秘境料理 源自新疆 異域美味 唇齒留香. [read more]
仁武區庄腳味精緻全自助餐,靠近大灣國中. [read more]
秉持著食材新鮮。當天現串現烤 新鮮的食材。讓烤迷吃得安心 👉從營業到打烊。食材均使用冷藏櫃保鮮 👉獨特醬料+配方撒粉. [read more]
高雄文化中心師大旁的人氣日式涮涮鍋。 當季的時蔬、有層次的高湯、天然的食材,老闆以身為澎湖人的驕傲推出了一連串的人氣單品,丸子三兄弟、海龍王海陸大餐值得您來品嚐。. [read more]
「本丸」就是飯糰!(台語) 為什麼要取三國志? 因為喜歡三國志! 為什麼取名「馬超」”? 因為喜歡鐵馬(自行車)^_^馬超騎鐵馬! 敬請期待!孔明車驛站(待續⋯). [read more]
真正源自香港的港點⋯⋯ 請來港福記體驗吧⋯⋯. [read more]
我們搬家囉!現在換到更棒的店面囉! 歡迎舊雨新知前來批評與指教!. [read more]
Hân hạnh phục vụ ẩm thực Việt cho cộng đồng Việt nam tại Đài loan. [read more]
Haijhuan Road is a restaurant, located at Haijhuan Road, Kaohsiung 811. They can be contacted via phone at +886978390047 for more detailed information. [read more]
法國及西班牙進口葡萄酒、西班牙原裝進口果汁 古巴雪茄、金門馬祖高梁酒 其他服務--- 1. 酒窖出租 2. 廚藝教室出租 ※ 未成年請勿飲酒吸菸. [read more]
古早味飄香四溢,不走華麗路線,遵循道地傳統熬製,濃厚回甘每一口都喝的到記憶中的美好味道,韻迴著香醇感 - 令你齒頰留香的滋味,古留香 - 「濃厚留香,綿延入心的幸福味」。. [read more]
王媽媽早餐-30年老店,最猴塞雷的就是『古早味蛋餅』,有傳統的青蔥口味,素食的高麗菜口味,還有新潮的培根,玉米,火腿,熱狗,起士和肉鬆口味。歡迎新朋友,好朋友們蒞臨指教哦!. [read more]
(自製/特製)古早味什菜。 醬煮虱目魚肚/虱目魚頭/鹽水吳郭魚。. [read more]
香港傳統的老茶居文化 單純將"兒食"記憶分享給大家. [read more]
想要大家吃的開心也吃的營養的早餐店. [read more]
想讓大家吃得開心也吃的營養的早餐店. [read more]
美食 道地 傳承 點心 菜香 垂涎欲滴. [read more]
基於一個想給大眾既新鮮又便宜魚貨的念頭於是有了這間店的誕生 我們把漁港搬到市區了!!! 一律批發價格!!. [read more]
八卦海鮮餐廳 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市鼓山區南屏路869號, Kaohsiung 804. They can be contacted via phone at 07 556 6619 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Feel the beats of the ocean with beautiful sunset view beside you and the starry, starry night above while having delicious meal and special drinks and fine wine. [read more]
來記河粉phỏ’ LAI KÝ is a restaurant, located at 高雄市仁武區永仁街323號, Kaohsiung 814. They can be contacted via phone at 0972008569 for more detailed information. [read more]
100%Vegan 素食 Bamboo Green tea, Healthy Fruit Tea Infusion/Herbal Tea Infusion (Caffeine Free)/Special Buddhist Menu,Bento Box for children. [read more]
素原真素食 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市楠梓區右昌街一巷一號(元帥廟旁邊), Kaohsiung 811. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 365 5015 for more detailed information. [read more]
平承八六日本拉麵專賣店 is a restaurant, located at 鳳山立德街230巷20號, Fengshan 830. They can be contacted via phone at 07-7416322 for more detailed information. . [read more]
BOSS 萬丹洪記牛肉湯 is a restaurant, located at 前鎮區康定路12-3號 (草衙), Kaohsiung 80673. [read more]
秋冬季節到來 親朋好友想約來一鍋 驅風去寒 疏筋通血 的帝皇食補薑母鴨吧 !溫暖你/妳的心 冷氣開放中~~. [read more]
提供中. 西式早餐及午餐,擁有優質用餐環境. [read more]
來自上海的手藝,結合人文和美食,期待和你因美食而相識,來一場文化的交流。. [read more]
洪家牛肉麵館 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市橋頭區橋南路131號, Kaohsiung 825. They can be contacted via phone at 07-6115760 for more detailed information. . [read more]
J米日式風味美食料理 菜單如上 室內電話:07-3853306 手機:0980391100 特色: 湯頭不添加人工味素 採用RO濾淨水 滿300元可外送(限附近). [read more]
炸遍專家二代店 手作炸雞x鹹酥雞 is a restaurant, located at 大社區中正路85-5號, Kaohsiung 815. They can be contacted via phone at 07-3520702 for more detailed information. . [read more]
回歸自然 、美好的甜點體驗, 這裡沒有複雜的手法、 食材 , 有的是一個熱愛甜點、烘培的心, 與乾淨、溫和的風味。. [read more]
皇茗薑母鴨大寮店 is a restaurant, located at 大寮區力行路198-1號, Kaohsiung 831. They can be contacted via phone at 077832256 for more detailed information. . [read more]
原野炭燒三明治手作料理 自製手作豬油淋餅 鮮奶茶/紅茶/咖啡牛奶 討生活是必然的~ 但專業. ~用心的經營. . . . . 才是真態度! 營業時間~05:00至13:00. [read more]
皇茗炭燒薑母鴨武廟店 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市中正一路206巷1弄1號, Kaohsiung. They can be contacted via phone at 07-7225622 for more detailed information. . [read more]
實採嚴選 採當日蔬菜 肉品新鮮 醬汁獨特不油膩. [read more]