高中長老教会 is a church, located at 848, Taoyuan District, 興中巷. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 688 1909 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Friendly church workers. Saturday night is youth service. Sunday morning is elderly service using Taiwanese language. . 信仰重鎮牧師講道通理明白. 常辦小朋友活動不錯,而且外觀超級漂亮,是很適合結婚照教堂。. [read more]
瑞翰企業有限公司(専営廃不銹鋼収購)(廃白鉄) is a car repair, located at No. 118, Section 1, Heping Road, Dashe District, Kaohsiung City 81546. They can be contacted.. [read more]
老闆人超好!讚讚!👍👍👍. 服務好快速價錢公道. [read more]
大潮州自助洗車場 is a car wash, located at No. 2-5, Shuiyuan Road, Zhutian Township, Pingtung County 911. They can be contacted via phone at +886 932 977 341 for more detailed information. [read more]
郑进东 is a car repair, located at 913, Pingtung County, Wandan Township, 萬丹鄉竹林路635巷90號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 776 2491 for more detailed information. [read more]
东岸经典汽车 is a car repair, located at No. 267, Kaifeng Street, Taitung City, Taitung County 950. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 933 1100 for more detailed information. [read more]
高雄市三信墓园 is a cemetery, located at 824, Kaohsiung City, Yanchao District, 深水村臥牛巷170-1號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 312 0334 for more detailed information. [read more]
環境清幽,光明几淨. 很棒的環境 我阿嬤一定很喜歡 阿嬤希望你可以在那邊好好的安息. 從1999年長輩住進來後就年年來參拜,有認真建設周邊環境。年節期間也有多租停車場和接駁車,蠻認真經營的。. [read more]
服務員相當親切. [read more]
世新行(汽車材料) is a car repair, located at 900, Pingtung County, Pingtung City, 屏東縣屏東市自由路781號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 732 4608 for more detailed information. [read more]
名新車業 is a car repair, located at No. 255-2, Guangsheng Road, Pingtung City, Pingtung County 900. They can be contacted via phone at +886 976 062 631 for more detailed information. [read more]
不錯,只是如果可以變成壓槍後才算秒,那就更好. [read more]
忆亲园 is a cemetery, located at No. 202, Chenggong Road, Linluo Township, Pingtung County 909. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 721 5957 for more detailed information. [read more]
Foguangshan Longevity Memorial Park is a cemetery, located at No. 153, Xingtian Road, Dashu District, Kaohsiung City 84049. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 656 1921#6000 for more.. [read more]
九如乡第一公墓纳骨堂 is a cemetery, located at 904, Pingtung County, Jiuru Township, 中路21號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 739 7350 for more detailed information. [read more]
