Lots of traditional Hakka cuisine such as Tofu Cheese, Peanut Mochi, Soaked Pickles, and more! I also love the black sugar cakes. Affordable and local!. [read more]
A former timber production/transportation hub now preserved as a park. You can spend a peaceful evening strolling along the boardwalk, breathing in fresh air, and observing the birds. [read more]
Nice japanese style house. [read more]
This is a unique west coast fishing harbour, the selection of aquatic food as it comes off the boats is vast. In the bay many fishermen make a living harvesting oysters, these guys attract oysters.. [read more]
peaceful ambience. lots of interesting architecture designs with cultural meanings. friendly temple keepers. . Its a great place for people who wants to see the Taoist Temple and buy food.. [read more]
小小的地方,像是販賣部的空間,主要做觀光團生意,有好喝的多種咖啡免費試喝,還有好吃的方塊酥可以試吃(哇沙米,地瓜,鹹蛋,蔥. . . )。. 買咖啡的好地方。. 來這裡真好,咖啡都有試喝的,可以挑選自己喜愛的口味。連餅乾也有試吃哦!不喝咖啡的也還有奶茶和五榖粥可以試口味,很棒。等這批喝完再去選購~. [read more]
葡萄酒試喝不錯喝,服務人員很好,裝潢適合拍照。酒有的得國外獎項很好喝,葡萄酒凍也很好吃。. 解説人員講解淸楚服務親切,並可試飲各式红酒. 紅酒香醇順口,養顏又養生. [read more]
Romantic place to hangout during the night. It's perfect location just opposite the mall, so if you want to spend more time after watching a movie this is the place to be. [read more]
Classical Taiwanese architecture. A nice place to experience Taiwanese culture and religion. Very clean washroom by the way!. Pretty historic template with lots of delicious vendors food. [read more]
嘉義鐵道藝術村規劃於89年9月,以藝文展演活動及結合地方特色為前提,將閒置的鐵道倉庫改為藝術創作展示場,嘉義鐵道藝術村是一處具有深度的藝術聚落,在這裡的藝術家用非制式的語彙、非傳統色彩、非正規標準的訴求點,來傳達理念。 藝術村的成立最主要是為了服務喜歡創作的藝術家有個創作空間,並且透過藝術資源的凝聚,以及社區總體營造的概念,讓藝術走入民眾的生活中而激盪交響,嘉義鐵道藝術村是一個充滿創作分子的場所,希望透過藝術的創作,讓原本繁華落盡的鐵道倉庫能透過藝術的創作再度的活洛起來。. [read more]
景色美,置身大自然的感覺很好,夏天可以來這避暑!. Catch the train very very early in the morning to see the sunrise. Good experience. 景色優美!台灣看夕陽的首選之地!看完走山路下來亦享受芬多精之沐浴!. [read more]
This is an interesting place for a walkabout, park up an have a look at the old trains, locos and engines which the old timers used during processing of sugar. [read more]
冰烤番薯好吃,物美價廉. 在地特產專賣店,還有觀光工廠可以參觀. [read more]
嘉義的孔廟 (文廟)首建於康熙45年(西元1706年),廟前有【大成殿】匾額,廟內主祀至聖先師孔子神位,陪祀顏子、子思、子路等七十二位弟子神位。原設於諸羅城西門外的孔廟,在乾隆年間因颱風改建在現嘉義醫院位址,後又因林爽文事件被破壞,直至清嘉慶年間再度重建。 光緒三十二年(西元1907年)嘉義大地震後,孔子神位移於文昌閣中,後又寄於南門聖神宮。嘉慶二十年 (西元1815年) 刻立孔廟左前方之「重修文廟碑記」;民國50年於嘉義公園以鋼筋混泥土重建孔廟,並將廟碑移置於新廟之旁;民國53年將孔子聖牌安祀於大成殿。. [read more]
A nice place to walk around and buy some local snacks and produce. Could be a bit challenging for people who could not walk much as there are steep road and stairs. [read more]
Good quality Lot of ppl queuing so cost some times. Good original juice drink. . Great grapefruit green tea at 65 NTD. But you have to wait long line. [read more]
好吃便宜,東西包裝的也不錯,適合送禮. 杏仁粩是店家的特色,很好吃,現做。. 東西都非常好吃!品質算穩定,推地瓜餅,完全沒有油耗味!. [read more]
Very broad and beautiful place here! Although you have to pay 100 for the entrance fee, you can just pay a little more for the DIY course! Have to go!. [read more]
I love astronomy and this is a wonderful place for me. They showed me everything and allowed to stay overnight just for 600 NTD. But it is necessary to book in advance via the Astronomical.. [read more]
The tower and the views are pleasant enough, but my five stars are for the café on the 11th floor - you should never expect much from cafes inside tourist attractions but the warm banana bread.. [read more]
*小弟上次去完後研究了他的文史,及關於他鬼屋的真相,分享給大家 *其實大家常聽到的鬼故事,幾乎不是真的,他們後代也有出來抱怨他們的祖產莫名的就變成大家口中的鬼屋,衰到哈哈哈 *真相大概是這樣,主人劉容如的後代因為要經商在光復後,加上這棟房屋地理不便,便舉家牽去市區經商,留著的空屋,當然給那時撤退來台的國軍一個好的生存點 *劉家後代是說當時國軍有因為思鄉在此自殺和條虐當地婦女,加上沒管理可能導致較陰,但劉家住這裡時是非常和樂融融的絕非像大家常聽到的那故事 *很可惜這棟劉宅已經慢慢的崩壞了,我覺得應該要出來保護他了,希望不要在把它當鬼屋了,建築很有價值,此外在旁邊還保有劉家以前住的四合院遺址的牆壁,如果有去,可以了解真相喔. [read more]
很有南洋風情的地方,我們在這邊露營2天,十分悠閒~. [read more]
優點: 1. 鮮奶製品的產品還不錯。 2. 買了草莓牛奶果汁跟鮮奶冰淇淋好吃。 3. 賽鴨很有特色。 缺點: 1... [read more]
鹿麻產火車站,為阿里山森林火車自嘉義北門站出發後,經過的第一個車站,設立於1910年10月1日。早期公路交通尚未發達時,鹿滿附近的居民與學生,都是到此搭車至嘉義市上班、上課,後來公路發達後,此車站功能便逐漸式微,林務局則停止阿里山森林火車靠站,並計畫拆除,後來在當時立委張花冠及竹崎鄉長王焜弘的爭取下,獲得林務局八百多萬元的重建經費,使得將近百年的鹿滿老車站得以重建再生,全站遵循原貌修建,為全木頭建造建築。有到阿里山可順道參觀. [read more]
Cheap and fresh,nice food. . [read more]