小孩一進到這裡就會乖乖坐著閱讀的神奇地方,大人也會在其中得到療癒,非常舒服的一間小店. 舒服的環境,繪圖本很多,闆娘很會引導孩子,說故事. 很適合帶小朋友來的好地方,繪本不僅能陪伴孩子成長學習,大人也能從中獲得新的體悟與療癒. [read more]
Remember eating at this restaurant in the 80's. Awesome western cuisine. . [read more]
欣賞日落夕陽美景的好地方. [read more]
Fantastic view! Though it takes USD250 per night, the swimming pool and beach are just so gorgeous. Staff are friendly and helpful, room are nice, clean and you can see the most beautiful.. [read more]
1每分鐘1元,最低消費60元,盥洗45分鐘50元(時數包含在閱讀的時間,不分開算) 2盥洗是一個淋浴間,但是因為有點老舊,所以有點尿騷味(但是因為我當自己是背包客所以沒差). 以分鐘計費,很適合工作中間休息時光顧,附有淋浴間可提供外地旅客休憩住宿 餐點小貴但有無限暢飲的飲品,可選擇包廂或開放式座位 有最新的漫畫和雜誌,電腦方面算是一般家用等級,是單身大大們的最佳去處!. [read more]
This place is quite simply a lot of fun! Let's start with the drinks, bourbon on well is a great start, the bartenders are super friendly and the drinks are great! Secondly, the food, we had the.. [read more]
漂亮的設計好吃的餐點. 環境優雅舒適,裝潢低調奢華,主廚餐餚堪稱高雄廚藝一流,好吃極了. 有趣味的小餐館,就像白人喜歡在自己花園種植花花草草 室內燈光氣氛算挺不錯的 ps:盡量穿長褲入店,不然太專心用餐會小蚊填飽肚子~ :D. [read more]
食衣住行育樂都的優惠都可以在這裡買到. 方便,提早訂票還能外送. 可買到團體票的好地方, 票價比一般便宜一折不等, 想省錢可以自己來參考. [read more]
很自在放鬆的部落,住宿是住在各個原住民人家裡,我們住的是琉璃之家,雖然沒有體驗課,但有機會還想再去。. 一個非常適合悠閒散步的地方,每間屋外圖騰各有特色,居民超級有善,不只介紹屋外美麗的花草,他們還會邀請我入內拍照。. 店家雖然不多,但都很有特色,走在街上像是尋寶一樣。. [read more]
Hong Kong style cuisine, all you can eat buffet, reasonable price, good dining environment, excellent services. Will return when return to Kao Hsiung next year. [read more]
單點吃到飽,還有甜點飲料冰品也是,算是cp值蠻高的,味道除了生魚片以外都比較重口味。 有素食專屬菜單,口味也不錯,而且價格低於一般客人,家庭聚餐可推薦。. 有停車場,雖說是吃到飽,但出餐速度快,不會像有些店出餐拖拖拉拉。. [read more]
Apparently this place is one that only locals know about. The beef noodles are the most famous dish here and they are really quite delicious, the beef is melt in your mouth and the soup is even.. [read more]
They have both Chinese and Western type of vegetarian options. We had the Western one and it was lovely, you can order either from the set menu, which come one salad and soup or independent order. [read more]
湯頭好喝不會很酸,肉片切的剛好,油肉分佈恰當,不會太厚也不會太油或太瘦,一口接一口。火鍋料自己覺得蛋餃好吃,不是外面乾乾的蛋餃會肉跟皮分離的。蔥油餅較厚但外酥內軟,很好吃。 個人不愛吃酸菜鍋,但吃得很開心。. 好吃,這就是重點。. [read more]
邦客多法國麵包料理專賣店 is a restaurant, located at 802, Kaohsiung City, Lingya District, 永興街27巷47弄5號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 201 2018 for more detailed information. [read more]
炒飯不錯! 炒粿稍微鹹一點,只不過料有點少。. 食品好吃又便宜. [read more]
多樣化可選擇,我爸媽是嘴挺挑的,很對他們的胃口。. 每樣都好吃!喜歡~尤其三杯雞跟花椒雞腿飯很推薦喔. 主菜很多元化,口感也不錯,鯖魚好吃。米飯比旁邊不遠的池上便當好吃。小建議,希望餐盤能換成瓷盤別用塑膠會更美味健康,還有點餐單別放在便當內(即便只放一下下). [read more]
想約人出去聚餐?約去一起旅行? 臨時的決定,又希望能少花些錢? 來門口看看,搞不好就會有你要的。. 有很多便宜的票. 購票省錢的地方!. [read more]
蘋果203 is a restaurant, located at No. 58, Fuxiang Street, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 806. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 721 6088 for more detailed information. [read more]
