營業時間星期一~星期五,早上10:00~14:00 星期六,日公休,國訂假日也休,健康新概念,吃出健康及美味。. [read more]
自然健康素食 is a restaurant, located at 鳳山區大明路112號, Kaohsiung 830. They can be contacted via phone at 07-7659037 for more detailed information. . [read more]
素食自助餐. [read more]
精緻日本料理,挑戰您的味蕾!. [read more]
御賀壽司以用心,創新的精神,現點現做每顆壽司。. [read more]
秉持食材新鮮、服務顧客至上是御禾屋同仁應有的職責. [read more]
御壽司。新幹線壽司 is a restaurant, located at 左營區明誠二路380號, Kaohsiung 807. They can be contacted via phone at 07-5506701 for more detailed information. . [read more]
只用單純的麵粉水和少量鹽巴造就最佳手工麵條的口感 濃郁紅油沿襲了川味的麻辣鮮香. [read more]
高雄市楠梓區 最美味最便宜的滷味!! 本店有外送服務 凡滿200元即可外送。 (外送距離限至本店5公里內). [read more]
一天活力來源就是早餐啦~ 快來找我們吃活力早餐喔. [read more]
We have english menu. 高雄市三民區吉林街94號 休假日於店內公告不特定日期. [read more]
營業時間:上午10:30~14:00 / 下午16:30~20:00。週三公休(逢農曆初一、十五照常營業,改週四補休). [read more]
鄰近旗山老街 新增美食 天天健康素 身體零負擔. [read more]
板前炭酒屋 is a restaurant, located at 三民區大昌二路1號, Kaohsiung 807. They can be contacted via phone at 073855154 for more detailed information. . [read more]
品深海魚湯 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市前鎮區光華二路307號, Kaohsiung 806. They can be contacted via phone at 0938389776 for more detailed information. . [read more]
新鮮食材,俗格大碗,老闆佛心來的~ 每盤真的~真的~真的只要99元。. [read more]
光華夜市廣東鮑魚粥 is a restaurant, located at 前鎮區光華二路377號, Kaohsiung 806. They can be contacted via phone at 07-5352592 for more detailed information. . [read more]
北村豆腐家【高雄左營彩虹市集店】 is a restaurant, located at 左營區高鐵路115號4樓(新光三越-高雄左營彩虹市集4樓), Kaohsiung. They can be contacted via phone at 073484288 for more detailed information. [read more]
平價,時尚,好吃的越南特色料理. [read more]
小豬咖啡 PIG Coffee is a cafe, located at 美濃區中山路一段86號, Kaohsiung 843. They can be contacted via phone at 076817176 for more detailed information. . [read more]
美濃品鄉小火鍋咖啡冷飲 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市美濃區民族路55-13號, Kaohsiung 843. They can be contacted via phone at 88676816902 for more detailed information. . [read more]
辰家招牌鮭魚炒飯 所有食材都是新鮮肉類海鮮 本店皆不使用任何加工食品 讓所有好冰友們都能吃的安心又健康. [read more]
奕勝鮮魚湯 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市楠梓區加昌路301號點心街B2, Kaohsiung 811. They can be contacted via phone at 073636575 for more detailed information. . [read more]
等一個人的時間是否需要停下腳步來享受咖啡時光!. [read more]
太將鍋旗山店. [read more]
我們的食物都是真材實料,絕不偷工減料,魚目混珠,食材最新鮮!! 我們靠近岡山火車站,走路只要5~10分鐘,停車場就在旁邊,交通真的很方便!!我們有最優質專業的婚禮佈置!!預約請來電. [read more]
http://tw. myblog. yahoo. com/lamp3853. [read more]
前大義市場三角窗早餐店 鹽埕國中正對面 招牌鮮奶茶是高牧牛奶+古早味紅茶,不是奶精哦!. [read more]
高師大附近的小麵館, 星期六公休, 歡迎蒞臨品嘗。. [read more]
Mihumisang��� 歡迎來自各地的朋友來�高雄二集團寶山假日市集� 找Aping. [read more]
台鋁-悅品點心 is a restaurant, located at Kaohsiung. [read more]
義大利人現做的手工窯烤pizza,在凱旋夜市開賣囉! 歡迎大家!Benvenuti!. [read more]
堅持現點現做 採用新鮮食材. [read more]
不論你是剛下高鐵或火車的旅客 或是住在附近的 歡迎於悠閒的早晨 來本店光顧 以十多年的經驗 自由的點餐選擇 絕對自信能滿足您的口味 也希望光顧的客人能夠給予批評指教. [read more]
林園新開的店面!! 歡迎大家來捧場~~ 真材實料,用心手工製作!!(耐心等候) 謝謝. [read more]
美濃老字號粄條專賣店,四代傳承老字號,民國五十五年創立至今. [read more]