大推四人房露天溫泉房,房間非常大,兩張大床,車子可停在屋子外,很近很放心,房間很乾淨,有梳妝台、小冰箱,小冰箱因結冰水融化流出來,清潔人員火速來整理,非常的迅速而且態度親切~外面的大露天泳池也很棒,非常的大,一次四個人泡都沒有問題~溫泉水質也非常棒,出水又大又快~早餐的選擇是沒有很多,但也還是吃的飽~還有好喝的熱牛奶~~缺點是離玉里市區有點遠😅東部嘛😅20~30分鐘是可以接受的距離~會想再光顧的一間很棒的溫泉飯店~. [read more]
One extra star given 'cause we got upgraded to a 4-person room in the seemingly low season. Other than that, I think one would get your money's worth. [read more]
The place is quite secluded, ideal for small groups. The staff were friendly and helpful. It's just a bit dangerous to come down the hill, especially if it's been raining. [read more]
This is a very good place to have foot and body massage. It's also a Bali style resort as well as restaurant. . Relaxing accommodation and good spa experience. [read more]
這次是買夠麻吉的體驗卷前來體驗泡湯,整體環境很舒適,設備也很乾淨,還有放著輕輕柔柔的音樂。硬體方面還不錯,烤箱很大而且很明亮,特別棒的是岩盤浴,躺著躺著真的會不小心睡著~ 會館裡面也有提供茶水,希望可以提供一些小點心,這樣就更完美了~ 接待人員很客氣,也很詳細的幫我們做了環境的介紹!!!. 環境舒服、服務好. [read more]
The resort had a nice, comfortable atmosphere. We had a nice experience in the Grandview Bath Room for an hour soak in the private hot spring. The room was as pictured, and we had a beautiful view.. [read more]
黛寶拉SPA 澄愛館 is a spa, located at 6樓之3, No. 166, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Da’an District, Taipei City 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8773 6886 for more detailed information. [read more]
Best. Massage. Ever. Not the cheapest around. Less expensive than in the US. Value of experience is easily twice the cost. I had Ana as my masseuse. I'd go there every day if I could. [read more]
Love the hot and cold spring tub, specially the Powerful waterpik style pipe getting the full body massage. Hard to get to though. But it's well worth it. [read more]
有冷熱池,房間寬敞,一到房間就迅速自動快速充水,算是有效率的服務。. 湯屋寬敞,兩個人剛好!有開對外窗,可以聞到外頭的沁涼空氣。櫃台阿姨很親切,進去前水就開始放了,不用等很久。停車方便,純泡湯的話很推👍. Wonderful room and hotspring. [read more]
+ Good closest to Taipei location, some entertainments(banana, tablet, flyboard, jet pack, water scooter), no safeguards; - Not very clean water(near river and port), No 7/11 close or some.. [read more]
金山海湾温泉会館 is a campground, located at No. 326號, Huanggang Road, Jinshan District, New Taipei City 208. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2498 0007 for more detailed information. [read more]
めっちゃいい!!!きもちよすぎー!!!. 很舒服,服務好態度佳;會值得一去在去. 按摩專業、態度親切~. [read more]
上次跟炮友一起去感覺不錯又要一起的加賴b20017. 十幾年沒來了.現在覺的這裡的人粉厲害的啦.沒有被打敗.贊啦。. 溫泉有烤箱,有spa,跟很大的冷水戲水池,看得出努力維持,晚餐也不錯吃,價格炒飯100,炒麵100,醉雞小250,空心菜150,蔥花蛋150,整體來說非常放鬆,公共設備維持的不錯,販賣部也應有盡有!. [read more]
會接觸到達谷蘭是先生工作的屋主介紹 說這間真的很不錯,但是非常的難訂 去年11月訂房就排到了今年一月份 可見真的一定非常的不錯😉 在滿心期待下經過了1-2個月,在一月份就前往了達谷蘭⋯ 真的空氣很好讓人很放鬆,雖然去的時候好冷啊😱 晚餐是民宿自己煮的,真的非常棒 也非常好吃,我最喜歡梅子愛玉 吃了還想再吃還會懷念⋯ 早餐真的各式各樣非常的豐盛 熱奶茶我最愛喝 不得不說「達谷蘭」真的很讓人身心都放鬆 休息是為了走更遠的路呀😊😊 有機會一定要在去達谷蘭👍👍👍. [read more]
Much better than expected! We stayed here for the night expecting the worst after all this reviews. But the location is super central next to the bus station and visitor center. [read more]
約妹打炮加溫蒂賴:ww5599 或賴ID:wendy966 還沒有性經驗嗎 還在寂寞難耐沒有人陪嗎 還想要舒服讓美女幫你吹吹嗎 順從生理的渴望 求內心深處的刺激感/給自己一個展現你男人雄風魅力的機會吧 溫蒂茶莊服務品質有口碑 會精心為你安排 讓你享受到人間的最高潮的性愛服務 滿足你所有的視覺. [read more]
台灣樂欣兒外送茶+LINE:77tb 兼职正妹外送/看照约正妹』大台湾外送茶+LINE:77tb 各行各业高档顶级兼职美女全套外约外送服务 开启你的line 请加入茶姐账号详谈(加了请敲一下喔!) LINE:77tb 服务地区:臺中 竹北 新竹 台北 新北 高雄 彰化 南投 服务内容:洗澡 口交 爱爱 按摩 LDS kiss +全套服务 最新推出:"新竹一次买三节可享受多送一节的优惠喔"加时不加价喔~优惠多多 性福多多!! 一律依照*您所需要的条件安排、现金消费、不加收任何费用、保证可退换. [read more]
me and my mom love come here to relax. their hot water is clean and fresh. they offer everything we need. love love this place. 風景優美 房間也很乾淨 可惜沒泡到大眾池 有過去看 是戶外池 早餐也很好吃 中式的 有些烤土司 可以沾果醬. [read more]
哥哥會空虛,寂寞,覺得冷嗎?妹妹給你溫暖喔~今晚不想要一個人度過, 哥哥可以陪陪妹妹嗎?讓妹妹使出渾身解數讓你歡愉又溫暖給你愛愛的味道~ 愛達 車展SJ 渾圓飽滿的D雙峰,像蛇纏繞的口技及出水量,能同時滿足你 跟弟弟喔~尤其是哀號的求饒,三個小時都閒少,快來喔~性福 帳號:sex68記得加喲淫女等你來幹讓 你弟弟硬的跟石頭一樣哦讓你在妹妹的密密森林不想找到出口 緊緊的小旋等你喲~嗯嗯~啊啊~哥哥卡其嘛~. [read more]
I stayed here for two nights. Excellent staff. Older style hot springs. Fair food. I recommend the non-western breakfast. Bring mosquito repellent if you plan to spend significant time outside of.. [read more]
The hot spring is nice. We had the open pools to ourselves. Heavy in iron so even the water is a bit of rustic colour. Basic shower facility. Owner too busy watch movie on her computer than.. [read more]
expensive but a quiet oasis. we've been. for a conference, business dinner, and. je'veust for the. day. we also tried the pool. not bad but it is hard to figure out how much that costs from.. [read more]
Hotel with nice rooms and a lot of possibility for hot spring and swimming. Absolutely recommended for families with kids. Quality of food in restaurant is average. [read more]
菜色好!房間蠻乾淨的,住起來舒服!. 環境優美,客房裏整㓗,服務佳,值得下次在來,住個一星期. 人家寧可流連在每個男人的胸懷,獲取短暫的溫暖及快樂也不想回到那個 冷清的家裡,有的只是令人害怕的孤單與寂寞. . . . . . . . 手機直撥551269. [read more]