大庆洗衣器材有限公司 is a laundry, located at Section 2, Zhongxing Road, Wugu District 248. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2986 6822 for more detailed information. [read more]
有2中100、2大150、1特大200,都是洗+烘,洗棉被方便. [read more]
長路有限公司 is a laundry, located at Wuquan 2nd Road, Xinzhuang District 242. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2290 2050 for more detailed information. [read more]
品高洗衣兴隆店 (Permanently Closed) is a laundry, located at 116, Taipei City, Wenshan District, 興隆路二段137號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2930 6059 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務態度佳,房間乾淨. [read more]
Laundry is a laundry, located at No. 13, Lane 348, Lishan Street, Neihu District, Taipei City 114. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2797 8376 for more detailed information. [read more]
优美干洗名店 is a laundry, located at No. 19, Lane 31, Section 1, Sanmin Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City 220. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2959 5357 for more detailed information. [read more]
衣楽洗 自助洗衣 永和中正店 is a laundry, located at No. 16, Lane 465, Zhongzheng Road, Yonghe District, New Taipei City 234. They can be contacted via phone at +886 952 808 128 for more detailed information. [read more]
小而巧,乾淨,機器新穎科技,管理到位。. [read more]
還不錯啊!該有的設備都有,而且來的時候遇到老闆,擦東擦西擦完就拿吸塵器到處吸地吸角落灰塵,環境整潔乾淨,我喜歡。. 室内環境保持非常清潔,喜歡常來這洗衣服。. [read more]
新永吉洗衣店 is a store, located at No. 434, Yongji Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2769 1539 for more detailed information. [read more]
環境明亮非常乾淨,店內設備整齊,配備齊全……在松山地區是間不可多得的自助洗衣店. 離松山車站饒河夜市很近對五分埔商圈的客戶是一大福音又有最新的免洗劑超微水洗衣設備讓自己與孩子的衣物洗的乾乾淨淨很安心,. [read more]
人潮穩定,店家專業. [read more]
烘乾機給力,一人約五天份衣服30分鐘高溫乾到會燙手😂 二人份的需要40-50分鐘. [read more]
第一次洗就愛上了,宏昇救回了不少最愛的衣服,太感謝了!. 我的娃娃洗完變更柔軟蓬鬆香噴噴的. 洗衣的品質不錯. [read more]
洗衣達人乾洗名店 is a laundry, located at 198 巷 30 弄 號 2 樓 之 2, No. 5四維路大安區台北市 Taiwan 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2755 1199 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務專業、質感高級. [read more]
洗衣达人干洗名店 is a laundry, located at 10668, Taipei City, Da’an District, 四維路198巷30弄5號2樓之2. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2701 7472 for more detailed information. [read more]
洗衣達人 (大安店) is a laundry, located at 號, No. 28復興南路一段340巷大安區台北市 Taiwan 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2755 1199 for more detailed information. [read more]
丰盛皮革专业名店 is a laundry, located at No. 4, Lane 6, Section 4, Chengde Road, Shilin District 111. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2885 3889 for more detailed information. [read more]
靜小姐你好。很遺憾讓你有不愉快的體驗。 我想就我了解的情況做個回應 床組是6/6號派人去收件。 印象中。月初通電話時。 除了收送衣物透過管理室以外 有提及不要使用機器烘乾 我們也有說明如果有下雨。 可能就會影響交件時間。必須往後延一點 得到的回覆是。「沒關係。不急」 怎知六月份從10號左右。真的下雨 還連著下到18~9號左右。。 考量到因為濕氣可能在送回後造成發霉 所以再多日照兩天。 然後再幫你做了真空包裝 並且於23號傍晚。派人送回管理室 附在床組的單據。右上角有開單日期 我想這當中一定有什麼誤會. [read more]
對於住宿沒有洗衣烘衣設備的外地遊客來說,很適合。洗衣11公斤,70元;18公斤,110元,只能投硬幣。. 下雨天衣物不容易乾,烘衣機就超好用了!. 24H夏澎投幣式自助洗衣坊 台北市中山區龍江路33號. [read more]
Laundromat- easy for non-Chinese speakers to figure out. Newish/clean machines. Wash and dry one load for about 200 TWD including buying soap. Change machine on site. [read more]
1994年開店至今 僅此一家。 堅持洗衣 品質,資深師傅手工整理整熨。 高級衣物、名牌服飾、鞋包、窗簾、地毯. . . . . . 都能安心送洗 平時上班忙碌的你,別煩惱 只要送來給衣能淨專業洗衣為你妳服務, 你妳只需輕鬆的取回乾淨整潔的衣服。. 服務優質,耐心檢視及解說。. 老闆拿到衣服就詳細檢視並和我們解說,洗出來效果超好!. [read more]
襯衫清洗不再困擾! 價格合理 服務品質不錯. [read more]
潔緻 汽車美容. 專治髒污車 is a laundry, located at No. 1, Jiuqiong Street, Luzhou District, New Taipei City 24750. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2847 3911 for more detailed information. [read more]
達新。消毒除蟲。白蟻專家 is a laundry, located at No. 100, Section 1, Roosevelt Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2217 6590 for more detailed information. [read more]
很乾淨又便宜. . . CP值高. 機子很多,幾乎不太需要等,推薦!!!. 很乾淨. . . 衣服洗很乾淨. [read more]
士瑋清潔事業有限公司 is a laundry, located at No. 6, Alley 14, Lane 541, Songshan Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2759 6629 for more detailed information. [read more]
深呼吸清潔社 is a laundry, located at No. 2, Alley 22, Lane 173, Minan West Road, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 242. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2205 1662 for more detailed information. [read more]
洗脫烘,方便洗衣店. [read more]
老闆娘 人很好,親切又熱情,送洗完包包跟新的一樣. 純手工清洗就是乾淨,服務又好 推薦這家!!. 老闆娘親切又實在,價錢不會亂算,鞋子,衣服,包包都有洗,一家店一起全包,很方便,是很用心在經營店的店家👍👍. [read more]
老闆很專業,都可以把包包整理(修復)到跟新的一樣~~~以這樣的價格來講是合理的!!!. 老闆熱情又細心!. 讓包包起死回生,妙手回春,送洗回來包包跟新的一樣,太神奇了👍👍👍. [read more]
台湾瑞波国际股份有限公司 is a laundry, located at No. 9, Alley 59, Lane 790, Section 5, Zhongxiao East Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 11082. They can be contacted via phone at +886.. [read more]
達新。清潔打掃。專業服務 is a laundry, located at Section 4, Chengde Road, Shilin District, Taipei City 111. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2557 0000 for more detailed information. [read more]
可樂24H自助洗衣基隆七堵店 is a laundry, located at No. 58, Kaiyuan Road, Qidu District, Keelung City 20644. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8809 4900 for more detailed information. [read more]