服務品質好!非常值得!. [read more]
101家具 is a furniture store, located at No. 206, Section 2, Xibin Road, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 556 1575 for more detailed information. [read more]
#LocalGuides #OnGoogleMaps #Taiwan #新竹 #HsinChu. 空間大,應有盡有. 貨品質量滿好的. [read more]
老闆娘人超好👍根據需求真心推薦適合的花! 買這裡的花束讓人心情很美麗🌹🌹🌹. 親切又熱情的老闆娘,手藝超群。值得來👍👍👍. 老闆娘真正強!「同學小卡畢業花束」很高級! 接客製訂單討論很仔細,也會先做示範,在合理的價格預算內,做到最高價值感。 超推。. [read more]
生日派對!!! 求婚佈置. 婚宴會場佈置… 還是需要來點驚喜的時候 氣球禮物. 車廂佈置… 氣球. 花束. 小禮品. 可愛精製的婚禮小物 有超多的選擇而且價格公道呢^_^¥. 報價很公道,店長雖年輕但很熱心,服務很仔細,細節都有幫忙顧慮到,很推薦。. 花店新裝潢過很漂亮,所有的作品都很美而且老闆跟店員很親切喔~. [read more]
施工用心,價格合理,台灣製造的器材真的有比較穩定跟耐用. 專業 老闆 工廠直營. 服務態度優良,專業又熱誠. [read more]
小兒子很大方 跟他借錢才有禮貌. 小兒子很常遲到。. 老闆服務很好,冷氣壞了能挪出時間幫忙檢查. [read more]
宇宙能量國際股份有限公司 is a department store, located at No. 281, Section 2, Zhongyang West Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 32046. They can be contacted via phone at +886 915.. [read more]
熱心服務,誠信可靠,知名大品牌的專業經銷代理商,推薦給鄰近社區住戶們,隨時路過皆可進去,店家免費咖啡招待。. [read more]
Easy to park, good choices. . All the tools you need could get them there. . 讚~老闆很親切 所有問題都一一解答 ? 2話不說購入 , 不像有一間老闆回妳. 妳買了在跟妳講?. [read more]
It's been such a good experience that I came back once more today, writing my review as I am singing. Haha. Low on english songs but good snacks and Ice cream. [read more]
洗多屋投币洗衣生活馆 is a home goods store, located at 973, Hualien County, Ji’an Township, Section 2, Zhonghua Road, 189號號. [read more]
現在移到以前芎林書局,所以去時感慨萬分! 炸物拼盤$180非常驚豔地大,炸魚、花枝、雞翅3人吃足夠! 因為相對有些美式餐廳拼盤上了都是傻眼的小份! 兩位櫃檯服務小姐,都非常有氣質且親切, 今天中午(12/16)中午只有我們一桌客人, 我們點太多了,小姐卻依然勸我們點太多了,他們分量很大。 基本上東西都不錯吃,價位有高一點, 但相對之下他們的份量確實也不小,午餐吃了晚餐我還很飽。 只是沒有跟客人提醒檸檬水、餐具可自取,餐桌沒有獨立衛生紙, 漢堡份量大、但若沒有辣味,味道會偏淡,眾口味者要注意。 廚房師傅非常有禮貌,第一次看到從伙房出來的廚師, 會主動跟客人打招呼說謝謝,那種服務就是金錢買不到的。 因此我還是給予5顆星的評價。. [read more]
閣倈坊 卡拉OK is an electronics store, located at 103, Taipei City, Datong District, Pingyang Street, 46號號 2 樓. [read more]
家具,木製家具,精品,居家,燈,桌椅,櫃,藝術品,古董家具,英國古董家具,印度進口家具,銅器,鐵器,瓷器,時鐘,渡假風居家風,南洋風居家風,民宿飯店居家風. [read more]
都是找他修東西的耶. 讚讚 價格合理!老闆兒子很帥😬. 維修很仔細 會跟顧客仔細說明. [read more]
唱歌放鬆的好地方. 音響裝潢俱佳 服務人員熱誠親切. 燈光美氣氛佳,聚會的好場所. [read more]
Happy Soul親子空間 is a gym, located at 105, Taipei City, Songshan District, Section 3, Nanjing East Road, 346號10樓之4. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2711 8869 for more detailed information. [read more]
晉浩水電(工) is a plumber, located at No. 166號, Longan Street, Ren’ai District, Keelung City 200. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2423 0701 for more detailed information. [read more]
三繐有限公司 is a plumber, located at 200, Keelung City, Ren’ai District, 成功一路144號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2432 5958 for more detailed information. [read more]
皇家卡拉OK is an electronics store, located at 號, No. 315松山路信義區台北市 Taiwan 110. [read more]
蜜糖外約賴sweety899台北新竹桃園台中彰化南投台南高雄宜蘭基隆屏東hot外約G奶妹googletea. com台灣叫小姐微信:sweety8998西門町叫小姐line:sweety899台北外約服務酒店外送援交妹愛愛台北叫妹妹服務蜜糖外送LINE:sweety899台北新竹桃園台中彰化南投高雄宜蘭基隆屏東hot/mot外送叫小姐LINE:sweety899【看照約咩】蜜糖外送茶坊+LINE: sweety899多買多送無套兼職辣妹找小姐台灣出差旅遊叫小姐旅館外送服務半套服務 叫小姐全套 慾望情人網googletea. [read more]
MUSIC STATION is an electronics store, located at No. 96號, Guangfu North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City 105. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2570 3838 for more detailed information. [read more]
K-Nine is an electronics store, located at 105, Taipei City, Songshan District, Section 4, Bade Road, 138號9樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 3762 2888 for more detailed information. [read more]
麥克風跟音響很讚!. 它的店名已改為紫坊卡拉OK. [read more]
聚云博物馆旗舰馆 (Permanently Closed) is a museum, located at 106, Taipei City, Da’an District, 延吉街188號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2711 5258 for more detailed information. [read more]
這裡已經不是新世界大戲院,現在是知名品牌服裝店喔!. [read more]
裕源塑膠行 (YYshop挖挖小舖上禾屋)台北店 is a home goods store, located at 103, Taipei City, Datong District, 太原路41號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2555 0335 for more detailed information. [read more]
Domo studio (Permanently Closed) is a furniture store, located at No. 368, Section 2, Tiding Boulevard, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10491. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2761 1648.. [read more]
新加坡商,結合咖啡及柚木家具的空間,很合搭。 咖啡有細選過,但看的出來很多莊園級咖啡豆都有缺或停賣,看來專業的咖啡在台灣想要推廣仍要一段時間。 茶類也很有創意,點了杯101夜,加了數種水果食材的香,很不錯。 柚木很有設計感,結合了鐵件更有型,也有回收木材的再利用,但單價不低,得掂掂荷包再行動。. 家俱很有質感。餐飲不錯,鬆餅有特色. [read more]
鴻源水電 is a plumber, located at No. 122, Lane 53, Dayuan Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City 330. They can be contacted via phone at +886 980 696 493 for more detailed information. [read more]
东京都会卡拉OK is an electronics store, located at No. 72之20號, Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2711 2754 for more detailed information. [read more]
Great sound systems, clean and well ventilated spaces, good vibes. Can't comment on food since I didn't order any. Decent selection of American songs, though not updated since probably 2003. [read more]
吸引力KTV is an electronics store, located at 106, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, 209號3樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2740 7066 for more detailed information. [read more]
海世界國際傳媒 is an electronics store, located at No. 338, Jingxin Street, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City 235. They can be contacted via phone at +886 989 757 416 for more detailed information. [read more]