老闆給人的感覺,會再回來消費 ~. 老闆行動不便,但還是跑到路上幫我們機車解鎖,且技術好收費公道,大推!. 老闆很誠懇實在,也會替顧客著想,非常棒的一家店. [read more]
打鑰匙的地方,老闆技術不錯,店內也有各式的鑰匙。連感應豆和汽車鑰匙都能複製。. 老闆服務態度佳. 老闆技術超好,價格實在. [read more]
老闆親切有禮 竹北西區快速開鎖. 技術專業 服務親切 直得推薦的好店. nice service. 24h hsinchu. [read more]
服務親切,價格實惠。. 提供最專業實惠的鑰匙配置/換鎖/開鎖服務。CNC電腦自動車鑰匙機器. 精準配製您的鑰匙,節省您的寶貴時間!!. [read more]
鼎丰印铺锁匙店 is a locksmith, located at No. 176, Renhe Rd, Hukou Township, Hsinchu County 303. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 598 0003 for more detailed information. [read more]
老板一家都很親切客氣. 老闆十分親切!. [read more]
真誠熱心的服務,值得推薦!. 老闆人很客氣實在,誠信生意,價格公道。. 好大間的鎖印店!老闆人很老實和客氣,服務還不錯!. [read more]
老闆人很好,很Nice,價格合理。. [read more]
老闆,謝謝你。態度好,收費合理,事先報價,真的是找對人了。讚👍。. 專業迅速的在地服務. 服務好又迅速的專家!. [read more]
欣偉鎖匙刻印店 is a hardware store, located at No. 100, Zhengyi Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 320. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 438 3032 for more detailed information. [read more]
老闆熱心態度好. 服務不錯。不會故意隱瞞框客戶。還有兼做代領股東會紀念品,代領費用20塊而已。. 專業用心服務好!. [read more]
大鈺鎖匙刻印社 is a locksmith, located at No. 6, Fuguo North Street, Bade District, Taoyuan City 334. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 362 1203 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務親切,額外要求也爽快答應。. 老闆很帥 老闆娘很正. 老闆人很親切、熱心,推!. [read more]
三木鎖印 - 鎖店 桃園 南崁 開鎖 汽車晶片鑰匙 汽車無様配鎖 重機晶片鑰匙 肚臍章 胎毛筆 電子鎖 名片 印刷 連続章 is a locksmith, located at No. 140, Section 1, Guangming Road, Luzhu District, Taoyuan City 338. [read more]
桃园象文堂印铺锁匙店永安店 is a locksmith, located at 33059, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, 永安路515號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 301 7555 for more detailed information. [read more]
價格公道,老闆仔細細心,技術一流, 不亂破壞鎖!推推推. 2/28 休假日服務依然專業,且收費合理. [read more]
立奇刻印社 is a locksmith, located at No. 266號, Ciwen Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City 330. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 357 4529 for more detailed information. [read more]
(來補一下之前去過的心得) 女老闆態度很好,問問題也很有耐心 胖的男老闆也很親切,技術好,速度也很快 不過對硬要殺到半價的的奧客會有點不開心(去時正好看到) 那次次會去金龍鎖店,是因為湊巧聽附近的老人說,這是附近基隆人心中的技術最好也最推薦的鎖店,而且好幾年沒調過價了,想說乾脆去看看,不過有點難過的是,女老闆說他們店裡沒有進大陸鎖,所以有一隻鑰匙沒辦法打,只能去別家看看了 後來聽說他們店裡還有一個比較瘦且年輕的師父,但技術好像沒有男老闆好,而且對老人家不太禮貌(附近鄰居口述的). [read more]
打稀有鑰匙,這裡找的到. [read more]
優質店家希望大家多支持. 安裝捲門衛士的優質店家. 感謝您周末深夜願意到府幫忙開鎖! 年輕老闆人很好,我身上錢不夠付也沒有強硬索討! 很有人情味!!. [read more]
用心的店家希望大家多支持. [read more]
鑫源鎖匙印舖店 is a locksmith, located at No. 81號, Jianguo Road, Yingge District, New Taipei City 239. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2677 1145 for more detailed information. [read more]
價錢公道,服務親切. 老闆專業,服務快速。. 專業快速,大力推薦!. [read more]
門鎖故障,半夜請這家老闆開鎖,好在找到專業的,快狠準!技術很好,也很有耐心。. 打鑰匙的地方,有兼賣一些半寶石,24小時營業,脫線一族的救星. [read more]
老闆很有耐心 讚~. 技術一流,服務親切,價格公道 推推. 老板技術厲害,昨天華亞園區內現代貨車開鎖,別家鎖行師父開1小時打不開,老板一來5分鐘就打開,價值又合理,讚!. [read more]
開鎖小徒弟 is a locksmith, located at No. 17號, Dazhi Street, Tamsui District, New Taipei City 251. They can be contacted via phone at +886 924 128 838 for more detailed information. [read more]
The key copying speed is quite fast. . 服務快速 老闆親切. 家中快三歲的孩子反鎖,專業的老闆早上七點五十分就親接電話立馬到家服務開鎖解除危機,超感激的啦!收費也便宜公道合理哦!推薦大家要常去光顧哦!. [read more]
簡潔俐落又快速的服務 從無到有只要3分鐘. 跑了林口三間鎖店 終於打到我的鑰匙 good good. [read more]
老闆人很親切,服務周到!!. [read more]
白雅鎖行 is a locksmith, located at 220, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Section 3, Duxing Road, 2號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8687 1953 for more detailed information. [read more]
老闆很nice,東西很好!. [read more]
鎖将鎖匙刻印行 is a locksmith, located at No. 349號, Section 2, Ankang Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City 231. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2214 2351 for more detailed information. [read more]
金泰電源鎖掛鎖 Jintay Switch Lock is a locksmith, located at 243, New Taipei City, Taishan District, Section 3, Mingzhi Road, 482號號 1 樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2.. [read more]
老闆很熱心也不貴. [read more]
196地址是舊的 往前走一點就看得到了. [read more]
技術一流價錢公道. 服務速度快又讚. 打鑰匙,刻印章的好所在,效率快,收費合理. [read more]