雙子星戲院已於101年結束營業,然而回憶將永存於斗六。. [read more]
山明數位3D電影院是大家看電影的便宜好所在 歡迎大家到粉絲團來分享討論 地址:南投縣埔里鎮中山路2段289號5樓 時刻表/檔期洽詢電話:049-2997878 請多多利用山明粉專查看電影時刻表. [read more]
映捌玖駁二電影院 is a movie theater, located at 鹽埕區大勇路5之1號5之2號, Kaohsiung 805. They can be contacted via phone at +88679766088 for more detailed information. . [read more]
在影像閱讀的時代,我們期盼透過「影院」媒介,引發大眾對「電影」的注意力。. [read more]
埔里山明電影院粉絲團 is a movie theater, located at 埔里鎮, Nantou City 545. They can be contacted via phone at 049-2997878 for more detailed information. . [read more]
萬國戲院期待能. . . 一、建構成為大林地區地方特色藝文展演與學習中心。 二、成為具有在地特色的人文體驗與產業消費之場域,並且可以成為吸引外 部遊客必來的深度體驗景點。. [read more]
嘉義最夯的無聊產業 打發時間的最佳去處. [read more]
南台電影城 is a movie theater, located at 台南市中西區友愛街317號, Tainan 700. They can be contacted via phone at 06-2287581 for more detailed information. . [read more]
國賓影城世博館 is a movie theater, located at 新竹市東區公道五路三段8號1樓, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at 035717799#2100 for more detailed information. [read more]
映集團為雲嘉民眾打造一座世界級視聽享受的複合式建築。第一座IMAX影院 第一座MX4D影廳 第一座DOLBY ATMOS 第一座全雷射放映影城 第一座雙大廳2000席影城. [read more]
新瓦屋板凳電影院 is a movie theater, located at 新竹縣竹北市文興路一段123號, 302. They can be contacted via phone at 03-6580651 for more detailed information. . [read more]
十全影城 is a movie theater, located at 十全二路21號, Kaohsiung 807. They can be contacted via phone at +88673117141 for more detailed information. . [read more]
高雄大立in89豪華影城位於高雄 #大立精品 STAR PLACE的9~10樓, 預計於108年第二季開幕,依然秉持【連鎖不複製。一點一特色】企業核心價值,因應百貨屬性打造全新空間氛圍、影廳設備服務升級. [read more]
華威台中影城 Wovie Cinemas is a movie theater, located at 台中市西區臺灣大道二段459號17樓~19樓, Taichung. They can be contacted via phone at +886423103768 for more detailed information. [read more]
用大心迎大世界. [read more]
Omnimax Space Theater is a movie theater, located at 館前路一號, Taichung 404. They can be contacted via phone at +886423226940 for more detailed information. [read more]
EEC is a movie theater, located at Taichung City(台中市) Tanzi Dist. (潭子區) Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd. (中山路2段), 480號之3,, Taichung 427. [read more]
中興電影城 is a movie theater, located at 澎湖縣馬公市文康街37號, Penghu 880. They can be contacted via phone at (06)926-5681 for more detailed information. . [read more]
封存於台中後車站的巷弄,穿越時空的文學地景,道盡世紀以來,大墩省城到台中都市的繁華興衰。. [read more]
國賓影城 Ambassador Theater is a movie theater, located at 金門縣金湖鎮太湖路二段198號6樓, Kinmen, Fu-Chien 89141. They can be contacted via phone at +88682330287 for more detailed information. [read more]
▸ 影城開放時間 上午9:30至晚上2:00 (依實際時刻表調整敬請見諒) 🅿️停車場開放時間 上午10:00至晚上11:00. [read more]
伴, 人+半 給人留半分餘地,給自己半分的空間 人生過半的好去處 半分藝術,半分美食 上天賜福,努力一半 未到已半分醉 一人一半,感情不散 這是一個讓情誼永在的美妙空間 伴陪 伴老. [read more]
美麗新淡海影城 is a movie theater, located at 251新北市淡水區義山路二段303號2樓, Taipei 251. They can be contacted via phone at 02-7705-0899 for more detailed information. [read more]
【傳訊時代多媒體 X 環球電影家庭影音發行商】 ☞DVD x BD x 4K UHD x Steelbook ☞第一手新品發行消息 ☞不定時發送多重好禮 ☞立即追蹤精采好康不漏接. [read more]
臺灣師範大學|人文電影節 NTNU Humanist Film Festival 猶原佇遮。. [read more]
美術系也來放電影囉~. [read more]
永成戲院 is a movie theater, located at 鹽水區水正里過港21號, Tainan 737. They can be contacted via phone at (06)652-2198 for more detailed information. . [read more]
南紡威秀影城 is a movie theater, located at 東區中華東路一段366號, Tainan 701. They can be contacted via phone at (06)2372255 for more detailed information. . [read more]
南紡夢時代 威秀影城 is a movie theater, located at 台南市東區中華東路一段366號5樓, Tainan 701. They can be contacted via phone at 06-2372255 for more detailed information. . [read more]
南紡威秀 is a movie theater, located at 台南市東區中華東路一段366號5樓, Tainan 701. They can be contacted via phone at 06-2372255 for more detailed information. . [read more]
丟掉影評!關於猜不到的電影線索,敬請入場評鑑. [read more]
Zero Gravity is a creative space where people from different backgrounds and industries can meet to work and play together. After working hours turns into a cozy venue for workshops, exhibitions,.. [read more]
陽明戲院 is a movie theater, located at 台北市士林區文林路113號, Taipei 111. They can be contacted via phone at 02-28814636 for more detailed information. . [read more]
The Best Choice! 超巨幕4D+體感旗艦大廳~聲入其境 頂級享受 是您觀影的最佳選擇. [read more]
美麗華影城 Miramar Cinemas is a movie theater, located at 蘆竹鄉南崁路一段112號7樓, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan 338. They can be contacted via phone at +88633113123 for more detailed information. [read more]
新榮戲院 is a movie theater, located at 西區新榮路52號, Chiayi 600. They can be contacted via phone at 05-2285222 for more detailed information. . [read more]