Mummy Teddy's Poodle Store is a pet store, located at No. 144, Section 1, Minsheng Road, West Central District, Tainan City 700. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 229 2569 for more.. [read more]
美自愛犬整容屋 is a pet store, located at No. 52, You'ai Street, West Central District, Tainan City 70041. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 228 4826 for more detailed information. [read more]
奧斯卡寵物店營,門市美容都有服務,水族部停止服務,新增全國動物醫院. [read more]
天越国际生化科技有限公司 is an aquarium, located at 813, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, 文上路58號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 345 3661 for more detailed information. [read more]
史迪奇寵物世界 is a pet store, located at 自強路35號, Zhushan Township, Nantou County 557. They can be contacted via phone at +886 989 160 276 for more detailed information. [read more]
四季鳥園 is a pet store, located at 600, Chiayi City, West District, 保安2路60號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 234 9092 for more detailed information. [read more]
乾淨 服務人員細心回答. 老闆對產品相當了解~會因客人不同的需求做搭配~十分方便~價格也實惠~誠心推薦有需要的朋友去看看~~. 老板有問必答,也會給出溫馨的建議。. [read more]
老闆和老闆娘待人親切,專業. [read more]
渔翁笋壳鱼养殖场 is a pet store, located at 732, Tainan City, Baihe District, 竹子門1-10號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 932 712 309 for more detailed information. [read more]
優質鯉魚場,老闆專業又幽默,提供專業諮詢,讓我們有愉快的購買經驗。. 魚的種類蠻多的,狀況健康,有用心在照顧. 老闆很親切,很幽默又實在,很推薦大家來這裡參觀喔. [read more]
毛宝貝の窩寵物美容 is a pet store, located at No. 423, Xinsheng Road, Taitung City, Taitung County 950. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 932 5528 for more detailed information. [read more]
品質很好,老板人也很好. 魚種很多,進貨都會來這裡. 魚種多 用心經營 之後有需要的話 會再過來進貨!. [read more]
第一次送寵物旅館,事前做了很多網路搜尋,事前先來諮詢、看房間,過程很仔細有耐心。貓貓腸胃不好又膽小,照護員亦很用心注意著,Line訊息也隨時查看並回覆狀況、立即配合改變飲食或配置,24小時隨時遠端監控也可讓飼主盡快掌握狀況,一樓門市就有貓食品/用品可馬上補充,自備貓生食餐包也可以幫忙加熱餵食更是方便。居住環境立體空間很大,對在家沒關籠的寶貝,著實適合。. [read more]
醫師能夠正確判斷我家兔子歪頭症的問題. 醫生跟護士人都很好,態度親切,看診也很仔細,有問題都很樂意回答,非常優質的診所。. 黃醫師相當細心,過程中也會仔細說明和討論. [read more]
服務人員態度不錯,魚的品質也不錯! 上次買了5隻熊貓鼠現在也活的很好😊 米奇魚,很多魚. 老闆娘態度很好,賣的東西種類很多,讚!!會再光顧~. 買了兩隻斑龜 店員的服務很讚👍 目前遇到服務態度最棒的奧斯卡水族店!龜龜也很健康!裡面的空間很大 可以逛很久!. [read more]
1加1寵物培育 is a pet store, located at No. 22, Lane 478, Fenglinsan Road, Daliao District, Kaohsiung City 831. They can be contacted via phone at +886 931 998 318 for more detailed information. [read more]
帶狗來剪指甲,收費蠻便宜的. 連鎖寵物店,毛小孩的食品. 用品. 美容都具足了!前幾天光臨恰巧碰到狗狗的放風時間,讓我能補捉可愛的畫面。. [read more]
有寵物美容,各種寵物商品,方便選購。. 乾淨,親切。會主動送上促銷贈品. 服務很好,東西較多,選擇性高,寵物也比較多,但寵物年齡大了些. [read more]
毛小孩的東東還真是不少,價格適中. 這裡是毛小孩最喜歡的地方. 店員態度良好 我需要的產品,有好的優惠價格. [read more]
DiDa Pets Grooming Salon Trimming School is a pet store, located at No. 975, Dashun 2nd Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 390 8768 for more.. [read more]
好酥胡寵物工坊 is a pet store, located at No. 75-21, Shaochuan Street, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City 804. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 531 9912 for more detailed information. [read more]
老闆很親切熱情,服務態度又客氣!想買魚的可以來這喔!林園北路216號,傑揚水族館. [read more]
老闆親切,東西齊全. [read more]
愈勝水產育苗資材行 is an aquarium, located at No. 104-1, Ren'ai Road, Linbian Township, Pingtung County 927. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 875 8145 for more detailed information. [read more]
旭波水族-(珊瑚海水魚專賣店) is a pet store, located at No. 3, Shanghai Road, Pingtung City, Pingtung County 900. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 733 2628 for more detailed information. [read more]
價格實在,大包狗飼料比大賣場便宜,連籠子也一樣便宜,讚. . 商品陳列很正齊,服務親切。. 這間店的東西很多,很齊全。地點很方便,價錢很合理。. [read more]
南台灣高山犬舍 is a pet store, located at No. 58-3, Gangqian Road, Xinyuan Township, Pingtung County 932. They can be contacted via phone at +886 925 655 933 for more detailed information. [read more]
環境清幽,空氣清新,高山犬體型大兇狠但顧家又親家人. [read more]
奧斯卡寵物連鎖量販【潮州】 is a pet store, located at No. 211, Yanping Road, Chaozhou Township, Pingtung County 920. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 788 6000 for more detailed information. [read more]
很老的一家寵物店,小時候常來這看寵物,永遠忘不了早期逛週六商展順便看寵物的時光. 鳥跟飼料平價,有賣鸚鵡跟文鳥的幼鳥. 賣鳥和飼料. . . 等 開很久很久了. . . . [read more]
愚民水族 is a pet store, located at 946, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, 德和路160巷1弄26號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 982 651 198 for more detailed information. [read more]
魚種多,也有少量狗貓供挑選另有鼠龜蜥蜴蛇等爬行寵物,寵物用品也很齊全. 購物結帳時詢問要辦會員,跟我說直接算我會員價,我說可是還是要辦,卻回我“沒會員卡了啊”………ㄚ你們沒會員卡就沒會員卡,是在不耐煩什麼?!. [read more]
價格合理,寵物都照顧的不錯. [read more]
奧斯卡寵物連鎖量販【左營店】 is a pet store, located at No. 161, Zuoying Ave, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City 813. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 581 8668 for more detailed information. [read more]
收費合理 醫師親切醫術好 寵物美容師洗澡美容很專業實在 店裡還有貓老大值班. 醫師親切只是對我們來說有點遠. 同事推薦,親臨如家。 初次到院就遇到院長, 親切感十足且夠專業。 貓耳滴藥親教學細緻, 但沒發現腳部有掉毛。 帶回剪指甲時才發現, 明日待會院內詳檢查…. [read more]
奥斯卡宠物连锁量贩【民族店】 is a pet store, located at No. 796, Minzu 1st Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 347 6665 for more detailed information. [read more]