全天然食材與香料,師承正統西餐主廚,源頭親自採買,親民價格回饋消費者。. [read more]
氣氛舒適. 豐富的菜單品項. 絕佳早午餐. 豐富拼盤. [read more]
馬弟瓦特 Muddy Waters is a restaurant, located at 鼓山區龍德路417號, Kaohsiung 804. They can be contacted via phone at +88675227211 for more detailed information. [read more]
《隱市牛麵》 一間不像賣牛肉麵的牛肉麵店. [read more]
CALL: 0982261367(Vi) 0952627187(Kevin). [read more]
[許記吹的肉圓]於102年4月成立(鳳山凱旋店),104年4月(鳳山大明店)加盟成立,105年4月(鳳山光復總店)正式成立,歡迎對台灣傳統美食有興趣的您來加盟創業~. [read more]
五星級銅板美食-許記鹹湯圓 (同鳳山北門和奇肉包). [read more]
高雄市小港區小港路150-1號 (全聯隔壁) � 078225388 0916383761 ����� 平價精緻便當一律65$ 歡迎來電預訂滿額即可外送 打卡按讚現折5元�. [read more]
漢來鐵板燒 is a restaurant, located at 漢來飯店45樓, Kaohsiung 801. [read more]
八方雲集鳳山中崙店 is a restaurant, located at Kaohsiung City Fengshan District Zhonglun Road 570. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 753 8139 for more detailed information. [read more]
沅味巷口飯糰大寮鳳林店 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市大寮區鳳林三路817號, Kaohsiung. They can be contacted via phone at 0905557187 for more detailed information. . [read more]
新視覺,老味道. [read more]
位於屏東市西市場(50年老店), 專賣豬肉純糯米手工湯圓. [read more]
帝元薑母鴨 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市岡山區中山南路337號, Kaohsiung 820. They can be contacted via phone at 076233420 for more detailed information. . [read more]
皇茗薑母鴨前金七賢店 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市前金區七賢二路238號, Kaohsiung 801. They can be contacted via phone at 072416881 for more detailed information. . [read more]
非常抱歉!賴家羊肉 不開放電話訂購 更不接受外送訂單 本店堅持客人現點現做 晚餐用餐時段人多 為了顧客都能吃到 剛做好的美食料理 造成顧客久候敬請見諒. [read more]
絕對獨ㄧ無二!!!大份量、料多的酥皮蔬菜蛋餅,早餐、中餐、晚餐都吃得到噢!. [read more]
當日現作古早味麵糊手工蛋餅. [read more]
【各分店資訊】 『六合店』PM 05:00 - AM 01:30 自立二路101號 07 285 3870 『鳳山和平店』AM 11:00 - PM 02:00 / PM 04:00 - PM 10:00 鳳山區和平路93號 07.. [read more]
獨一無二的好滋味. [read more]
酒吞割烹-日本料理位於高雄市前金區仁德街238號. [read more]
酒吞 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市前金區仁德街238號, Kaohsiung 801. They can be contacted via phone at 07-2410672 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Temperatue Teppanyaki 使用百分之百原塊肉品 絕無組合肉品 無添加酵素粉、瘦肉精與嫩精粉 每塊肉質軟硬度,油花均稍有差異 白米飯使用台灣中部米 堅持品質、用心料理 不加收10%服務費. [read more]
北高雄最強宵夜!. [read more]
燙青菜的量超多(俗又大碗),紅燒湯頭是老闆精心熬煮的,總而言之就是讚!有品嘗過的朋友也來個讚吧!. [read more]
揉合傳統與時尚,石研室以實驗精神打造石頭火鍋新風味。 我們喜愛傳統石頭火鍋,湯底爆香的厚實風味總能讓人食欲大開, 配上寬闊明亮的空間更能輕鬆用餐。. [read more]
傳統越式美食. [read more]
屏東520早午餐 is a restaurant, located at 屏東市中正路313號, Kaohsiung 900. They can be contacted via phone at 08-7380052 for more detailed information. . [read more]
圓圓圈小集的「開心水餃」是一個非營利社團成立的小舖,我們希望能幫助更多需要幫助的身心障礙朋友,因此我們決定用 愛 圓一個夢,用 心 呈現最好的品質給您. . . . [read more]
美味關係義泰料理廚坊 is a cafe, located at 潮州鎮永吉路60號, Kaohsiung. They can be contacted via phone at +88687882948 for more detailed information. . [read more]
品格up臭豆腐鍋 頂庄店 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市鳳山區頂庄路180號, Kaohsiung 830. They can be contacted via phone at 88677929370 for more detailed information. . [read more]
帕莎帝娜 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市苓雅區和平一路146號, Kaohsiung 802. They can be contacted via phone at 07-2235199 for more detailed information. . [read more]
竹軒自助餐 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市楠梓區楠都西巷157號, Kaohsiung 811. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 351 1176 for more detailed information. . [read more]
榕園餡餅粥 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市左營區左營大路615號, Kaohsiung 813. They can be contacted via phone at 07-5810132 for more detailed information. . [read more]
希望各位多多捧場!純手工! 好的東西就該發揚光大!. [read more]