高雄最新鮮!最好吃的海產店!. 在小港漁港的最裡面,第一次來不好找。. [read more]
聯邦銀行ATM-紅毛港文化園區 is an atm, located at 812, Kaohsiung City, Xiaogang District, Nanxing Road, 2808 號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2545 1788 for more detailed information. [read more]
大高雄二手家電二手冷氣買賣收購/到府冷氣回收冰箱回收舊廢家電回收 is a home goods store, located at 83165, Kaohsiung City, Daliao District, 林內路197號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 981 600 635 for more detailed information. [read more]
從小到大還是習慣在這看感冒,掛號NT$70,加兩星期份量的胃藥NT$16。. [read more]
惠生生醫科技股份有限公司 is a store, located at 932, Pingtung County, Xinyuan Township, Lane 407, Mazu Road, 15號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 868 4400 for more detailed information. [read more]
鄭耳鼻喉科診所, located at No. 258號, Linyuan North Road, Linyuan District, Kaohsiung City 832. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 643 8553 for more detailed information. [read more]
德鴻診所, located at No. 226, Xinsheng 3rd Road, Donggang Township, Pingtung County 928. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 832 1990 for more detailed information. [read more]
蔡瑞發診所, located at No. 170號, Xinsheng 3rd Road, Donggang Township, Pingtung County 928. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 833 1588 for more detailed information. [read more]
賣水果價錢非常公道,對待客人相當客氣。. 蓮霧很便宜好吃,但賣相不好,宜自己享用,每次買整堆. [read more]
太麻里日昇檳榔 is a store, located at 965, Taitung County, Dawu Township, 南興聯外道路. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 978 0006 for more detailed information. [read more]
I searched all the convenience stores in Kenting (all 4 of them I went into) and couldn't find any earplugs or eyebrow pencils. My husband went in with the intention of trying them out, but he.. [read more]
永福商店 is a store, located at 966, Taitung County, Daren Township, Anshuo Road, 112號號. [read more]
好吃的蓮霧跟芒果. 阿婆人好. 释迦好吃. 👍. [read more]
小鳳雜貨店 · is a store, located at 943, Pingtung County, Shizi Township, 47-1 號. [read more]
1... [read more]
覺得黑糖珍珠煮的有點太甜,牛奶的部份很OK唷. 比較了別家覺得顏姐真的比較好喝!. 好喝,客氣服務好的顏姐。 #LocalGuides. [read more]
消防局林邊分隊 is a fire station, located at No. 197之64號, Meihua Road, Linbian Township, Pingtung County 927. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 875 2119 for more detailed information. [read more]
新鮮現作,離碼頭又比較近,雖然有些口味調味差了點,但至少比連鎖的寶哥好很多。. 真心推薦!!好吃~. 便宜又好吃😋😋😋. [read more]
好吃又特別的海鮮,不同一般常吃的~. 口味好,價位算便宜,份量足,大推薦. [read more]
When you stand at specific place, you will find out people call it Richard M. Nixon head. Kids can walk on the coral reef beach. Easy parking. Conventional stores and restaurants are nearby. [read more]
醫生 護理師親切 環境衛生. 醫生人很好,昨天已看過其他醫生眼睛仍感到不適,今天來鍾眼科再看一次,醫生檢查後取出結石並沒有收掛號費,而且講解仔細,非常推薦👍. 醫師親切講客語,細心問檢。. [read more]
Seagull Rock, located at No. 60號, Pinge Road, 紡山鄉 Pingtung County 943. [read more]
今天來看橋,微風徐徐的吹,非常舒服,橋壯觀很多人來看,等待著開橋和關橋,覺得開心!. 每天16:30可目睹橋面升起,供船經過再降落,特殊建築。. 好玩√®[®±£√®®¥=©¥=©=©¥=©¥=©¥©=¥©¥ω{[=ω[=®=[©÷©÷©=¥®=¥ω=¥⊙=[ω[=®√¥©=[®[↓=®=¥®{. [read more]
國泰世華ATM (全家超商-崁頂頂孝店) is an atm, located at No. 188, Zhongzheng Road, Kanding Township, Pingtung County 924. They can be contacted via phone at +886 80 081 8001 for more detailed information. [read more]
國泰世華ATM (國壽潮州大樓) is an atm, located at 920, Pingtung County, Chaozhou Township, 延平路142號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 80 081 8001 for more detailed information. [read more]
設施還不錯,跟別的地方不一樣,小孩子玩的開心我也開心. [read more]
草地球刺激!一次一人200元,一球可進入2人。. 沙灘車很好玩,空中飛人很刺激!. 手和腰開始痠痛了 想到昨天有人竟然不會開沙灘車讓我們在原地呆了好久,別人的車尾都不見啦~~ 實在讓我看不下去,雖然我沒玩過 還是從最後墊底no. 7一路衝刺到到No. 1 哈哈哈我骨子裡真的是飆車族!. [read more]
Clean and comfortable rooms. There were many facilities at the main building including karaoke, pool, and bowling. However, the bowling lanes didn't work most of the time and had to be.. [read more]
芊華通運有限公司 is a travel agency, located at Daliao Road, Daliao District, Kaohsiung City 831. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 783 8733 for more detailed information. [read more]
所有旅行社服務態度最好,最盡心的一間。非常推,就連小小代訂機票或是代辦簽證都態度非常好。. [read more]
老師授課真的是很不錯,心肺老師簡簡單單的授課就讓人很清楚。 詳細詢問我雄生的問題真的讓我覺得一點都不藏私,很樂意讓我們這些學生都考上。 真的也很謝謝神經老師,本來一直都不好的生津居然可以在100年考上~~只有"讚"要跟你們說!!. 之前有去補習~~~~環經很棒,不像以往的人擠人座位。補課視聽也在旁邊,不需要跑來跑去不同的地方。 授課菁隨都在老師的口中。給他讚讚讚,有要補習的可以選這間。. [read more]
가오슝의 대표적인 관광지 중 하나. 용호탑과 상제상을 포함한 좌영의 문화재들을 볼 수 있어요. 2월에 방문해도 생각보다 더워요. 주변을 다 둘러볼 생각이라면 네 시간 이상 잡아야할듯. 햇빛을 피하기위한 준빌 잘 하는 것이 중요. 호수를 따라 걷는 길은 나쁘지 않아요. [read more]
世界旅行社股份有限公司高雄分公司 is a travel agency, located at No. 251, Minquan 1st Road, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City 80043. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 222 1122 for more detailed information. [read more]
原訂1/18澳門自由行3天,在付完訂金後, 才發現和姐姐的婚期強碰,還好在豐禾旅行社的Tina姐的全力協助下 順利了更改出發日期,也沒有任何的費用損失, 真的很感謝TINA姐的幫忙 現在和好姐妹們準備出發澳門旅行!. 很親切服務很好. [read more]
樂仁旅行社股份有限公司 is a travel agency, located at 235號13樓 Gushan 高雄 TW 802, 美術北三路鼓山區高雄市 Taiwan 804. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 586 9998 for more detailed information. [read more]
真光旅行社 is a travel agency, located at No. 151號9樓, Zhongzheng 4th Rd, Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City 801. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 272 2002 for more detailed information. [read more]