環境乾淨。麵Q湯頭濃郁好喝,大碗又美味🤤北部必吃♥️(回南部好懷念. . . ). 口味眾多,冷氣夠冷,停車方便。. 座位很多,生意很好,假日人潮多,請耐心等候. [read more]
富記粥品 is a meal takeaway, located at No. 237, Section 3, Zhongxing Road, Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County 31054. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 582 1429 for more detailed information. [read more]
燒臘好吃!配菜稍微油一點,湯好喝. 每次都要排隊 真的很不爽 排隊是最浪費時間的事情 可是這間我還是選擇排隊 好吃。. 好吃的燒臘,可惜偶爾會太鹹. [read more]
無糖饅頭ㄧ級棒. 這個價錢對的起這個品質. 星期一公休,饅頭還算好吃。. [read more]
堯記信仰小吃 is a meal takeaway, located at No. 25, Jiangong Road, East District, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 571 8858 for more detailed information. [read more]
Good, authentic pizza. Ingredients tasted fresh. Caesar salad was too salty, so I wouldn't recommend it. Prices are pretty decent for good quality foreign food. [read more]
食材很新鮮,服務很讚。. 站內站外都能買,很方便. 速度很快 適合趕時間的時候吃. [read more]
Yajiada Breakfast Restaurant is a meal takeaway, located at No. 50, Baoshan Road, East District, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +886 933 117 641 for more detailed information. [read more]
老闆娘很親切餐點十分道地說. [read more]
麵衣偏甜很喜歡,好吃多汁. [read more]
泰式打抛飯 is a meal takeaway, located at 363, Miaoli County, Gongguan Township, 鶴山69之5號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 920 524 000 for more detailed information. [read more]
小货车美食,葱油饼加蛋$30。. [read more]
好好吃!!! 超級好吃!. [read more]
爸爸回憶他小時候吃辦桌時,才有機會品嘗到的佳餚香酥鴨,是現在已經很少見的古早味,為此他念念不忘,於是我上網搜尋想了卻爸爸的心頭事,讓我找到了苗栗中央飯店的香酥鴨外帶回家,喚起爸爸記憶中難忘的美好滋味。. 有很多家香酥鴨 但他們是真正第一家日據時代就營業的 東西好吃cp值高 柔嫩皮又酥又香 今天光顧現場很多人 很多人不願意等 現炸本該等 等的值得. [read more]
臭豆腐炸的不錯吃. 湯好喝,老婆洗歡吃蚵仔煎,可惜沒賣了. 好吃!最愛他們家的米糕和臭豆腐,讚!. [read more]
推薦的首選龍岡米干店,小菜好吃,推薦豬耳朵、木瓜絲、大薄片、豌豆粉、花生醬皮蛋豆腐、雲南奶茶好喝、破酥包(豆沙或肉的,請手撥著吃,是一層一層的麵皮)、米干湯頭濃郁(紅色湯頭不是辣椒是番茄和紹子)。有冷氣、二樓有座位。人氣旺。有兩種辣椒,一種花椒、一種朝天椒。在地龍岡人點餐方式:全加(豬肝、豬肉加蛋)/肉蛋(不要豬肝),小碗/大碗,蛋包/蛋花,米干/米線/混線(米干加米線)。通常就是一連串的方式說完…我要全加大碗蛋包混線不加蔥外帶"或是…我要肉蛋小碗蛋花米干內用"😄。進去直接櫃檯點餐後付錢,會給你號碼紙一張(上面會有餐點內容),找位置坐著等餐點送來,店員會一邊端著走過來一邊說23號!!這時候你就跟他揮手,他就過來了!拿號碼紙給他核對就行。另外還有鍋物,滿大碗的,推薦泡菜鍋。有花椒罐可以買。龍岡人會把米干當早餐吃。. [read more]
海鮮好吃服務棒. 口味很讚,但偏油偏鹹. 料理美味,新鮮多樣,服務很好,月亮蝦餅必點. [read more]
花田小舗桃園大渓 is a meal takeaway, located at No. 66, Section 1, Yuanlin Road, Daxi District, Taoyuan City 335. They can be contacted via phone at +886 987 055 317 for more detailed information. [read more]
價位和其他美墨料理比起來算是可接受,很中間的程度。 套餐150元很划算 但是單點一個塔可50元有點貴 胃口小的人應該吃一個捲餅或塔可飯就會飽 食物很美味,也很新鮮 也有座位可以小坐聊天 老闆和員工都非常有禮貌、熱情 整體來講感覺很好. 200元能吃飽而且味道不馬虎. [read more]
設在中壢車站內的爭鮮壽司,沒時間用餐時的選擇。 生意不錯, 所以食材還算新鮮. 很好吃很方便!. 設在車站裡面的爭鮮 趕車的時候 會去買來充飢. [read more]
阿魯有炸go滷味 is a meal takeaway, located at No. 63, Yuying Road, Pingzhen District, Taoyuan City 32443. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 402 0919 for more detailed information. [read more]
永和世界豆漿 is a meal takeaway, located at No. 28, Section 2, Zhongshan North Road, Yangmei District, Taoyuan City 326. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 482 7230 for more detailed information. [read more]
黑健饅頭 is a meal takeaway, located at 326, Taoyuan City, Yangmei District, 楊新路一段61號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 478 6542 for more detailed information. [read more]
仙草大餅跟鮮肉盒子好吃 cp值很高喔!. [read more]
人不多,但是鮪魚品質很好,尤其烤鮪魚腹,服務普普,正常是給3. 5分,魚肉新鮮度是滿分. 自家公司的船隊,鮪魚夠水準,服務態度也好。這是一家比較專門在鮪魚握壽司的餐廳。. 生魚片品質優良,老饕不妨試試沒在菜單上的私房菜。去過的饕客嘴巴養刁以後,就很難再回去吃迴轉壽司或日本料理的生魚片了~. [read more]
The muffin brunch is really delicious. I have been here for several times! The location is near to Big City, it's convenient to park too. I'll visit here again soon!. [read more]
醉好食雞 is a restaurant, located at No. 104, Nanya Street, North District, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +886 986 837 857 for more detailed information. [read more]
Awsome Pizza's. . . well, who could go wrong with a pizza right??? Try all the big names. . . . . At Nico's its a hand tossed delight. The base is as crispy as it needs to be and the toppings are.. [read more]
朋友情侶約會聚餐好去處 但今天的青醬有點鹹 所以扣一顆星 其他都好吃👍👍👍 首推薦他們的燉飯~ 抹茶奶酪好吃喔~. Food is great, and the waiters are so wonderful!. [read more]
價格實惠,麵飯都還不錯吃~. 老闆手藝不錯餐點好吃. 乾意麵很好吃又香. [read more]
接受大量預訂。 少量購買請至竹蓮市場。. [read more]
中途休息的好地方。. 免費休息好地方. [read more]
滷大王麻辣燙新竹元培 is a restaurant, located at 300, Hsinchu City, Xiangshan District, 新竹市元培街290號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 927 387 029 for more detailed information. [read more]
很好吃!從小到大都吃這間的!(*´∀`). 有古早味的……早餐店。. 純樸,好吃,便宜。 O: 河粉蛋餅,蘿蔔糕。. [read more]
買了蘋果牛奶和酪梨牛奶,蘋果牛奶我選無糖、不過很甜、很有蘋果香,很好喝,酪梨牛奶也是有不錯的水準. 果汁現榨很好喝。. 現打,好喝的果汁. [read more]
好吃也經濟實惠. 牛肉燴飯挺好吃的,價格也不貴. [read more]