聽力評估(檢查),助聽器選配與評估,聽能復健與諮商,聽能輔具評估. [read more]
桃園地區專業服務 ,進口保險櫃工廠直營, 代理各品牌保險箱販售! 全省皆可協助檢修金庫及運送安裝,歡迎至桃園門市參觀展示品!. [read more]
聰明選 輕鬆聽 省卡多. [read more]
三星桃園愛買門市 手機維修手機販售相關問題服務門市. [read more]
遠傳桃園大業加盟門市, located at 大業路一段356號, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan. They can be contacted via phone at 03-3169699 for more detailed information. . [read more]
義美食品桃園門市, located at 桃園市桃園區中山路92號, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan. They can be contacted via phone at (03) 3357034 for more detailed information. . [read more]
曾經在逢甲活躍一段時間後 休息4年的逢甲珍好佳豆乳雞翅回來了!. [read more]
香香酥酥的香酥雞 一吃就停不下口 正港台南手工甜不辣、黑輪 懷舊熱狗球 讓你吃的更特別 絕不使用回鍋油 讓您吃的健康有保障而且不會胖. [read more]
阿德小上海香酥雞, located at 台南市永康區崑大路180號, Tainan. They can be contacted via phone at 0911713327 for more detailed information. . [read more]
好吃的香酥雞. [read more]
香酥雞,雞腿捲,脆薯,熱狗,雞塊. [read more]
小上海香酥雞-台南名產小吃,堅持不用回鍋油. 現點現炸,並且不油膩 台北汐止加盟店,汐止區大同路二段312巷9號 營業時間,每天 下午3點到晚間11點. [read more]
小上海香酥雞後壁厝分店, located at 仁德區中正路二段211號, Tainan 717. They can be contacted via phone at 0911712702 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Vivi的大上海香酥雞, located at 永康區振興路166號, Tainan. They can be contacted via phone at 0927702099 for more detailed information. . [read more]
金群螃蟹腳,在地30年的好口味. [read more]
香酥不油,每日換油. [read more]
南科大香酥雞, located at 永康市南台街27號, Tainan 710. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 254 2989 for more detailed information. . [read more]
南高雄香酥雞 千里傳香. [read more]
大上海香酥雞-復國店, located at 永康區復國一路257-16, Tainan. [read more]
小上海香酥雞-水湳店, located at 台中市北屯區四平路2-3號, Beitun District, Taichung 406. They can be contacted via phone at 0980455630 for more detailed information. . [read more]
我們的雞蛋糕是屬於古早口味 外酥內Q軟 每天新鮮雞蛋現打粉漿,絕不添加任何化學添加劑 老闆秉持自己要吃的,絕不馬虎 因為是現烤的,所以需等5-10分鐘,好東西是需要耐心等待的唷!. [read more]
FM 89. 5 快樂聯播網 台中台 每周日 14:00 ~ 15:00 準時播出 網路直播:http://www. happyradio. com. tw/ 點選台中台. [read more]
堅持採用現點現炸!絕不使用回鍋油!不僅香酥美味更健康!還有自己用心熬煮的青草茶,冬瓜茶,百香果。還有好吃的剉冰喔!歡迎來電預購!. [read more]
大家好:Q寶鹽酥雞在2月12日開幕囉~想吃到又香的鹽酥雞快來歐!不吃,你絕對後悔一輩子,吃了包你會成主顧的. [read more]
江媽媽香酥雞, located at 花蓮縣吉安鄉慶豐村吉安路二段291號, Hualien City, Hualien 973. They can be contacted via phone at +886988227836 for more detailed information. . [read more]
香酥雞排. They can be contacted via phone at 035380209 for more detailed information. . [read more]
喜愛推薦海味的新鮮貨. [read more]
我們只把最新鮮最好的給每位顧客 所以我們賣出的魚貨請各位顧客放心食用 您們的意見就是我們進步的空間 順心活海產 歡迎您再次光臨. [read more]
供奉 池府、溫府、吳府、朱府、范府 五府千歲 住址:高雄市梓官區禮蚵里光明路147巷92號. [read more]
麥寮夜市, located at Mailiao, Yunlin 638. [read more]
蚵仔寮是個熱鬧的小漁村 本舖在地營業40年的老店 是許多討海人指定必吃的營養早點、午餐、宵夜 也是許多鄉親們從小到大忘不了的好味道。. [read more]
比琪名店-佳麗寶華歌爾, located at 南投縣草屯鎮碧山路129號, Taichung 542. They can be contacted via phone at 0492307338 for more detailed information. . [read more]
華歌爾內衣莊敬門市, located at 台北市信義區莊敬路283號, Taipei 11040. [read more]
機械版金 設計製造 客製化雷射切割 雕刻 各式金屬產品銲接 自動化機械手臂. [read more]
�華歌爾精品內睡衣專賣店� �資生堂彩妝保養品專賣店� �專業內衣銷售員為您採吋介紹試穿,讓體態更優美� �專業彩妝美容師為您護膚保養彩妝,讓容顏更美麗�. [read more]
這裡是華大美術印刷的粉絲團,我們會陸續新增更多壓紋作品,敬請期待和支持!謝謝您們~. [read more]