為滿足客戶互動溝通的需求,在這裡分享行車居家安全小撇步、產險相關知識及公益活動訊息,提供最專業且最貼心的服務,共同打造社會大眾安心的生活環境. [read more]
提供身心障礙者學習、住宿、訓練、習藝的機會,減輕家庭與社會之負擔,經由人性化、個別化及適應情緒的教養模式,給予身心障礙者應有的尊重與機會。. [read more]
小琉球鋁行者-環保鋁罐茶飲, located at 琉球鄉中山路85號之1, Kaohsiung 929. They can be contacted via phone at 088613233 for more detailed information. . [read more]
三太子中壇元帥. [read more]
歡迎來到幸福島~ 幸福也到了~. [read more]
嘴饞首選 肚子餓首選 推薦小吃更是第一 (≧ω≦)/. [read more]
我們有親切的人員,一百分的服務,以及完美的居住環境,我們會是您來小琉球最佳的選擇,【琉球茶室-復古館】期待您的光臨. [read more]
乾淨明亮的超大客房空間、舒適床鋪、熱情親切且專業的導覽服務、常常會有令人意想不到的小驚奇. [read more]
風雨數年---曽經隕歿 在中央山脈中的一顆璞玉 ・・・「馬赫坡森林」. [read more]
以新鮮天然的水果出發,提供優質新鮮的茶飲-是麻古經營的初衷。. [read more]
最新鮮好喝的水果茶飲只在麻古茶坊喔�. [read more]
我的麻古態度 輕鬆、滿足、生活當下. [read more]
麻古茶坊-中安店. They can be contacted via phone at 077916683 for more detailed information. . [read more]
向日葵精緻茶坊, located at 台中市東區雙十路一段6號, Taichung 401. They can be contacted via phone at 04 2211 3669 for more detailed information. . [read more]
我們是一群很用心的台灣珍奶飲品的經營者,自己不喝的飲料也不會賣給消費者,相信你一定會喜歡我們家的飲品的^^VERY GOOD BOBA TEA OR BOBA MILK TEA. . [read more]
麻古茶坊左大店, located at 高雄市左營區左營大路142號, Kaohsiung 813. They can be contacted via phone at 075886528 for more detailed information. . [read more]
感謝按讚追隨眾茶坊�⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝ 我們有各種口味的雪Q餅、手作瑪德蓮、各式手工餅乾及小點心! 歡迎在Line@或私訊留言訂購~✿. [read more]
貓空 談天園茶坊, located at 文山區指南路三段38巷14-3號, Taipei 116. They can be contacted via phone at 02-2936-8167 for more detailed information. . [read more]
米芾藝術茶坊經營方式,中西複合式以咖啡、美式咖啡、磨卡咖啡,拿鐵咖啡、調配自製焦糖;夏日冰品、冰沙,自製果醬調配果汁;中式體驗擂茶及品茗东方美人茶以茶席方式搭配古箏彈奏。. [read more]
以新鮮天然的水果出發提供優質新鮮的茶飲,是麻古經營的初衷。. [read more]
全欣茶坊, located at 建國南路1段278號, Taipei 106. They can be contacted via phone at 0227003935 for more detailed information. . [read more]
悠然茶香滿室的貓茶坊 復刻古時番庒館的技藝 台灣首創現烘茶葉館 等你,來一杯好茶 等你,來烘焙出自己的好茶. [read more]
望園觀景茶坊, located at 利嘉路689巷19號, Taitung City 954. They can be contacted via phone at +88689383746 for more detailed information. . [read more]
咚瓜茶坊創立於民國92年至今走過16個年頭了從之前賣飲品後來增加了餐點 盼舊雨新知繼續捧場我會继續努力為大家做好吃的料理. [read more]
舒心茶嬉活動:採預約制,請提前事先預約。 週五小食夜、週末茶酒夜:請詳見粉絲專頁資訊。 歡迎來訊洽談活動及包場。 預約方式:FB訊息/Line: @htm9683d. [read more]
貓空天文茶坊, located at 北市文山區指南路3段40巷 20號, Taipei 116. They can be contacted via phone at 02-2939-3812 for more detailed information. . [read more]
品茶坊, located at 奉化路123號, Taoyüan, Taoyuan City 33845. They can be contacted via phone at 03-2229168 for more detailed information. . [read more]
品香茶坊, located at 屏東縣林邊鄉中林村中山路148號, Pingtung 927. They can be contacted via phone at 088753304 for more detailed information. . [read more]
武龍茶坊, located at 士林區大南路132-2號, Taipei. [read more]
茶農第四代經營,推廣三峽特色「碧螺春茶;蜜香紅茶」及茶葉相關伴手禮。. [read more]
古早茶坊, located at 龍泉街40號, Taipei 106. They can be contacted via phone at 02-23633362 for more detailed information. . [read more]
麻古茶坊斗六中山店, located at 斗六市中山路210號, Yünlin 640. They can be contacted via phone at 055370787 for more detailed information. . [read more]
‧發現溪頭之美 - 八才子民宿.. [read more]
朴子小丸子茶坊是朴子第一家的飲料店喔~. [read more]
喝茶~飲酒~熱炒,小菜~. [read more]
玉春茶坊, located at 55843南投縣鹿谷鄉廣興村中正一路278號, Nantouhsien, Nantou 558. They can be contacted via phone at 049-2750868 for more detailed information. . [read more]