BEENEW is established to help talented young people "See and be Seen."
As we can see, so many teenagers have their own important set of skills, but are limited or ignored because of their department or societal pressure which results in lost opportunity in proving themselves. Therefore, BEENEW creates a stage that everyone is able to show what they’ve got. Through sharing their own skills, they also help talented young people attract the attention on a global level.
除此之外,我們主張從小做起,藉「創夢集氣團」傾聽自己,不再懼怕追逐夢想;從「微型工作坊」了解真實自我,以學習拉近夢想距離,成為《理想中的自己》;「分享付出」發現自我價值,並將最真實的 愛 與 關懷 回饋給社會!
Besides this, we advocate starting everything from the beginning, listening deeply to your heart by “BEENEW Project: A Step Closer to your Dreams” and to destroy the fear of chasing your goals. It is our wish for you to truly understand yourself through “BEENEW Little Workshop” and learn to pursue your dreams. Finally become your ideal self. Discover your self-worth by sharing, and pay the true love and caring back to society.
We hope that we can achieve the ideal of changing the world, innovating and creating value by self-fulfillment as well as we can create our own new future with teenagers in Taiwan.
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