Once Once is a cafe, located at 永康區中華西街183號, Tainan, Taiwan 710. They can be contacted via phone at 0905606543, visit their website www.onceonce.net for more detailed information.
Taste, life and more touched. Once,曾經,那讓我們踏入這美妙世界的感動。 Once,在不斷追求過往的感動時,體會到了原來這些美好都是一期一會。 自家烘焙咖啡豆專賣!
Tags : #CoffeeShop, #VegetarianVeganRestaurant, #Vegetarian/veganRestaurant
Taste, life and more touched. 挑選出最優質的生豆,烘焙出最佳的風味,並以損耗最少的包裝方式將其呈現給各位就是我們的使命! IG: onceonceoo Twitter: @OnceOnceOO LINE@ID: @ong0094w
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