龜山豪大大雞排300外送專線03-3202332 ---Line-id--(0932159099). [read more]
拇指猴複合式餐飲 概念店 在茶飲方面 我們堅持選用好茶為茶湯,不斷的創新與研發,還有大甲芋頭及屏東檸檬等新鮮現打天然飲品,現場調製,提供最新鮮又好喝的手搖茶飲。. [read more]
座落在台北市寧靜角落的手工地中海私廚餐館,供應無白糖、無精緻澱粉、無化學添加的乾淨料理,在陽光輕灑在充滿百年古董的庭園小洋房,享受讓身體更好的美味宴席。. [read more]
美味可口!值得品嘗!. [read more]
Subway花蓮建中店 is a restaurant, located at 1F, No 68, Jianzhong Street,, Hualian City 970. They can be contacted via phone at 03-8315878 for more detailed information. [read more]
弘爺漢堡-花商店 is a restaurant, located at 中山路416-5號, Hualian City 970. They can be contacted via phone at 03-8315805 for more detailed information. . [read more]
花蓮市花商店芙葉屋日式拉麵&日式咖哩&手作炸物 is a restaurant, located at 花蓮市中山路416-2號, Hualian City 970. They can be contacted via phone at 0900522895 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mr. onion天母洋蔥牛排餐廳高雄左營店 彩虹市集四樓 is a restaurant, located at 高雄市左營區高鐵路115號4樓(彩虹市集4樓), Kaohsiung 813. They can be contacted via phone at 07-3431171 for more detailed information. [read more]
炸物鮮嫩多汁!大人小孩都愛吃!歡迎打電話訂購,營業時間:1530~0030!. [read more]
鴻航鐵板燒位於礁溪警察局正對面,食材新鮮好吃,無論學生或家庭都很適合! 飯湯飲品無限供應,快來嚐鮮唷~~ 營業時間am11:00~pm21:30. [read more]
各為安安:). [read more]
高僑餐飲 is a restaurant, located at 高僑餐飲青雲路一段26號, Yilan City 262. They can be contacted via phone at 03-9871686 for more detailed information. . [read more]
礁溪姚雞庄 is a restaurant, located at 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉中山路二段158號, Yilan City 26242. They can be contacted via phone at 039-881265 for more detailed information. . [read more]
有來到礁溪的朋友們,歡迎來有麵煮吃麵喔!!!. [read more]
湯頭多種可選 愛吃辣的朋友都可來試看看招牌麻辣 不辣的朋友也可以試試老滷燙唷�� 湯頭口味: �重慶麻辣燙 �南洋咖哩燙 �泰式酸辣燙 �老滷燙 �XO辣沙茶燙 �韓式泡菜燙. [read more]
礁溪-堂記牛肉麵 is a restaurant, located at 礁溪路四段140號, Chiaohsi, T'Ai-Wan 262. They can be contacted via phone at 039876206 for more detailed information. . [read more]
礁溪佐食坊 is a restaurant, located at 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉大忠路13號, Taipei. [read more]
一碗小羊肉 平日14-17時午休 假日全日11-21時為大家服務 自即日起至8/27放暑假 8/28開工大吉. [read more]
台菜,合菜,櫻桃鴨3吃,鱘龍魚,現撈海鮮,古早味料理,代客料理,聚餐,都有,沒賣盤子,只賣技術,食材,用心。. [read more]
目前平日營業時間為 : 14:00 ~23:00 假日營業時間為:12:00~2300 春節過年期間都有營業,避免人潮眾多等待過久,請利用電話提前預約點餐。 現點現炸,美味卻耗時。 歡迎您來. [read more]
主廚選用遠近馳名的櫻桃鴨,以傳統爐燒秘製口味. 創造出獨一無二的秘製櫻桃鴨. 讓您在宜蘭礁溪也能吃到肥美可口的烤鴨. [read more]
歡迎光臨 陽光 活力 熱情 史堤克先生(太平店) 給你最不一樣的用餐環境 給你最貼心的服務品質 給你最重量級牛排的享受 燈光美 氣氛佳 聯誼餐敘的最佳選擇 我們用心服務值得您在來. [read more]
咖啡是甜的,最初的味道是為最後的甘甜揭開序幕。 Do you best , Good thing will coming ! -DUAL GOOD COFFEE-. [read more]
暑假. 寒假期間。本店沒有營業. [read more]
蛋包飯. 豬排. 烏龍麵專賣店. [read more]
營業時間下午3:00_12:30 電話:06-2050451 0925185230 每週日店休. [read more]
料多實在,口味獨特創新,不可多得的銅板美食. [read more]
美式炸雞. [read more]
※營業時間 平日午餐收客14:30止假日午餐收客15:00止 晚餐皆收客21:00止 ※提供刷卡服務 *訂位服務以電話為主 *無停車場. [read more]
熱愛美食. . 服務親切. [read more]
南洋度假風的大甲史堤克,讓人不僅在大快朵頤的同時,更能陶醉在南洋的KINGDOM. [read more]
史堤克先生健行店 is a restaurant, located at 台中市西區健行路1001號2樓, Taichung 40353. They can be contacted via phone at 0423290708 for more detailed information. . [read more]
各式排餐供應. [read more]
希望喜愛義大利麵的人可以來嚐嚐唷~. [read more]
田尾全得玫瑰莊園 is a restaurant, located at 彰化縣田尾鄉打簾村民生路一段451號, Changhua 522. They can be contacted via phone at 048245889 for more detailed information. . [read more]
堅持.純粹 只有"真的"義大利菜 吃午餐 11:30~14:30 吃甜甜 14:00~17:00(週三~周日) 吃晚餐 17:30~20:30 週一公休喔. [read more]