能。. [read more]
應有盡有價廉物美. [read more]
沒什麼話好說,就是老闆跟老闆娘人好到爆炸,解說旅遊景點跟路線也很詳細,又可以租機車,是以後搭車來鹿谷溪頭杉林溪玩的唯一選擇!. 人非常好,介紹環境景點都很棒,還有一隻愛撒嬌的貓咪. 服務非常到位,整體給人感覺非常良好. [read more]
尚美家具行 is a home goods store, located at No. 46, Hai'an Road, Ji’an Township, Hualien County 973. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 852 0327 for more detailed information. [read more]
過年有提供肉粽,蠻特別的。. [read more]
良晨实业有限公司 is a gas station, located at No. 210, Section 3, Suhua Road, Su'ao Township, Yilan County 270. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 998 6309 for more detailed information. [read more]
三小朋友啦!!敢偷帳號. [read more]
房間和浴池都很大,附茶點泡麵飲品。CP值高。. 舒服,空間足夠,接待人員主動,唯一需改善是房間的塌塌米已有些損壞. 不錯的民宿,服務好房間舒適! 早餐是套餐式的,浴池超大, 我180腳可以在池裡伸直!. [read more]
讀書室 is a library, located at No. 48, 新興路168巷宜蘭市宜蘭縣 Taiwan 260. [read more]
双龍電器行 is a home goods store, located at 265, Yilan County, Luodong Township, 宜蘭縣羅東鎮興東南路69號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 955 4400 for more detailed information. [read more]
祥勝電器有限公司 is a home goods store, located at No. 433, Section 3, Yicheng Road, Dongshan Township, Yilan County 269. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 957 4379 for more detailed information. [read more]
暐長企業股份有限公司, located at No. 15, Dexing 4th Road, Dongshan Township, Yilan County 269. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 990 9411 for more detailed information. [read more]
大四美民权店 is a clothing store, located at No. 49, Minquan Road, Luodong Township, Yilan County 265. [read more]
冠傑汽車有限公司 is a car repair, located at 241, Yilan County, Su'ao Township, 三重區新北大道二段202號之1. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2995 2508 for more detailed information. [read more]
Food, shop and (some) staff ratings Press LIKE for updates When you go inside of section 2, after checking in and going through the barrier, there are not many choices :-( but I suggest that.. [read more]
郵局雲林第三代辦所 is a post office, located at No. 224, Minsheng Road, Douliu City, Yunlin County 640. [read more]