四葉草工坊 is a bakery, located at No. 19, Alley 3, Lane 188, Hanmin Road, Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City 812. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 802 3200 for more detailed information. [read more]
山水國金牛角 is a bakery, located at No. 653, Hanmin Road, Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City 812. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 801 8019 for more detailed information. [read more]
好吃。衛生。美味。. [read more]
有不同的組合套餐,可以依各人喜好點餐,價格便宜,魠魚羹料多大塊,炸皮Q彈有咬勁,口味偏甜。三號餐+燙青菜=165元,各人覺得很划算。. 好吃但這幾年來漲價不少,比較不常去吃了。 推薦點小碗土魠魚羹+小菜,有清涼解渴綠豆湯. 週一中午用餐,在地人推薦的,土魠魚肉鮮甜,獨家特製的鳳梨茶喝得出水果渣,搭配一起非常美味!老闆娘親切還熱心提醒門口有消暑綠豆湯,下次還要來吃!. [read more]
聖菩企業有限公司 is a storage, located at No. 221, Gushan 2nd Road, Gushan District 804. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 531 5952 for more detailed information. [read more]
有寵物美容,各種寵物商品,方便選購。. 乾淨,親切。會主動送上促銷贈品. 服務很好,東西較多,選擇性高,寵物也比較多,但寵物年齡大了些. [read more]
毛小孩的東東還真是不少,價格適中. 這裡是毛小孩最喜歡的地方. 店員態度良好 我需要的產品,有好的優惠價格. [read more]
1. 當月生日壽星有滿千現折100的活動,時不時也會有優惠活動,價格滿實惠的。 2. 除了某位年長的服務人員比較會推銷,其他服務人員態度都不錯。其中戴眼鏡的小姐很熱心、喜歡跟客戶聊天,幫我找固定NuBra的無痕膠帶,雖然無法給予專業的建議(那些比較不會過敏、留痕跡、流汗不容易掉?),但還是感謝她的熱心與祝福。. [read more]
康宇藥局 is a pharmacy, located at No. 100, Mingcheng 2nd Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 359 0375 for more detailed information. [read more]
DiDa Pets Grooming Salon Trimming School is a pet store, located at No. 975, Dashun 2nd Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 390 8768 for more.. [read more]
好酥胡寵物工坊 is a pet store, located at No. 75-21, Shaochuan Street, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City 804. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 531 9912 for more detailed information. [read more]
建昌药局 is a pharmacy, located at No. 105, Shiquan 1st Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 323 2356 for more detailed information. [read more]
高雄青發文物 is a jewelry store, located at 800, Kaohsiung City, Xinxing District, Liuhe 2nd Road, 21號1樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 932 822 802 for more detailed information. [read more]
Have done business with them for years and very reliable. . 款式很多 服務親切. [read more]
金玉珍珠宝銀楼 is a jewelry store, located at 803, Kaohsiung City, Yancheng District, Wufu 4th Road, 222號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 521 8889 for more detailed information. [read more]
很棒,有買到喜歡的. 40多年的老店 店裡卻很時尚 金飾選擇眾多 服務親切 專對客戶需求挑選👍. [read more]
小小的空間,裡面有許多有趣的作品,LOGO和招牌的設計感都很棒!. 關於金工的好地方. [read more]
Juno嘉龍珠寶在高雄已經經營二十幾年了!專業服務!任何損壞或者客製服務都非常到位!很棒的珠寶專櫃!. [read more]
玉米小站(高雄) is an electronics store, located at No. 40, Xiande Shichang Ln, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 806. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 723 6392 for more detailed information. [read more]
