統一育楽事業股彬有限公司 (Permanently Closed) is a movie theater, located at No. 164, Zhongzheng Road, Zhongzheng District, Keelung City 202. They can be contacted via phone at +886.. [read more]
看電影的好地方. [read more]
not bad. can watch movies peacefully without other disturbances. can choose our own movie and can watch is the plus point. . 店員會一直推銷套票 ,已經說了不用 還一直推銷感覺 不太好,包廂整體乾淨 舒適 無一般MTV 的厚重菸味[這点不錯]. [read more]
Kiss MTV電影館 (Permanently Closed) is a movie theater, located at 號 6f, No. 1中正路48巷桃園區桃園市 Taiwan 330. [read more]
超期待!! 淡海新市鎮未來的美麗華影城飯店商圈將逐漸成型!! 預計於2018年第二季完工啟用!. 拜託快點蓋好啦淡水都沒電影院害我和阿娜答不能看電影好不方便好不浪漫阿TT^TT. . . . Omg finally a movie theatre that's close!!. [read more]
Cheap movie tickets especially if you have membership. Costs 1000NT deposit to obtain one (you'll get it back if you decide to cancel it). . Good place to enjoy the cinema, not crowded and peaceful. [read more]
日後土城會有電影城,和商圈,好期待喔!. [read more]
冬天去吃熱甜點蠻適合的!. 冬天會買甜湯品的店家. 位於磺港路、中央北路、光明路三叉路口的高家美食攤主要販賣各式傳統米食,並隨季節供應冷熱甜湯,是個享用傳統點心的好去處。. [read more]
秝米有限公司 MM SQUARE is a movie theater, located at 114, Taipei City, Neihu District, 康寧路三段99巷58號4樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2651 0293 for more detailed information. [read more]
Visiting Taipei and best discovery I have encountered was this modern cinema I found to enjoy my entertainment while visiting Taipei. Lots of movie selections, friendly staff, and cozy movie seats. [read more]
電影場次多,影廳多,選擇性大,交通方便. 很棒,不錯喔!. 很棒 劇院的座位不多 更有品質😍. [read more]
東星電影事業 is a movie theater, located at 台灣, No. 120, Section 3, Neihu Rd, Neihu District, Taipei City 114. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2085 1183 for more detailed information. [read more]
clean and real nice employee of working in theater movie and yummy churos. . New and clean. The only downside; the area looks a bit deserted. . New and clean. [read more]
電影選擇多,但缺點就是人太多,進場速度慢,常常準時入場預告片就開始播放了. [read more]
南京公寓映画所 is a movie theater, located at 105, Taipei City, Songshan District, Alley 5, Lane 291, Section 5, Nanjing East Road, 27號號. [read more]
Good movie selection and great seat. But the sound in the theater needs some improvement. I was sitting in the middle of the theater, but I feel the sound was all in the front of the space. [read more]
店員很親切 帶吃的進去馬上拿托盤說等下幫你一起送 還會告訴你優惠的方案❤❤ 而且包廂也很大很乾淨 冷氣不會太冷. 店員服務態度很好,很耐心的為我們介紹片子!包廂內設備也相當不錯,CP極高!. 環境優(簡單又乾淨)、服務好、態度佳,恰好碰上U2電影院週年慶,【優惠】買組合套票2組送實用滴馬克杯。 I love it here. [read more]
有私人包廂的電影院。 有很多DVD可以租借. [read more]
緯愷企業有限公司 is a movie theater, located at 五 號, 長沙街二段 & 漢中街萬華區台北市 Taiwan 108. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2312 0058 for more detailed information. [read more]
