wen xing ya yi zhen suo is a dentist, located at 688, Douyuan East Road, Pitou Township, Changhua County 523. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 892 4085 for more detailed information. [read more]
wen de ya yi zhen suo zhang hua xian is a dentist, located at 997, Zhangyuan Road Section 2, Huatan Township, Changhua County 50350. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 787 3653 for.. [read more]
wen de ya yi zhen suo is a dentist, located at 997, Zhangyuan Road Section 2, Huatan Township, Changhua County 50350. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 787 3653 for more detailed information. [read more]
da she ya yi zhen suo is a dentist, located at 69-7, Shanjiao Road, Dacun Township, Changhua County 51546. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 853 8751 for more detailed information. [read more]
隱適美矯正中心、iTERO口掃機、全口重建、植牙、假牙膺復、水雷射治療 預約專線:04-7293766 地址:彰化市中正路一段346號. [read more]
一口好牙 幸福一生 歡迎電話預約 預約專線: 04-8320220 診療時間:上午9:00~12:00 下午3:00~6:00 晚上7:00~9:30 星期二 四下午 星期三 六晚上及星期例假日休診 地址彰化縣員林市萬年路三段248號. [read more]
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秀傳牙科於中部提供完整與高水準的全方位牙科治療。 具有多項專科醫師訓練機構認證。並為國內最早植牙的醫療院所之一。. [read more]
*週六只有矯正門診唷* 一般門診的患者請於其他門診時間預約掛號唷! 請各位可愛的患者們盡量採用預約掛號的方式,這樣醫師才有多一點的時間為您寶貴的牙齒做治療唷!. [read more]
鹿港植牙推薦:達榮牙醫診所 is a doctor, located at 民族路179號, Lukang, Changhua 50551. They can be contacted via phone at 047772088 for more detailed information. . [read more]
植牙,矯正牙齒,大人牙科,兒童牙科,根管治療,假牙製作,歡迎來電諮詢04-7375106 門診時間: 周一~周五 上午9:30~12:00,下午3:00~5:00,晚上6:30~9:00 周六 上午9:30~11:30,周六下午,晚上. [read more]
〈自然就是美〉 我們以盡量保留病人原本牙齒, 若病人牙齒真的不堪使用, 才考慮拔除,以人工植牙進行重建。. [read more]
彰化英棋牙醫診所服務項目涵蓋牙齒矯正、人工植牙、假牙、牙周病治療及齒顎矯正等全方位診療服務,若有任何牙齒方面的問題,歡迎您向我們詢問,我們將給予您專業及優質的諮詢服務。. [read more]
彰化富群牙醫診所 is a dentist, located at 彰化縣彰化市復興里實踐路159號, Changhua 500. They can be contacted via phone at 04-7272403 for more detailed information. . [read more]
齒顎矯正專科醫師陳筠婷給您不動刀的健康與美麗。我們提供美國原廠隱適美3D隱形牙套,隱適美即隱形、舒適、美麗,更是安全、有效的隱形矯正系統。 歡迎預約諮詢。. [read more]
高新牙醫 is a dentist, located at 彰化縣員林市萬年路三段105號, Yüanlin, T'Ai-Wan 510. They can be contacted via phone at 04-8390123 for more detailed information. . [read more]
位於大村車站附近的一家牙醫診所. [read more]
粉絲團只提供 *診所休假及重要公告,不做線上預約和諮詢 *星期一、四、日固定全天休診 如有需要請於上班時間來電,謝謝。 聯絡電話:04-8363737. [read more]
美的牙醫 is a dentist, located at 中山路221號, Lukang, Changhua 505. They can be contacted via phone at 047772932 for more detailed information. . [read more]
*看診時間* 上午9-12 下午2. 30-6 晚上7-9 (週六晚上+週日休診) (特殊休診會另行公告) * 看診項目* 人工植牙 一般齒科 兒童牙科 牙齒居家美白. [read more]
林奎宏醫師 衛生福利部齒顎矯正專科醫師 前台大醫院齒顎矯正科醫師 前中華民國齒顎矯正學會副秘書長. [read more]
衛福部與生策會SNQ國家品質標章認證的國際醫療牙醫診所,擁有國際級的尖端設備與世界同步的種植技術,服務來自全球各地商務人士與旅外華僑,立即拔牙、立即植牙,讓您立即擁有最自信、. [read more]