一所『未來各行業菁英啟蒙』的國際蒙特梭利幼兒園,為培養未來各行業之菁英,由優質之幼兒學校啟蒙開始,Elite’s教學系統是專為幼兒從外在的學習環境到內在的身心發展、開創智能教育做一連串的設計及規劃。外在環境是依據幼兒的需求用最接近大自然的風貌(綠色大地、棕色小木屋),並應幼兒好奇、探索的特質,在環境中將自然生態融入教學裡,讓孩子在屬於自己的環境下更有興趣探索學問。內在的啟蒙以百年的蒙特梭利教學觀及教育宗旨,尊重孩子個別差異,漸引導入八大智能全方位的發展,掌握孩子學習語文記憶的特質,創造全美語、雙母語(中、美)環境,使孩子自然運用語言,給我們下一代一個自然優質學習環境,深入… 好奇、探索、快樂學習,人格特質得以全方位的啟迪開展…
成為前途無限寬廣 (WIDE) 的未來各行各業菁英(Elite’s)。
Elite's Int'l Montessori School
A National Union for the future of the industry elite enlightenment International Montessori Kindergarten for the training of the future of the industry elite, enlightened by the quality of pre-school started, Elite's teaching system is designed for children to learn from the outside environment to inherent physical and mental development, and create smart education to do a series of design and planning. The external environment is based on the needs of young children closest to the natural landscape with the (green earth, brown cabin), and children should be curious, to explore the characteristics of the natural ecology in the environment will be integrated into teaching, she let the children in their own more interested in exploring the learning environment. Intrinsic to the Enlightenment concept of years of Montessori teaching and educational purposes, respect for individual differences among children, gradually lead into the intelligent all-round development of eight, children learn to grasp the nature of verbal memory, creating the nation's language, dual language (Chinese, U.S.) environment , so that children naturally use the language, give us a natural high-quality learning environment for children, in-depth ... curiosity, exploration, fun learning, and personality traits can be inspired to carry out a full range of ...
Wisdom (Wisdom) to the development of natural
Truly international perspective view of (International)
Happy to import pleasant environment (Delighted) state of mind
Guide to respect other people respect teachers (Esteem)
Develop spontaneous learning, independent thinking and logic, a future is infinitely wide (WIDE) the future of all walks of life elite (Elite's)
Elite's 以蒙特梭利教學觀為主體,結合與美國學齡前幼兒同步進行的母語(美語)學習環境,美語教案設計。
Montessori teaching as the main concept of the combination simultaneously with the United States preschool children's native language (U.S. language) learning environment, the U.S. language teaching plans.
Active experience with emphasis on early childhood learning, and from the environment to implement the second mother tongue.
European style cabin with bold green urban landscape planning, in addition to the children safe learning space for children to observe nature more rich experience, and thus realize the solemn nature, and respect for life.
1. Montessori Method
2. To create immersion, dual language (Chinese, U.S. language) learning environment
3. Ecological Education
Elite's 國際蒙特梭利幼兒園 分園:
大直旗艦園 (Dazhi Flagship Kindergarten) Tel: (02) 8502 1622
北投格智園 (Beitou-Great Kindergarten) Tel: (02) 2894 9605
內湖大湖園 (Neihu Kindergarten) Tel: (02) 2790 2950
新竹竹北園 (Zhubei Kindergarten) Tel:(03)658 0649 0963071250
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