Welcome to here happy. 24小時營業,價格算便宜,商品種類算多. 24小時營業,店面廣大,提供生鮮食品及各種百貨,給夜貓族或晚班的民眾,方便購物的好地點. [read more]
He Pure Design is a furniture store, located at No. 348, Qingnian 1st Road, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City 800. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 272 1122 for more detailed information. [read more]
修理速度快,我的箱子急著要用,老闆娘一個下午就修好了!. 修理拉鍊技術還不錯,但價格似乎不定,隨老闆喊價。. 種類齊全,服務周到,價格很公道!. [read more]
EMILY is a clothing store, located at No. 228, Renzhi Street, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City 80053. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 281 3280 for more detailed information. [read more]
炫衣行精品服飾(童裝) is a clothing store, located at No. 8, Lane 7, Wufuyi Road, Fengshan District, Kaohsiung City 830. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 812 3865 for more detailed information. [read more]
Georg Jensen (at Dream Mall) is a clothing store, located at 1F, No. 789中華五路前鎮區高雄市 Taiwan 806. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 970 0991 for more detailed information. [read more]
WHY AND 1/2 童裝 高雄漢神 is a clothing store, located at 801, Kaohsiung City, Qianjin District, 成功一路266之1號5樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 216 2865 for more detailed information. [read more]
WHY AND 1/2 童裝 高雄夢時代 is a clothing store, located at 806, Kaohsiung City, Qianzhen District, Zhonghua 5th Road, 789號5樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 823 2471 for.. [read more]
老闆技術不錯而且專業知識足不會亂收費用!. 老闆親切,功夫好,不會誤診亂換零件。只賣原廠零件品質絕對保障。. 老闆人親切,而且對油品有很深的了解,也會先了解你的騎車方式來建議你該換什麼樣的黑油比較好!. [read more]
師傅超專業的!一直以來底盤的異音一直無法解決,回原廠2次還是無解,結果順成師傅一試車馬上知道問題在那?而且問題竟是回原廠跟換零件所造成的,原廠自己造成的問題,自己都不知道而且還無法解決,超扯的!底盤的異音有如盲刺在背,超不舒服的,感謝順成師傅幫我解決😄😄,大力推!. 價錢公道,服務跟環境很好. 師傅維修專業服務熱忱價位公道生意絡繹不絕,比起一些網路名店好太多了,是間在地低調優質的店家。. [read more]
看到這裡的評價兩極,決定親自感受。 今天下午和朋友到了貴店用餐,根本沒有遇到一些負評提及的事情, 店員的服務很好阿,而且也很親切,反而讓人覺得很開心很輕鬆很自在:) 讓人不經懷疑是不是評論者自己的態度或要求太過無理, 只能為店家打抱不平,有些評論很明顯根本就是評論者自己的問題阿, 店家消費的注意事項在菜單上明明就寫得很清楚, 不知道為什麼有些人明明是自己違反店家的原則, 還是可以不動聲色的拿來當作給店家的負評。 來分享自己的今天的感受好了, 意外地愛上老奶奶檸檬蛋糕,配上濃郁的抹茶歐蕾,今天真的好幸福。 店家對於食材真的是嚴選! 除了裝潢的別緻,菜單上的小註記可以明顯看出店家真的是別有用心!. [read more]
旅遊行程規劃很用心. [read more]
好吃。ロ味佳,可告知老板要綜合,一次OK。. 仙草凍很滑,抹茶凍在最後味道湧現,與奶球非常配合。. 好吃~很消暑!只是配料份量不夠多. [read more]
白醬義大利麵很好吃哦!很喜歡,不過附餐可以再加強就更好了(๑´ㅂ`๑). [read more]
you can get almost every daily necessities you need here with cheap prices. there is promotion for the bread and pastries after 9 or 10pm (usually expire on that day or the next day so. [read more]
很有特色的小吃,八個人一起吃,有六個說很好吃,兩個說好吃,本團結論:懷舊口味口感很好,以85元有松板肉而言,CP值很高,配料量也夠,有來高雄的美食同好們,值得試試。. [read more]
中都牛排 is a meal takeaway, located at No. 129, Sanmin Street, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 80749. They can be contacted via phone at +886 910 765 319 for more detailed information. [read more]