赤角美式碳烤牛排~~喜歡吃美式原味碳烤大牛排的你~~那獨特的碳烤香氣和大牛排的口感滿足~~我們是你最好的選擇!!!. [read more]
米麵是用台灣的米製作而成,不含任何添加物與防腐劑,自產自銷限量供應;濃厚的豚骨湯頭是用多種天然食材24小時熬煮不斷火,帶給您健康又美妙的味覺饗宴,是不可錯過的竹北平價美食。. [read more]
本店開店至今已經邁入第11年,很感謝這些年來大家的支持與愛護. [read more]
老徐肉燥飯 is a restaurant, located at 新竹市西濱路一段298號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at 035366330 for more detailed information. [read more]
老 眷村食物、老味道。 食 樸實無華,淳樸之味。 麥 賣麵、麥面,飲水思源。 面 一面如舊,面面俱到。. [read more]
海水台灣鯛活魚料理 泰國活蝦料理 活田雞料理 PS. 本店固定星期日店休 #. [read more]
璽子牛肉麵 is a restaurant, located at 新竹市博愛街31號, Hsinchu 300. They can be contacted via phone at 035715959 for more detailed information. . [read more]
新竹不是美食沙漠,來新竹市明湖路、青草湖、古奇峰觀光旅遊,新竹地區CP值超高必吃美食。 以嚴謹的態度,用心製作的創意義法料理,絕對能成為您的美食口袋名單,歡迎大家來嚐鮮。. [read more]
頑壽司 is a restaurant, located at 綠水路106號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at 0980168519 for more detailed information. . [read more]
合家歡位於竹北市中山路374號,我們有碩大的招牌不怕你錯過 現在就來飽餐一頓吧. [read more]
碳烤店 is a restaurant, located at 新竹市延平路二段1355號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City. They can be contacted via phone at 0979282166 for more detailed information. . [read more]
歡喜心集 is a restaurant, located at 竹東鎮中興路四段508號, Hsinchu 310. They can be contacted via phone at +886-3-5836508 for more detailed information. . [read more]
德國進口天然草本茶, 果粒茶, 大吉嶺紅茶, 綠茶 零售批發. [read more]
一群年輕人以原木裝潢的概念營造日式氛圍,為深夜帶來非凡的美食,日式燒肉、丼飯、拉麵,一食入魂. [read more]
竹中庭園小館 is a restaurant, located at 新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段1027號(竹中口,近老爺酒店、園區), Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 310. They can be contacted via phone at 0986-322-785 for more detailed information. [read more]
本店. [read more]
美素館堅持少油少鹽無添加味精 就是要您健康(*^O^*). [read more]
米豆義式蔬食 is a restaurant, located at 新竹市民富街199號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at 03 528 2108 for more detailed information. [read more]
PICK & ROLL 都拿捲 多種現壓Q彈餅皮,多汁肉餡,特色醬料及各式新鮮生菜沙拉 現泡茶飲及現磨咖啡 愛吃什麼隨你捲! 新纖,創意,無負擔 PICK & ROLL 都拿捲. [read more]
醉月樓中餐廳 is a restaurant, located at 明湖路773號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +88635203188 for more detailed information. . [read more]
樂鍋居精緻鍋物原本開在高雄新崛江 因為經營因素考量休息了一段時間 重新規劃調整過後落腳竹北再出發 本店火鍋湯頭為手工熬煮 並添加中藥調配 風味獨特 非外面有些店家是用火鍋粉調味快. [read more]
北埔Hakka Love擂茶始終為客人設想,自己不喜歡的產品,絶不賣給客人。. [read more]
手工麵條. [read more]
所有餐點食材均使用新鮮未加工肉類及蔬果,請安心食用。因人手不足,製作過程繁瑣,為免您久侯,歡迎加LINE訂餐再取餐。感謝您的愛護!. [read more]
喜得炭火燒三明治-新竹新莊街店 is a restaurant, located at 新莊街172號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at 036662926 for more detailed information. [read more]
*全新竹縣市第一家* 老闆親赴大陸學習廚藝,以新鮮海產用心熬煮的粥品,口味獨特,養生新選擇*人氣招牌蝦蟹粥、養生粥、甲魚粥*. [read more]
睿華食堂 is a restaurant, located at 新竹市中正路270號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at 03-5359462 for more detailed information. . [read more]
公休日會po文告知. [read more]
主打平價美食 讓你用銅板的價錢 也能享受到舌尖上的美味 室內裝潢走文青路線 是您放鬆的好所在. [read more]
水木咖啡在清大校園內, 旁邊是 200 坪水木書苑, 提供清淨餐飲, 是一個友善的藝文空間. [read more]
本店使用100%原肉,真材實料,讓您吃的安心。. [read more]
-美山貳拾陸號-漁民直營-自產自銷 世居新竹香山美山里的漁民世家,於民國五十年代的第一艘採蚵小膠筏的船名。 我們以四代人的經驗,歷經一甲子的歲月傳承,與您一同分享大海的鮮滋味。. [read more]
"當歸食堂"意味著家的感覺;嚴選食材新鮮度;帶著一種給家人享用的心情製作。. [read more]
7號廚房 is a restaurant, located at 新竹縣寶山鄉雙園路一段2巷7號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 308. They can be contacted via phone at 03-6667238 for more detailed information. [read more]
金子半之助 天丼專賣店 Big City新竹巨城店 is a restaurant, located at 中央路229號B1F, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at 03-5423068 for more detailed information. [read more]
不限品項竹北光明商圈10碗可外送;凡外送服務需提前一天來電吿知點餐,謝謝! 剉冰、手工豆花、傳統燒仙草、紅豆湯、花生湯、薏仁湯、薑母茶. [read more]