天天屏東直送嚴選新鮮活跳蝦,鮮活看的見。我們提供寬敞的用餐環境,不論是戶外枕木區聽夏天蟬鳴鳥叫,還是室內輕鬆悠閒,以及免費的冰淇淋跟爆米花,適合闔家大小一同用餐?敬請閣下一同領略道地的美味與自在~~~. [read more]
日初湯包 MONI Tangbao is a restaurant, located at 淡水區北新路182巷21號, New Taipei City 251. They can be contacted via phone at 0966044484 for more detailed information. [read more]
讓咖啡的香氣傳播千里讓咖啡的甘甜留在口裡享受一杯完美的咖啡就是如此簡單平價的價格、高級的享受桑莫精選咖啡在此為您服務. [read more]
茶湯會-新竹中正店「春水堂家族品牌」 is a restaurant, located at 新竹市中正路272號, Hsinchu 300. They can be contacted via phone at 03-5331522 for more detailed information. . [read more]
道地府城的滷味、發哥私房料理、客製化菜單. . . 只為用最好的美食來愛您。. [read more]
隱藏在巷弄間的美麗花園. [read more]
Effective Sept. 6, 2015, Boai 7 Cafe is undergoing a change in management. Please stay tuned to this page for news on Chris' next chapter. . [read more]
咖啡+人文+生命+真實 =無限可能&美好! 1F座位=16位 / 2F座位=40位 提供免費Wifi無線上網&電源 最低消費:每人NT$: 89元 團隊學習/公休日:星期一. [read more]
聚餐/小酌/約會聊天/下午茶/打飛鏢. [read more]
開吃吧Bar is a restaurant, located at 桃園區中壢市龍川五街12號, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan 320. They can be contacted via phone at 0937529359 for more detailed information. [read more]
早午餐/下午茶/精緻餐點/咖啡. . . . . [read more]
食三丸 is a restaurant, located at 桃園市龜山區建國東路31號(桃鶯路鐵支路旁), Taoyuan District, Taoyuan 333. They can be contacted via phone at 88633498998 for more detailed information. [read more]
最真材實料的古早味手藝 特製研發的無味素水餃. [read more]
三星丸 is a restaurant, located at 館前店71號, Taichung 403. They can be contacted via phone at 04-23220159 for more detailed information. . [read more]
品質、創新、用心!!精緻平價套餐!!. [read more]
內灣如意食堂 is a restaurant, located at 新竹縣橫山鄉內灣村中正路63號, Hsinchu 304. They can be contacted via phone at 03-5849289 for more detailed information. . [read more]
日式料理 | 原味食感 , 豐鮮慢食 , 味蕾滿溢 金典 綠園道商場 4F 訂位專線:04-3700-4855 營業時間:(平日)早上11:00~晚上10:00, (假日)早上10:30~晚上10:00. [read more]
豆豆龍迷你火鍋 is a restaurant, located at 桃園市中正路621號, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan 330. They can be contacted via phone at 03-3552512 for more detailed information. [read more]
新雅涮涮鍋 is a restaurant, located at 台北市松山區南京東路五段55號之1, Taipei 105. They can be contacted via phone at 02-2762-7767 for more detailed information. . [read more]
【萊亞迷你涮涮鍋 景平店】 地址:新北市中和區景平路719~721號1樓 電話:02-2243-5086. [read more]
尚品迷你麻辣/涮涮鍋 is a restaurant, located at 臺北市士林區福德路17號, Taipei 111. They can be contacted via phone at 02-2888-1189 for more detailed information. . [read more]
招牌四神湯,貢丸魚丸湯,猪腸冬粉,擔仔麵(乾,湯),滷肉飯,清蒸肉圓,南粽北粽,各式小菜!歡迎大家來品嚐^^. [read more]
新味小吃部 已營業21個年頭 廚師 鄭文標 更是以往豐原著名餐廳"葫蘆墩"的大廚 本店的食材多半為海產與大甲溪溪產及客家料理~. [read more]
新美珍山頂味 is a restaurant, located at 30, 德芳路三段, 大里區, 台中市 41258. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2407 4031 for more detailed information. . [read more]
最甜還是家常菜. 最美還是粗布衣. 幸福就醞釀在我們的平凡生活中. 幸福就是與家人享用這道家常菜~. [read more]
Austrian Restaurant / 奧地利. 原鄉新味小館 預約訂位請在營業時間撥打或是訊息留言. [read more]
褒忠鄕村中正路(全家便利商店對面) 鍋燒系列-強調日式風味,湯頭由柴魚熬煮四小時而成。 粥品系列-豬大骨慢火熬煮,湯頭鮮甜清爽。. [read more]
電話:04-25722531 手機:0922-252000. [read more]
乾鍋-醬汁拌炒猶如壽喜燒風味 涮涮鍋-台灣人最愛火鍋,海鮮湯頭 鮮味粥-干貝熬煮湯頭,鮮甜美味 鍋燒麵-料多實在 內用白飯、飲料、小美冰淇淋無限供應 新鮮食材、現點現做. [read more]
天然水果製作的雪花冰 堅持每顆冰磚親手製作 堅持每項配料親自熬煮 不使用水果粉,無人工色素 不添加乳化劑、安定劑 呈現出水果原汁原味. [read more]
提供韓國傳統食物 品嘗韓國道地口味. [read more]
統一上都股份有限公司,屬於統一流通次集團(PCSC)下之投資公司 ,為日本サト レ ストランシステムズ株式会社( 英文名為Sato Restaurant Systems CO... [read more]
臨時的公休日會在這裡更新喔~~~. [read more]
我們是錢都日式涮涮鍋《士林文昌店》 提供各式肉類、海鮮小火鍋,亦有素食鍋可供選擇 飲料、醬料、冰淇淋皆為自助式自由取用 舒適明亮的用餐空間隨時歡迎您的蒞臨!. [read more]
錢都涮涮鍋吉林路店 is a restaurant, located at 中山區吉林路24號, Taipei 104. They can be contacted via phone at 02 25216392 for more detailed information. . [read more]
我們的高湯,採用新鮮的豬大骨、北海道昆布、蔥、薑、蒜種辛香料的搭配,經四天三夜熬煮而成,富含了鈣、碘礦物質等成份,繁雜的步驟讓我們代替你完成. [read more]