Lieyu Township is a rural township in Kinmen County, Fujian Province, Taiwan. It is also known as Lesser Kinmen in which it is an island of the Republic of China, located to the west of the.. [read more]
簡單、乾淨又好吃. [read more]
手工羅馬式比薩外帶 現點、現做、現烤 每日自家製小甜點. [read more]
當遊子選擇重回這片碧海藍天,停留在最熟悉的地方,將回憶翻箱倒櫃,讓無數的過往交織匯集——在盛夏之際,夢想恣意萌芽——和你一起分享我的「小蒔光」。. [read more]
如果你不曾離開過你原本的世界 你不會找到你應該走的路 If bistro. [read more]
金門在地自創品牌,讓您在這享有輕鬆愉快的美食. [read more]
100%新鮮堅果烤焙熟成 現磨堅果醬經過乳化成為堅果奶 沒有五穀粉的過多添加 也沒有燕麥奶植物奶常溫保存而失去營養元素 最安心的堅果飲就是NUTTEA. [read more]
一生懸命 いっしょけんめい 做好每一碗麵、以極致的湯頭 一麵入魂。. [read more]
營業時間周一至周日 上午11:00-晚上9:00. [read more]
霸味薑母鴨 金門店 is a restaurant, located at 金門縣金湖鎮新市里中興路11號, Kinmen, Fu-Chien. They can be contacted via phone at 082-337551 for more detailed information. . [read more]
鮮鹽堂泰式鹽水雞 金門金城店 is a restaurant, located at 金門縣金城鎮中興路161巷11號, Kinmen 893. They can be contacted via phone at 0979335500 for more detailed information. [read more]
嚴選澎湖新鮮海魚 空運金門 健康新主張. [read more]
每天早晨的幸福,就從蝸居開始。 營業時間: 週ㄧ~週五 6:00am~11:00am 週六~週日 6:00am~11:30am. [read more]
呱呱叫早餐店 is a restaurant, located at 金湖鎮新市里菜市場10號, Kinmen 891. They can be contacted via phone at 0963333609 for more detailed information. . [read more]
加 減 乘 廚 提 供 舒 適 寬 敞 的 空 間 午 餐 / 晚餐 / 下午茶 輕食沙拉/日式咖哩飯/歐姆飯/義大利麵/焗烤飯麵/特色火鍋 點心*飲品*咖啡*格子鬆餅*濃湯*幸福小品 歡迎大家光臨. [read more]
查歐廚房於12/16 隆重開幕囉!! 開幕期間:12/16~25 來店消費打卡打9折喔~~ 歡迎蒞臨指教!!. [read more]
金門一碗麵 is a restaurant, located at 金城鎮金山路2巷1弄5號, Kinmen. They can be contacted via phone at 082-329780 for more detailed information. . [read more]
日式鐵板燒 創意無菜單料理 官方line:@dwx2951d 歡迎加入Line官方訂位. [read more]
官裡金許園餐廳宴客小吃闔家歡迎. [read more]
雞排健康新吃法 九色醬燒雞排油炸後 經過紅外線醬燒,將多餘的油脂逼出來 吃起來更健康,風味口感更佳哦! 每週日公休!. [read more]
以「坑道」的歷史背景及環境為主題在金門打造一間充滿故事並且以當地特色食材研發的炭烤餐廳;在回味金門濃厚昔日風華的同時不僅能夠嚐到道地的口味更在用餐時有身歷其境的感覺,並期望實踐我們「Gold rush & Chomping meat」的精神,不僅能來金門「淘金」,更能大口吃肉。. [read more]
地址: 金門縣金城鎮莒光路. [read more]
位於金湖鎮公有菜市場第一排 電話: 082-330582. [read more]
佳佳早餐店,從民國92年開設至今 老闆娘的堅持用好水好米煮好粥 用心為每一位客人把關~. [read more]
牛肉麵 / 金門特產 營業時間:10:00-19:00 訂位專線�:082-332779. [read more]
雙醬咖哩金門金湖店 Nice Nine is a restaurant, located at 金門縣金湖鎮黃海路25號, Kinmen 891. They can be contacted via phone at 082335601 for more detailed information. [read more]
美味又實在的平價牛排館,歡迎來電預約!. [read more]
金門韓國小姐的韓國炸雞 is a restaurant, located at 金門縣金城鎮西門里光前路97-2號(金門高中籃球場對面), Kinmen 893. They can be contacted via phone at 0974027074 for more detailed information. [read more]
特色義大利麵. 焗烤通心麵. 排餐. [read more]
金門第一間雲泰美食料理,中式熱炒雲南,泰式美食! 歡迎蒞臨品嚐雲南大薄片,雲南豌豆粉,泰式椒麻雞,月亮蝦餅!. [read more]
每個月的第2、4禮拜的星期四公休. [read more]
鴻的私家廚房 is a restaurant, located at 金門縣金湖鎮山外街19號, Kinmen 891. They can be contacted via phone at 082-336879 for more detailed information. . [read more]
阿芬海產店 is a restaurant, located at 金門縣金湖鎮溪湖里復國墩25號, Kinmen 891. They can be contacted via phone at 082331139 for more detailed information. . [read more]
蔥爆青椒 牛肉、豬肉燴飯。韭菜、豬肉煎餃。可內用、外帶。. [read more]
弘爺漢堡金湖店 is a restaurant, located at 51, Zhongzheng Road, Jinhu Township, Kinmen County 89142. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 233 6008 for more detailed information. [read more]
小火鍋. 鍋燒意麵. [read more]