「國賓影城@高雄大魯閣草衙道」位於高雄大魯閣草衙道購物中心,緊鄰捷運紅線草衙站2號出口,結合了餐飲、休閒娛樂等指標性購物商場。 全廳院配備杜比7. 1聲道環繞音效,其中2個廳更配有Dolby® Atmos™ 杜比®全景聲音響系統及領先全台的獨家D-BOX動感座椅,帶給您感受超凡絕佳的觀影體驗!. [read more]
捷運R8三多商圈站1號出口步行5分鐘可達. [read more]
新北市第一座全客層購物中心『Mega City板橋大遠百』,近四萬坪購物空間,新北市引進數位3D IMAX威秀影城,獨家引進大食代國際美食,給您全方位的消費娛樂體驗!. [read more]
誠摯邀請您蒞臨環球影城 !. [read more]
文化部規劃成立國家級電影館,由台灣電影文化協會經營,含兩廳電影院,多功能藝文廳,藝文穿廊與光點咖啡館,光點生活館。2012. 11月開館. [read more]
位於雲林縣斗六市內的首輪數位3D電影城,一共有8個放映廳,放映國洋片. . [read more]
新月豪華影城 LUNA Digital Cinemax,即日起正式營運,新影城新氣象,邀請大家一起來體驗、感受觀影新態度!. [read more]
嘉義首家娛樂、購物、美食、電影的複合性購物中心,有別於嘉義一般百貨、購物商場,嘉義人引頸期盼的嘉義秀泰廣場,在招商上特別下了一番功夫,引進11個首次獨家進駐嘉義的美食品牌,另外在商場的整體設計上,也特別邀請國際設計團隊HBA,以嘉義的林業及大自然元素發想設計,為整個商場設計注入不同的風貌,消費者在購物享受美食之外,更可感受秀泰廣場為民眾營造的別具風格的氛圍,提供顧客一個陽光、慢活、愜意、悠閒的購物空間。. [read more]
TOP CITY台中大遠百建築外觀以一艘巨型傲人帆船為發想,懷抱著環保的理念,立足台灣,與時尚、科技接軌,帶領台灣航向世界各地,和國際舞台零距離。. [read more]
國賓新莊影城 Ambassador Theatre is a movie theater, located at 新莊區五工路66號, Xinzhuang District 242. They can be contacted via phone at 02-85216517 for more detailed information. [read more]
吃喝玩樂盡在Big City,一次滿足所有購物需求!. [read more]
SBC 星橋國際影城 is a movie theater, located at 桃園縣中壢市中園路二段 509 號 5 樓, Zhongli District 320. They can be contacted via phone at 03 468 0080 for more detailed information. [read more]
府中15 與紀錄片為伍—『府中15』新北市紀錄片放映院 新北市第一個以紀錄片為主題的放映場所,結合優質紀錄片定點放映、名人講座舉辦及府中商圈,一個市民休閒及觀賞電影的藝文特區。. [read more]
「新復珍商行」創立於清光緒24年(西元1898年),以『竹塹餅』聞名全台,流傳百年至今,為新竹名產。. [read more]
樂聲影城 LUX Cinema台北市西門町萬華區武昌街二段85號電話:02-2311-8628. [read more]
會一直想來的城堡 台茂越來越好 高質感的生活風格的購物空間,提供好吃、好玩、好買的服務體驗,引進桃園獨家city’super頂級生活超市、美麗新影城的IMAX影廳,推薦優質食尚美饌、時尚潮流. [read more]
全廳採用DOLBY 7. 1聲道,112席主動式躺椅及18席情人座椅,加入會員一年內享票價最低優惠,生日再享電影票會員專屬折扣,更多優惠請上官網查詢➡http://bit. ly/2SnPwLe. [read more]
I like this theatre, but there are many many ghost stories from locals. So. . . . It's likely to be empty. Pretty decent place for movies in Tainan, but doesn't have IMAX. [read more]
Even if you are not watching a movie, pay this a visit to take a look at the stunning large-scale hand painted movie posters. I don't think this is common in any part of the world anymore. [read more]
Not a high class cinema like the other ones in the department store but it's a place with an affordable price, if that's what you're looking for! 🙃. Nice and clean yet not much facilities to.. [read more]
good and convenient to watch movies. movie,shopping nice place!. Nice place and very convenient!. [read more]
In my opinion, this is by far the BEST theater in Taipei. Best popcorn, 100% PERFECT AMOUNT OF SALT AND BUTTER. Unfortunately, they are closing down at the end of this month. [read more]
Very nice clean stadium seating. Atmosphere a little too dark for my tastes. I'm not super confident in the abilities of the young looking staff. I wouldn't be surprised if some kind of snafu.. [read more]
Will always be my favourite cinema in the city. Has always had its customers best interests at heart. When the other cinemas were busy cramming seats into their theatres, Showtime was removing.. [read more]
Quality cinema for watching movies in Tainan. . Strategic place to watch movie, nearby the bowling place too. [read more]
由開幕以來的聯名卡優惠,以前只有星期一到三,後來需要有消費,在改換華南銀行之前2015開始必須要有消費超過一定金額,同時購票沒有很多優惠,改買儲值卡或使用玉山卡。改用新聯名卡後,目前無時間限制,只要消費滿六百,但是可惜必須要當月簽單。 偶爾會選播藝術電影,很舒服。與之前常去的二輪比,前方沒有人(椅子都是在斜坡上,沒有人被檔)空間很大,天花板高,沒有壓迫感。一兩個小廳,但是有振動效果。. [read more]
They have everything a moviegoer needs, including gold class! One of the best theaters I have been to. It can get very crowded though, but it's usually worth it. [read more]
紀家大院 is a movie theater, located at No. 55號, Buwei Road, Shuilin Township, Yunlin County 652. They can be contacted via phone at +886 918 396 663 for more detailed information. [read more]
Small Shopping Mall with Cinema in the Top Floor. Fashion store with Nike, Adidas, Puma available. Some restaurants and coffe also there. . Service is good. [read more]
兴昌工业社 is a movie theater, located at 621, Chiayi County, Minxiong Township, 國道3號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 221 2250 for more detailed information. [read more]
美奇萊育樂股份有限公司 is a movie theater, located at No. 80, Ziyou 1st Road, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 321 0674 for more detailed information. [read more]
金星戏院 is a movie theater, located at No. 270-316, Section 3, Zhiben Road, Taitung City, Taitung County 950. [read more]
老闆很熱心幫我找片子!而且我租的舊片還有租一送一,租五片不含押金才180,算蠻便宜的。. 便宜又多樣化,還會定期更新 最棒的是老闆服務超好👍. [read more]
國賓影城 國賓的硬體設備都滿不錯的 更尤其這是近期才開 音效設備好 而且比高雄國賓比便宜一點點 不過片子比較少 剛好有去屏東都會順便去看 現在用國泰信用卡的APPLE PAY可以平日一張150 看電影可以抵停車. 設備很好,搭配國泰世華卡活動很優惠,但電影選擇性少,連暑假期間適合小孩看的電影也不多。. [read more]
很好看 畫面超好 有4D超強畫面 看動作片就跟真的被打一樣. [read more]
好鄰居dvd影視 is a movie theater, located at No. 181, Nanning Road, Neipu Township, Pingtung County 912. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 769 0860 for more detailed information. [read more]