逸如媚國際美容有限公司 is a beauty salon, located at No. 401, Section 2, Gongdaowu Road, East District, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 575 0266 for more detailed information. [read more]
郭媽媽純手工韓式養生溫泉泡菜館 is a spa, located at No. 112, Ren'ai Road, Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262. They can be contacted via phone at +886 985 168 841 for more detailed information. [read more]
享受接近大自然的泡湯區,棒,但假日人潮多,常需等候~. 收費合理,環境整潔,老闆煮吃得很慷慨,一直自動幫我們加菜XD 冬天來的,泡完很舒服,還會想再去~. 價格優惠,湯屋才兩百多實在很划算,來宜蘭泡湯的好選擇. [read more]
the renovation is new, but the people don't change. still nagging as ever. Vip休息室是獨處補眠的好地方,有按摩椅. [read more]
佐登妮糸専業SPA_永和福和店 is a spa, located at 23441 號 1 樓, No. 35竹林路永和區新北市 Taiwan 234. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8925 1809 for more detailed information. [read more]
環境舒適,溫老師技術佳. 一共有七位老師(三女四男)!若想要找女老師可以參考看看。整體環境清幽乾淨。. 服務親切,價格親民。裝潢很雅緻,老師都很會按。. [read more]
服務態度👍🏻只限女性的美容機構. [read more]
I have a chance to try Cafe UN Deux Trois, they have something special for celebrating Christmas, I was enjoy the lunch with main course and buffet. The Ingredients here were really nice, fresh.. [read more]
Bali Spa 巴厘岛男女美容,芳疗舒压 is a spa, located at No. 4, Guolian 5th Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 970. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 834 5292 for more detailed information. [read more]
很清幽很舒服,適合全家放鬆,溫泉水質很好!老闆娘很親切。性價比高. 老闆和老闆娘服務親切。溫泉水質非常好 。泡湯完除了全身舒暢之外,皮膚光滑。湯屋乾淨清爽。下次會再去,!. 碳酸氫泉湯滑滑的,設備齊全,都蠻新的。. [read more]
泰安溫泉泉質清澈透明,無色無味,溫度約為攝氏四十七度,屬於弱鹼碳酸氫鈉泉質,是一處休憩放下喧擾的好地方。. [read more]
下午四點後入太平山園區可買星光票每人50元,鳩之澤溫泉分泡湯區和煮食區,建議帶泳衣、泳帽泡大眾spa區,泡湯區很有特色。 煮食溫泉區可在商店買到蛋、玉米等食材。提醒大家煮完後,不要遺留垃圾在溫泉槽,一起愛護這個環境. 票價再便宜一點更好,享受用溫泉煮東西吃,路途遠了點. 旁邊吊橋進去,有過去的古道,但目前已雜草叢生 來這邊可以自己買雞蛋下去煮溫泉蛋唷. [read more]
薩提芳療Stay aroma is a spa, located at 407, Taichung City, Xitun District, 福科路961巷19號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2471 1008 for more detailed information. [read more]
按摩的力道不錯,按摩師還會陪聊天,還免費提供餐飲. 技術還好,但很高級平價,還提供免費餐飲. 環境很漂亮,按摩還可以而且附點心跟餐點. [read more]
加line:jiujiu5278 舒壓重裝上陣☆啾啾舒壓個人工作室-我親自下手為你服務哦~~ 口爆69肛交無套LG美腿sm嬌小學生 加line:jiujiu5278.. [read more]
很優噢!大推!. [read more]
佐登妮糸専業SPA_台北信義店 is a spa, located at 106, Taipei City, Da’an District, 信義路4段52號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2754 2507 for more detailed information. [read more]
讓人放鬆身體舒服的地方~Relax!. [read more]
Minerals死海礦物保養 is a beauty salon, located at 111, Taipei City, Shilin District, 福華路166巷11號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8866 2815 for more detailed information. [read more]
4/23家人生日~我們辦烤肉活動在緹閣! 只能說~給六顆星都還不夠~ 1. 接電話的人員&介紹場地的先生,服務態度超級好~~甚至烤肉結束時間是5點,我們拖到5點半,服務人員態度還是好到不得了! 2. 佔地不算廣,但對於我們有小小孩的家庭來說,剛好邊烤肉,邊照顧的到小孩。 3. 戶外大小溫泉池都只有60公分,所以,我們都非常放心小孩可以自己玩。雖然水溫不到溫泉該有的熱度,但確剛好適合小孩~~所以,稱它「戲水池」就非常完美~~小孩玩了一整個下午都沒起來! 4. [read more]
佐登妮糸専業SPA_台北大直店 is a spa, located at 10466, Taipei City, 台北市台北市中山區明水路397巷7弄23號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2532 5985 for more detailed information. [read more]
詩威特《新店區-建國店》 is a spa, located at No. 147, Jianguo Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City 231. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2218 3232 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務人員非常親切、細心解說,讚啦!. [read more]
Awesome massage and reasonably priced. Was very relaxing and the staff were very professional. . Great service, very professional, a little pricy... [read more]
友人說不錯。很到位. [read more]
讚喔👍🏼👍🏼非常舒服. 每位老師,都很親切像朋友一般. 店長親切,美容師技術好,只要逛街累了,上班累了,就一定要來╮(╯▽╰)╭. [read more]
佐登妮糸専業SPA_芦竹中正店 is a spa, located at No. 329, Zhongzheng Road, Luzhu District, Taoyuan City 338. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 212 5522 for more detailed information. [read more]
身體紓壓的好地方,芳療老師專業的安撫妳的經絡. Good 👍👍👍👍👍. 很有質感的spa,還有其他分店,課程都可通用,非常便利 服務好技術好,環境也非常優質,來這邊真的非常享受. [read more]
按摩仔細,態度親切,很棒的SPA體驗。可惜店比較小,週日不營業,假日時間不好約。. 按摩仔細,態度親切,很棒的SPA體驗。可惜店比較小,假日時間不好約。. [read more]
Keybeauty 唯美講堂 Spa 纖體中心(仁愛光復店) is a beauty salon, located at No. 418, Section 4, Ren'ai Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886.. [read more]
做完疗程后,感觉非常的放松,美容师态度好又亲切,技术也很好,是舒壓的好地方!. 親切貼心的服務,因方便性時常輪店也沒有壓力,美容師技術穩定。. Good-全身都放鬆一下就很舒服⋯⋯. [read more]
預約制度,環境舒適,乾淨衛生,尊絕享受,與時俱進,儀器一流。. 衛生乾淨 環境舒適 老闆人很好. 這邊乾淨,舒適 ,設備多, 用心. [read more]
不錯的舒壓體驗!. 服務品質還不錯. [read more]
服務好 讓人滿意. 這是放鬆的好地方,. 效果一級棒,獨家課程,產品天然. [read more]
天分美妍会所 is a spa, located at No. 38, Jingye 1st Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10491. [read more]
親切,自在的環境. [read more]