剛剛下片的電影,這裡通通都有喔!. [read more]
中央電影事業股份有限公司真善美分公司 is a movie theater, located at No. 116, Hanzhong Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City 108. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2331 0260 for more detailed information. [read more]
六和影業有限公司 is a movie theater, located at 號, 杭州南路一段143巷 & 杭州南路一段143巷12弄中正區台北市 Taiwan 100. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2860 4878 for more detailed information. [read more]
國聯影業有限公司 is a movie theater, located at 號, 漢中街 & 漢口街二段20巷萬華區台北市 Taiwan 108. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2303 2270 for more detailed information. [read more]
永昇電影企業股份有限公司 is a movie theater, located at 七 號, 長沙街二段 & 漢中街萬華區台北市 Taiwan 108. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2331 0957 for more detailed information. [read more]
立峰有限公司 is a movie theater, located at 號, No. 95杭州南路一段中正區台北市 Taiwan 100. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2385 6125 for more detailed information. [read more]
台北市 is a movie theater, located at 10491, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, 錦州街. [read more]
非常用心投入與推廣的電影工作室,涵蓋8釐米與16釐米,亦有沖洗服務、放映活動與研習課程,在台灣提供非常難得有趣的影像媒體。. [read more]
东影企业股份有限公司 is a movie theater, located at Section 1, Chang'an East Road, Zhongshan District 10491. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2741 2862 for more detailed information. [read more]
已經是台北市碩果僅存的藝術電影院了,常常很多不賺錢的文青電影都在這才能看到、不得不給五星。但是戲院的放映廳是小的。. 你如果熱愛藝術電影是可以來這看一些需要睡眠充足的電影,或者邊看邊睡也行,. 光點一直都有著不同的文藝電影選擇,加上館內餐廳也有著不錯的餐點,非常適合週末來吃個早午餐閒晃!. [read more]
老闆很專業價格也很合理速度也非常的快速. 老闆熱心專業, 服務十分到位, 值得推薦!!. 有資深50年以上的專業攝影師父。買賣傳統及數位照相攝影器材、維修保養等用心服務。全年無休的影像服務。感恩!. [read more]
以二輪戲院的品質來講. 我覺得佳佳來來算是蠻好的 且周遭吃的選擇多. . 白天有市場. . 晚上有夜市. . 不管是坐公車或是搭捷運來都挺方便的 空間寬敞. 座位也算舒適(不過某些座位太常有人坐. 好像已經有點變質. 坐了兩部電影的時間其實是有點不太舒服了) 這裡廁所固定有在清潔. 每場電影結束也是有基本的打掃 收票員都還蠻客氣的 購買團體票觀看是很划得來. [read more]
nice mall most floors consist of Viewshow cinemas (small screen) and B1 is POPA playground for small children. Good night scene from 9th floor. [read more]
Great theater. The interior is nice. The seats are comfortable. The theater isn't too big or too small. Cheap... [read more]
附近有府中捷運站及南雅夜市,交通便利,找吃的也方便,戲院乾淨,座椅稍硬,160元可看一整天二輪電影,CP值高。 看了多年二輪電影,在二輪戲院經營不易,越來越少的情況下,同時經營湳山戲院的老闆以平實的價格提供超值的電影觀看環境,感恩~. 160元一票看到底的二輪戲院,空間夠舒暢,環境乾淨,座椅採用仿皮製椅,大又舒適,8部片任君選擇看到爽,是消磨時間的好地方,但片子也不遜色,中途蓋個手印就可外出用餐,不錯耶。. [read more]
影音設備佳,環境整潔佳。有點心飲料及很多影片可以選擇,在包廂內可以自在的自己看電影!. 想要寬闊自在的看電影可以考慮來這裡,還有飲料零嘴厚片吃到飽,但沙發床沒有非常舒服。. 很讚👍有點心飲料冰淇淋厚片吃到飽而且燈光美氣氛佳. [read more]
這地方本來是中壢馬祖新村眷村的活動中心,現在改建成桃園光影電影館,這個電影館除了週一,每天都會放電影,而且完全免費。更棒的是,電影放映的空間一點也不馬虎,是由當初大禮堂改造而成的標準杜比音效電影院,總共可容納76名觀眾,這種好康,豈能錯過?!. 讓市民有個休閒去處,可觀賞好的影片。. 非常讚! 舒適且美好的看電影場所…全免費用!. [read more]