阿貴機車行 (阿貴車業) is a car repair, located at No. 20-5, Weixin Road, Yanpu Township, Pingtung County 907. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 762 2178 for more detailed information. [read more]
鑫动机车行 is a car repair, located at No. 8-1, Shuangxing Road, Gaoshu Township, Pingtung County 906. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 796 3553 for more detailed information. [read more]
外帶真的很划算 ! 老闆自己烘培 豆子有品質. 很有個性的老闆~自家烘焙的淺焙咖啡 不喜歡喝酸的咖啡的人 勿入!!店內沒供應餐點喔~是純粹喝咖啡的~. 如果真是嗜喝咖啡,品咖啡,那麼這兒絕對是物超所值的好所在。青菜蘿蔔各有所好,如果喜歡淺焙,極淺焙帶著「果酸味」的好咖啡,就去,如果不喜歡「酸」的,就別去煩老闆惹!. [read more]
專業,可靠、收費合理!. 專業,熱誠, 親切 的. [read more]
咖啡館對經營、服務態度非常親切和靄,像到老朋友家裡拜訪一樣的溫馨自在,一樓的座位,服務好每一位客人。 每天在店裡一有空閒的時間,就是以人工一顆一顆挑出瑕疵豆,瑕疵豆除了影響咖啡風味以外,對健康非常的傷害,咖啡也是水果的一種,被蟲蛀過產卵的咖啡豆,等同於爛掉的水果,試想吃進肚子裡會如何?烘焙以後會再挑出品質不好空洞或是貝殼化的咖啡豆。 老闆直接在店裡烘焙咖啡,要一直待在烘豆機旁不能離開,隨時調整溫度,精細的掌控咖啡失重比,前置作業時間非常的長,用心對待每一杯送到客人手裡的咖啡。 咖啡豆特別選用玻璃罐呈裝,完全透明化讓客人清楚看到每一顆咖啡豆都是完美無暇,每次烘焙的量都不多,強調咖啡豆的新鮮度。. [read more]
傑利咖啡 is a cafe, located at 號, No. 135豐榮街屏東市屏東縣 Taiwan 900. [read more]
東西還不錯,老闆一家人都很客氣!. [read more]
咖啡好喝,甜點特別好吃~舒服悠閒的空間讓人能夠好好放鬆(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)一個人來還能坐到超舒適的大沙發椅喔~. 小小的咖啡廳裡 帶著滿滿的人情和咖啡香 暖暖的心和一天的旅程開始. 環境很寧靜 人員親切 咖啡醇厚 香氣純淨 小點好吃 很推薦大家來坐坐喔~. [read more]
後庄登峰茶葉咖啡館 is a cafe, located at No. 262, Lane 39, Lengshui Road, Jiuru Township, Pingtung County 904. They can be contacted via phone at +886 933 649 018 for more detailed information. [read more]
老闆娘人很好,車況優,價錢公道,每次租車一定選這間. 租車便宜,價格公道. 老闆娘人超好,還車回來第一件事是關心我們東西有沒有帶齊,很熱心,來屏東租車一定要找她. [read more]
租車速度快。服務好 很棒讚👍. 車種多、價格公道、服務親切、讚啦!. 優質專業的服務團隊…用心經營、正派、嬴得好口碑的優良企業喔…. [read more]
店長貼心服務好,老闆非常阿沙力,值得推薦的好商家!. 店長人超帥人超好,超會賣車,貼心服務到家,大推呀!. 中泰大衛汽車服務親切,介紹車輛仔細,價格公開透明定價,是間值得推薦的中古車商。. [read more]
比某高級咖啡還要好喝~~. 咖啡不錯,店員服務很棒. 開了二、三十年的咖啡店了,因為口味都不錯,我給5顆星!. [read more]
Clean and beautiful camping site. Definitely will visit again :). 果然是無敵夜景,讚!!. 離市區近,補給方便。 無敵夜景,觀日初好地點!. [read more]
環境優美,風景秀麗,空氣清新的度假勝地。. 安靜舒服的營區. 輕鬆自在安靜的 好地方. [read more]
好風景視野好配上有機咖啡就是人生一大享受又可大大放鬆. 漂亮的view,熱情的阿伯,好喝的有機咖啡. [read more]
買車最怕遇到業務嘴,龍泰興林良諺先生親切實在不誇大,很開心找到一位好業務跟好車. 林業務員服務周到以及態度良好! 無可挑剔~GOOD 值得,值得,這一切都值得。. 服務好,品質佳!請找林良諺林業務. [read more]
六五七生活茶飲 is a cafe, located at No. 25-5, Zhongshan Road, Ligang Township, Pingtung County 905. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 772 1109 for more detailed information. [read more]
里港小鎮庭園咖啡庁 is a cafe, located at No. 58, Zhongshan Road, Ligang Township, Pingtung County 905. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 775 7168 for more detailed information. [read more]
保養車子,親切接待,有供應咖啡,熱苶,寬敞明亮休息區域。新車展示區,服務人員,親切接待,賓至如歸。. 服務親切,接待人員說明詳細. 服務佳,人文在地化。. [read more]