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MTC Online (Mandarin Training Center Online) is a university, located at 6F, Bo-ai buiding, Lane 129, Sec. 1, He-ping East Road, Da-an District, Taipei, Taiwan 106. They can be contacted via phone at 8862-7734-5133, visit their website www.mtconline.tw for more detailed information.

NTNU Mandarin Training Center Online 師大國語中心線上課程

Tags : #CollegeUniversity, #College&University

Location :
6F, Bo-ai buiding, Lane 129, Sec. 1, He-ping East Road, Da-an District, Taipei 106
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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Opening Hours

  • Monday 08:30 - 17:30
  • Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
  • Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
  • Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
  • Friday 08:30 - 17:30
  • Saturday -
  • Sunday -



本中心學員的文化及語言背景各不相同,但共同目標都是為了學習如何有效使用中文。有的人學中文是為了目前工作需要或是增加就業機會,有的人 則是因為對中國文化及歷史感興趣。不論學生學習中文的理由是什麼或是程度如何,本中心都會幫助學生學習及善用中文,並瞭解中華文化的特色。

MTC Online為國語教學中心遠距教學計畫,從2011年開始,已泰國PSRU、KPRU、美國加州大學長堤分校、巴拿馬中巴文化中心、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學等多所學校、機構進行遠距華語文教學實驗。在一個學年度的實驗課程中,共計培育了五校將近117位的學生。


Mandarin Training Center, a subsidiary of National Taiwan Normal University, was founded in the autumn of 1956 for teaching Chinese as a second language. Currently, MTC is the largest and the most renowned Chinese language center, with around 1,700 students from more than 70 countries enrolled each academic quarter(three months.)

MTC students come from different culture and language backgrounds. They share the common goal of learning to communicate in Chinese effectively--some for employment; some for interests in Chinese culture and history. Many students have never learned Chinese before they enroll in MTC. Some start from intermediate and advanced level. No matter your motive for learning Chinese or the level of your Chinese, MTC will do all it can to help you make rapid progress.

MTC Online is a distance learning program developed by MTC. Starting from 2011, MTC Online worked with various universities and schools and offered them pilot courses, including Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University (Thailand), Kampheng Phet Rajabhat University(Thailand), California State University at Long Beach (USA), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), and Centro Cultural Chino Panameo (Panama). The pilot courses were offered for the period of one year. During that year, 117 students of the 5 institutions took the courses.

In order to meet the increasing demand for Chinese language courses, MTC Online was launched officially in 2012 to recruit students. Learners interested in learning Chinese now can take real-time Chinese lessons no matter where they are. Welcome to join us!

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