#Christie Digital
DACOMS進懋 專職於AV影音系統整合、控制和多媒體網路技術工程,整合了設計規劃、工程施作和技術應用於一體。擁有業界最優秀的設計團隊與技術人員,工程實績涵蓋:科工館、博物館、電影院、天文館、主題樂園、展覽館、娛樂中心、交通/水資源/電力/電信網管控制中心、戰情指揮中心、政府機構、大專院校、商場、醫院、佛門聖地、家庭等影音系統整合。提供客戶從規劃設計、設備安裝及管理到完善的售後服務等整體解決方案。
『限時抵達、限時完修、提供備品』的高標準維修服務,一直是本公司引為自豪的組織信念。廣受具有任務急迫性或需 24 小時連續運行的客戶所倚重與讚揚。多年來穩健踏實深耕於業界,目前於軍事、警政、災防、電信、捷運、高速公路、銀行、航太研發、數位影城等等各領域,均累積相當豐富的建置經驗與客戶群。
Established in 1985 and privately owned, Dacoms has three decades of experience providing quality and service that continues to lead the AV industry. specializing in AV system integration, control system and multi-media networking technology, Dacoms provides professional integration service for system design, engineering and technology utilization.
With the best design team and technicians in the field, Dacoms has successfully completed thousands of installations across Taiwan including Taiwan fortune 500 corporations, science and technology museum, astronomical museum, digital cinema, amusement park, exhibition hall, entertainment hall, traffic/river/electricity/telecom/network operation centers, military command centers, government and military agencies, university/college, shopping mall, hospital, buddhist temple, home theater and everything in between. we offer total solution combining system design, facilities installation and full-service support to our clients.
#Christie Digital
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