大口吃魯味 is a meal takeaway, located at No. 100, Gangshan West Street, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 806. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 751 7622 for more detailed information. [read more]
吃火鍋的好地方,有自助式冰淇淋吃到飽. 老闆親切,服務好. 湯頭好,食材算不錯,價格也便宜,服務態度可以再加強就是了。. [read more]
第一次給7號設計師燙頭髮感覺他好仔細,技術很好,我的頭髮不好燙,找過很多不同設計師弄都不ok,但自從遇到他我感覺我頭髮有救了,重點他服務超好喔!. 還不錯,可惜太會推銷. [read more]
Great places for big meals or finger foods with lots of American/Mexican/Chinese dishes to choose from. Great atmosphere to hangout. Serving size a bit on the lean side and tacos ain't the.. [read more]
We were staying at the Hotel Dua and were walking around the 'hood looking for a place to eat. We stumbled upon the Pupu Cafe. It is a casual cafe with a mix of breakfast dishes, sandwiches,.. [read more]
空間乾淨,人員友善. 在高雄,能夠吃到用心做出來的菜真是幸福。石斑魚火鍋2人鍋699元是2017年7月後新推出的我吃了兩回很不錯。. 連三年親友相聚吃飯,還是選擇海寶國際大飯店,值得!服務生親切溫和,停車方便,菜色滿意棒也!. [read more]
食材很新鮮,料理的方式把各種食材的獨特性,完美的做成一道料理,當然價位就比較高一些,但是來過的一定會想再來試其它料理... [read more]
You can find tasty meat selections here. Like other all-you-can-eat yakiniku places, you get similar meat & seafood selections, drinks and desserts like ice cream, sweet potatoes, mochi, etc. [read more]
現在套餐選擇蠻多,已經不像以前只有兩種可選,今天點松阪豬跟照燒雞腿都很有水準,其中照燒雞腿更是我吃過的照燒雞腿最好吃的,烤的焦脆的外皮一口咬下雞汁噴香又透出微辣,很讚!!. 空間寬敞舒適的裝潢,就連餐具也很講究統一 餐點都是現做需等待,吃得出來健康清淡與新鮮 極推薦帶長輩來吃!. 餐點價位不便宜,但是東西好吃又精緻。用餐環境也非常舒適,可以讓人非常放鬆。. [read more]
連吃飯都可以學習,老闆憑著日本酒的專業知識,讓客人知道原來日本酒是這麼深的一門學問,讓我這個井底之蛙大開眼界,原來清酒不是只有月桂冠,瀨祭………。很多牌子雖然沒什麼名氣,但在日本卻是人氣商品,而且店家確認完你喜歡的口感後,除了挑選適合自己口感的酒,並當場跟你報價,客人同意後才倒酒,很尊重客人。重點是價格換算起來加上中華民國萬萬稅後,跟日本的酒店比起來其實並不算貴!因為算一算機票,其實算值得的,值得大推的居酒屋。. [read more]
逛九乘九又累又渴時,來這裡休憩一下再好不過了。. 烤玉米筍,烤豆腐好吃,紅燒鴨配白飯很不錯(老公說要配啤酒). 叫杯野要整半粒鐘但可以坐好耐最低消費每人1杯野舒適ok. [read more]
Favorite place in Taiwan. Excellent food and beer selection. Wonderful atmosphere. I'm really happy to see it is still open and hopefully thriving. Hope to return one day!. [read more]
咖桑咖哩 (Permanently Closed) is a restaurant, located at No. 116-1, Kangding Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 806. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 821 9222 for more detailed information. [read more]
我中午去吃,就很平常啊,也不至於到吃不飽啦,湯有點少而已,就醬!. 料不多,想吃飽就得加點,不然就是飯(5元)多嗑幾碗! 晚班服務人員服務態度不錯,來吃好幾次,始終如一,不像是裝出來的! 只有兩種飲料可選擇,是滿不優的! 滿值得再去消費的火鍋店!不錯!. 東西蠻好吃的耶!價錢合理,只是服務人不太有服務精神就是了!!. [read more]
巷弄特色餐廳,近屏東市區,逢甲路內之逢甲商場內,以前這裡是最繁榮的商圈,滿滿的商店,下屏東市火車站🚉,一定會經過,逛一逛的屏東市一條最短最熱鬧的一條路了,但是,曾幾何時,似乎是十年河東,十年河西,風水輪流轉,整個商場的買氣流失。現在需要年輕一代來帶動人潮,進而錢💰潮入袋,有一間有特色的主題餐廳入住,會帶動,熱鬧起來。是好友家庭聚吃飯聊天好所在,年輕人最愛了♥♥♥😀😀😀 年輕老闆,頭腦動的快,一直更新菜單,飲料也有特色,辣🌶肉飯,好吃!🤜🤛. [read more]
簡單方便的個人小火鍋🥗. 雖然有時後打電話都不接,但是東西不錯. [read more]
建議可以先打電話預定,節省等待時間。. [read more]