環境舒適,讓人身心放鬆. ㄈ放鬆休息的好地方,美容師優質技術好. [read more]
A really well crafted studio with the touch of an international expert in the arts of making people prettier. . [read more]
KHLS手工皮件 is a shopping mall, located at No. 27, Lane 167, Wenheng 2nd Rd, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City 800. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 281 4305 for more detailed information. [read more]
佐登妮絲專業SPA_高雄青年店 is a spa, located at No. 85, Qingnian 2nd Road, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City 80248. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 269 5975 for more detailed information. [read more]
按摩師很年輕但技術很好,都有按到位!力道也拿捏得剛剛好!非常滿意,下次還會再去。. my best massage shop. 66號超棒!!航空組員出示證件有優惠折扣。腳底按摩加全身按摩可以舒緩一天累積的壓力。價格合理,按摩一流,必推!. [read more]
Massage was very good service, good attitude, experienced therapist, preety cute face (Thanks for M*nn*e). . 對人不錯 服務很好. 服務態度好,值得在來的店!!. 師父技術相當成熟 店裡環境也相當的整潔 小姐又很親切 值得再來 是ㄧ間Cp值很高的Spa指壓店. [read more]
很讓人放鬆的地方. [read more]
放鬆身體的好去處 塔羅為迷失的方向 找到出口 真的很讚呦!. 店長人超好超親切!不管想用多短時間多少預算達到變美目標,裡面的專業顧問都能為你量身打造屬於你的課程,快點來諮詢看看吧~. 想要紓壓放鬆 給自己身心靈三者平衡的最佳好去處 還有塔羅占卜為你解惑呦 太有趣了!. [read more]
EUNICE SPA 高雄光華館 is a spa, located at No. 148之84, Guanghua 1st Road, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City 802. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 222 1235 for more detailed information. [read more]
I like this place. It’s easy to get there with MRT, just get down at shopping district station from kaoshiung MRT station. A lot of foreign outlets, diverse cuisines and fun activities.. [read more]
服務態度與專業都很棒,全台灣的店面品質也很相近,接受服務的過程也很愉快,很推薦不愛聽服務人員廢話的客人可以去消費。. [read more]
女友覺得很讚,美容師專業. [read more]
A very beautiful and relaxing spa! Place is service oriented and only offers based on your needs, no pushy sales to sign packages and others. Staff are professional and well trained. [read more]
環境舒適。美容老師spa按摩技法非常舒服. 乾淨舒服 精油很純. [read more]
我只能說,棒透了. 美容師技術純熟,價格公道且會依照個人膚質使用保養品,最重要的是不會一直做商品推銷. [read more]
超舒服的~👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻. 商品都是用頂級的品牌,雖然價格偏高,但很值得來體驗看看~大推👍👍👍. 貼心的服務 和藹的態度 完美的課程 頂級的技術. [read more]
迷你倉庫出租(摩爾空間高雄獅甲店)-個人倉庫首選 is a moving company, located at 806, Kaohsiung City, Qianzhen District, 民權二路220巷1號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 973 5131#2 for more detailed information. [read more]
佐登妮絲專業SPA_高雄一心店 is a spa, located at 80641, Kaohsiung City, 高雄市高雄市前鎮區一心一路480號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 537 3178 for more detailed information. [read more]
介紹蠶絲被蠻有趣的,可惜時間有點短,頂樓3d圖可拍照. 這裡蠻大的,而且五樓那裡面有約360度的環繞式大螢幕,播放起來很壯觀!. 榮美教會 一定要去啊~ 不去可惜. [read more]
吉聯貨櫃股份有限公司 is a storage, located at No. 3, Kuojian Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 806. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 821 8811 for more detailed information. [read more]
Lena International Co. , Ltd. is a beauty salon, located at No. 221號, Guanghua 3rd Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 806. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 338 3799 for more.. [read more]
營造更幸福的地方. 現在的停車並太方便呢. [read more]
一個樸實,慢活的老街,呈現印象中鄉下街道的樣子,在地人生活的地方(多是老人與小孩),來這邊旅遊希望不要吵到當地居民,讓它呈現最簡單,樸實的面貌。. [read more]
健康經絡舒壓工作室 is a spa, located at 號, No. 106南正二路鳳山區高雄市 Taiwan 830. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 721 2627 for more detailed information. . [read more]
如何在充滿壓力的環境中找到解放壓力的方法 讓身心靈達到最佳的狀態 ……. [read more]
隆興冷凍廠 is a storage, located at No. 19, Dongya Road, Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City 812. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 811 1118 for more detailed information. [read more]
佐登妮絲專業SPA_高雄林園店 is a spa, located at 號, No. 46忠義二街林園區高雄市 Taiwan 832. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 642 9836 for more detailed information. [read more]
乐活舒缓馆 is a beauty salon, located at 943, Pingtung County, Shizi Township, 內獅段64號之1. They can be contacted via phone at +886 936 933 057 for more detailed information. [read more]
Aphro Beauty is a spa, located at 928, Pingtung County, Donggang Township, Yanping Road, 118號3樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 832 2047 for more detailed information. [read more]
Fu Xuan芙瑄美容美體美學Spa館 is a beauty salon, located at No. 80, Longhua Road, Fangliao Township, Pingtung County 940. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 878 1003 for more detailed information. [read more]
水乾淨,也有熱水池,小朋友的好去處~. 價格實惠,夏日的好去處. 水溫水值良好,還有遮陽設備!. [read more]
薩哈娜仕女spa is a beauty salon, located at 928, Pingtung County, Donggang Township, Shuiyuan Road, 209號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 903 552 889 for more detailed information. [read more]
很棒~ 有家庭湯屋 小與大間(較貴) 還有公眾的有分男女池~ 整體上來很舒適☺ 但是有個小缺點是通風可以好一點~ 剛進去女池門口就覺得好悶, 再往裡面走到沖澡區覺得更悶 另外園區內還有個小學 園區也很舒適 也有另外開放式的大眾池與泡腳池(週六才有水,其他時段沒有) 還有個小涼亭可以在泡完溫泉坐著吹吹風 (接近下午涼亭蚊蟲有點多). [read more]
四重溪茴香戀戀溫泉飯店,無論大眾湯或個人湯,設備都很完善,藍色的地中海風,是休閒的好地方!. 泳池. 戲水池. 兒童池可玩. 我朋友在這當救生員. Owner is nice, place is clean, bathroom is a bit small for my taste. . . Stayed for 2 nights. [read more]
很棒的服務態度……利於生日優惠券買一送一,服務生推薦最划算的組合,讓人覺得很貼心!很建議大家加入會員,雖然平時沒優惠價位算高,但活動很多,換算下來其實很平價!是個很適合和同事,朋友聚餐的地方……環境好,氣氛佳,分食著吃也吃的蠻飽的!超級推薦的!. Expensive but not bad food and services. [read more]
Loved the food, very reasonable priced for KH and you can get tiger beer for 60NT I left happy and full Also should add the service is fast. 可以搭捷運到鹽埕埔站再走路過來,大約10分鐘左右就會到。一群人吃宵夜的好地方,夜晚像熱炒店一樣很熱鬧. [read more]