酒好喝 ,老闆很喜歡分享跟酒有關的一切 ,裝潢也改變了 ,整體很舒適 。. 新的內部裝潢真的很不錯,有空可以到這裡逛逛購買好品質的酒品喔!. 有好喝的紅葡萄酒與香甜的白葡萄酒. [read more]
哥徳利華欧洲進口磁甎(台中分公司) is a liquor store, located at No. 294-1, Section 3, Wenxin Road, Xitun District, Taichung City 407. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2311 0800 for more detailed information. [read more]
種類多 常有特價品. 店員親切認真服務 商品齊全. 店員很詳細地向我解說各式威士忌 也不厭其煩地給我試喝好幾種 直到找到適合自己口味的酒. [read more]
店員親切、專業,值得推薦~. 價格可以 服務人員很優質 去好多次都很滿意 店長人超好. Liquor Store - Great variety of alcoholic drinks, especially whiskies, at reasonable prices. . [read more]
雀拉酒商 Q-Wine is a liquor store, located at No. 150, Minsheng Road, West District, Taichung City 403. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2225 9888 for more detailed information. [read more]
葉小姐專業度十分足夠 服務親切熱誠 酒類或是菸草等等都很厲害 👍👍. 店家服務好,推薦. 店員服務熱情親切. [read more]
雪茄威士忌種類繁多。好地方. 很舒服的地方 每次跑完業務等會來這享受 是一個可以放鬆壓力的好去處 服務人員也很親切 有時都看得到正妹店員 哈哈. 請問可以訂購雪茄嘛. [read more]
白馬酒莊:是我上班(邦萊企業)必經之路,距離近 500公尺。. 來玩紅土鹹蛋DIY學術很可惜沒有騎白馬和餵馬吃草 不過小孩子也是玩得很開心. 以自釀酒品為主,近年加入咖啡、下午茶、輕食餐點等多元經營,原有的騎白馬及在園內和地中海風格的佈置拍照,是另一種體驗…. [read more]
忽然想嚐個氣泡酒,沒想到店員解說詳細,也很NICE! 希望有機會能夠參加品酒活動~٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و. 同鄉的店,一定要光顧的。. 價格公道透明,服務超好~很耐心的解說,回家後菸捲的不好在去請教他們,完全沒有一點不耐煩!大推推👍🏻. [read more]
Pleasant surprise! So far all the bbq and roasted fish we've tried has been really good. (We've been back 3-4 times) Definitely order a bacon and tomato skewer. [read more]
服務親切,少數台中有賣紐西蘭北島葡萄酒的酒專!. 一間讓我很喜歡的酒藏,裡面有各式各樣的紅酒白酒喔。 店家會依客人的喜好介紹適合的酒。 另外,這家店給我的感覺是. . . 來這裡好像不是在買酒,而是在交朋友^ ^. 很棒很有氣氛的店! 在那裡小酌超有fu的~ 有很多外面看不到的美國加州紅酒 老闆和店員菲比很nice 服務非常到位. [read more]
Had a great time with friends, place offer nice BBQ snacks and great tap beer for a reasonable price. Sometimes has life music and generally isn't a very quiet place but it is having quite.. [read more]
Yuanzhouyuzhuozizhuxiyi Station is a store, located at 號, No. 233中和街梧棲區台中市 Taiwan 435. They can be contacted via phone at +886 926 349 120 for more detailed information. [read more]
順吉清潔石材美容行 is a laundry, located at No. 168, Heshun Road, Hemei Township, Changhua County 508. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 755 5457 for more detailed information. [read more]
波波投幣式洗衣彰南店 is a laundry, located at No. 317, Section 1, Zhangnan Road, Changhua City, Changhua County 500. They can be contacted via phone at +886 925 157 721 for more detailed information. [read more]
台中北区自助洗衣店衣尘不染 is a store, located at No. 21, Wenchang East 1st Street, North District, Taichung City 404. They can be contacted via phone at +886 916 720 977 for more detailed information. [read more]
Achen jewellery(璽鎮銀飾精品店) is a jewelry store, located at 434, Taichung City, Longjing District, 台灣大道五段3巷42弄23號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2633 0683 for more detailed information. [read more]
輕銀珠寶 is a jewelry store, located at 434, Taichung City, Longjing District, 新興路東興巷46-1號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 3508 0079 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務人員很親切. [read more]
湛渼珠宝艺品(K金回收站) (Permanently Closed) is a jewelry store, located at No. 6, Siping Road, Beitun District, Taichung City 406. They can be contacted via phone at +886 933 638 188.. [read more]
永晟銀楼鐘表 is a jewelry store, located at No. 725, Section 1, Zhongqing Road, North District, Taichung City 404. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2298 8822 for more detailed information. [read more]
金致品金飾珠宝忠明店 is a jewelry store, located at 404, Taichung City, North District, 忠明路499號2F. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2208 2748 for more detailed information. [read more]
銀飾粉美,有個性!!!. 老闆親切 戒指精美. 讚唷!好多很棒的飾品!!^^. [read more]
服務很親切,也很有耐心介紹~超推. [read more]
戒指如期趕工給我,老婆還能在香港分店套量戒圍. 對戒款式多樣,服務也很親切。. 服務品質超好 門市人員顏質很高 價錢又透明 樣式多樣!. [read more]
經朋友介紹來到這裡購買玉鐲,非常滿意 推薦給大家^^. 玉鐲種類齊全,價格很便宜,重點是來這裡不會買到假貨,大力推薦!!. [read more]
金致品金飾珠宝西屯店 is a jewelry store, located at 407, Taichung City, Xitun District, 台灣大道四段1086號2F. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2463 8975 for more detailed information. [read more]
万宝斋 is a jewelry store, located at No. 789, Section 1, Meicun Road, West District, Taichung City 403. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2372 1381 for more detailed information. [read more]
愉快的一次交易買賣. 老闆娘人超好,訂結金飾大台中必推. [read more]
臻至精品交流 is a jewelry store, located at 407, Taichung City, Xitun District, 西屯路三段139之14號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2462 9597 for more detailed information. [read more]
品質精美,售後服務佳. [read more]
很實在,大熊服務親切. 款式多 專業 便宜 服務好 直得推薦. 物超所值!!推薦. [read more]
可愛的小店,老闆很用心佈置. 很有特色的商店. [read more]
Goldenlife Gold Jewelry (Permanently Closed) is a jewelry store, located at No. 31號, Fengjia Road, Xitun District, Taichung City 407. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2451 1168 for.. [read more]
價錢公道,服務好。. [read more]
DR珠宝 广三SOGO is a jewelry store, located at 403, Taichung City, 台中市台中市台灣大道二段459號2樓廣三sogo2樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2328 4559 for more detailed information. [read more]