The environment is spacious and comfortable. The designer discusses hairstyle needs and suggestions with customers in a professional and cordial manner. [read more]
彤髮藝 is a hair care, located at 鹽埕區大智路141號, Kaohsiung 803. [read more]
每個月星期四店休. [read more]
髮型設計. 頭皮. 頭髮護理. [read more]
高雄市鳳山區一家熱情以服務為首要的髮廊. [read more]
星亞造形沙龍 is a hair care, located at 高雄市三民區覺民路23號, Kaohsiung 807. They can be contacted via phone at 0952-860-251 for more detailed information. . [read more]
新技專業髮型美容,打造專屬亞洲人髮質的VIP級沙龍。髮品還在開架式商品中穿梭徘徊嗎?只有在真正的專業美髮沙龍所推薦的產品,才是最瞭解頭髮所需要!. [read more]
整體造型. [read more]
頭皮養護、髮質調理、造型設計諮詢 週一至週六 AM10:00~PM6:30每周日公休 店家觀看訊息次數較少,請顧客來電諮詢喔~ _為避免等待,敬請提早預約_. [read more]
日式創意沙龍,打造魅力無窮的你~. [read more]
專業、專屬、專注~ 塑造出有自信亮麗帥氣的自己在法樂髮型~ 服務內容:洗、剪、燙、染、護、育毛、髮品 資深美魔女Rita駐店,讓毛髮更賦予生命力!. [read more]
洗髮 350 剪髮(含洗髮) 800 頭皮養護 1000 護髮 800up 燙髮 2300up 染髮 2300up. [read more]
高雄最強接髮 染髮 燙髮 我是IRIS很高興為您服務. [read more]
洗燙染護通通有歡迎詢問. [read more]
開幕優惠價 剪髮99 洗髮100 染燙皆799元起 歡迎來店體驗^^. [read more]
量身打造個人風格髮型 服務內容: 洗髮/剪髮/護髮/染髮/燙髮. [read more]
髮廊. [read more]
米_hair salon 提供客製化的專制服務 剪髮/燙髮/染髮/護髮 /頭皮護理/ 彩妝/美睫 本店屬於工作室精緻一對一服務 人手有限 敬請見諒 ��. [read more]
營業時間 早上十點-到晚上八點. [read more]
美髮造型設計. 新娘美妝. 剪燙護染. 美甲彩繪. [read more]
《弄》Hair Salon is a hair care, located at 高雄市前金區新勝二街99號, Kaohsiung. They can be contacted via phone at 072411168 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Hairand hair is a hair care, located at 文化路52號, Kaohsiung 800. They can be contacted via phone at 072813333 for more detailed information. . [read more]
伊麗彩藝Hair salon is a hair care, located at 湖內區保生路159號, Kaohsiung 829. They can be contacted via phone at +886988005697 for more detailed information. . [read more]
自由髮藝工作室 is a hair care, located at 前金區光復二街20號1樓, Kaohsiung 801. They can be contacted via phone at 0931 887 551 for more detailed information. . [read more]
給追求有機 純凈 無毒 的你一個新選擇 Alter Ego 艾特 伊果 A. 96-99% 天然成份製成 B. 無毒 不含鎳 鉻 鈷等重金屬. [read more]
勾引go-in快速精剪鳳山光遠店 is a hair care, located at 鳳山區光遠路251號, Kaohsiung 830. They can be contacted via phone at +88677196736 for more detailed information. . [read more]
高檔環境 平價消費 佰元精剪. [read more]
暖色調的空間加上花草與精油香氣,讓你放鬆地做美髮. [read more]
https://www. instagram. com/Ian_1022__/. [read more]
一個專屬與你空間 離開喧鬧 壓力 屬於你我的寧靜結合連絡電話營業時間:上午11時-20時. [read more]
I'm Hair Desigher No. 12 秀婷 No. 12 A Ting 固定公休日:禮拜三 Rest day:Wednesday 預約方式 Reservation line:07-5812781 Message 黃秀婷(A Ting). [read more]
哈囉,我是Ryan,你的高雄髮型設計師!. [read more]
公休-星期天及第二四週星期一. [read more]
《新技專業髮型美容》創立於2003年,目前全台共有40家直營門店,上百位設計師夥伴,提供消費者美的服務。. [read more]
https://youtu. be/AWbl9csslso https://youtu. be/8O21zNa0vnk https://youtu. be/eUIrb193bKc https://youtu. be/qgAMFhbsO90 https://youtu. be/gmYogTJjzm4 https://youtu. [read more]
亮典美髮沙龍名店 is a hair care, located at 高雄市湖內區正義一路220號, Tainan 829. [read more]