good and convenient to watch movies. movie,shopping nice place!. Nice place and very convenient!. [read more]
【看照約妹】+賴:tw33926可送絲襪 買1送1 口交 愛愛 毒龍 爆菊花 頂級約炮. 也許多意想不到的杯子蛋糕花樣造型,有別一般傳統的蛋糕,略小些,價格是中價位以上。. [read more]
Quality cinema for watching movies in Tainan. . Strategic place to watch movie, nearby the bowling place too. [read more]
由開幕以來的聯名卡優惠,以前只有星期一到三,後來需要有消費,在改換華南銀行之前2015開始必須要有消費超過一定金額,同時購票沒有很多優惠,改買儲值卡或使用玉山卡。改用新聯名卡後,目前無時間限制,只要消費滿六百,但是可惜必須要當月簽單。 偶爾會選播藝術電影,很舒服。與之前常去的二輪比,前方沒有人(椅子都是在斜坡上,沒有人被檔)空間很大,天花板高,沒有壓迫感。一兩個小廳,但是有振動效果。. [read more]
Great place for buying earphones. Allow you try earphones for a very long time. . Is there any place like this around hsinchu?. Nice place to choose headphones. [read more]
現場買電腦沒貨還會幫忙調貨送到家服務不錯. 科技的日新月異 已超越人類所思 感謝前人的發明 使後代有3C 可用. 認真敦厚的工作人員,明亮的門市空間,東湖人選購3C的好去處~. [read more]
店員很熱心,說要測試電鋼琴的USB隨身碟錄音功能,立馬生一個給客人測試. Great service, good selection, and fair prices. . [read more]
有系統的教學, 老師很耐心的教導, 服務的姊姊們也很熱心。. 對孩童的身心協同學習很有幫助。. [read more]
櫃檯很親切,但環境還好. [read more]
推荐好音樂,每張CD皆可試聽,提供客製化之服務,代訂國外CD,DvD,BD等産品,対顧客喜愛的音樂服務使人感動良多。. 老闆我認識有30年還未開38度C時 老歌 熱門 古典 這都有。. Great selection of records, friendly staff, charming atmosphere. [read more]
台灣大哥大Myfone(蘆竹山腳南山門市) is an electronics store, located at 號, No. 286南山路三段蘆竹區桃園市 Taiwan 338. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 324 5679 for more detailed information. [read more]
萬通3c智慧館-山腳店 is an electronics store, located at No. 9, Haishan Road, Luzhu District, Taoyuan City 338. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 324 0424 for more detailed information. [read more]
亮建股份有限公司 is an electronics store, located at 338, Taoyuan City, Luzhu District, 厚生路90號5樓之4. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 222 9077 for more detailed information. [read more]
老闆詳細講解,不會亂喊價!!. 我們以最好的服務跟最優質的產品歡迎您~ 不只販售樂器還販售夢想 你的樂器補給站. [read more]
非常好!很細心體貼!很認真的店家!. 服務很好,店員也很用心說明!. 這裡買手機好便宜唷!謝謝幫忙備份. [read more]
松本樂器行 is an electronics store, located at No. 68, Daguan Road, Sanxia District, New Taipei City 237. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8672 5691 for more detailed information. [read more]
原住民酒吧 白浪被排擠了. [read more]
音響還不錯!。不要假日去!要不然唱不到歌!包箱音響不好!. [read more]
東岸九族 歡唱100點 檳榔攤 is a night club, located at 333, Taoyuan City, Guishan District, 東萬壽路59號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 912 788 353 for more detailed information. [read more]
投幣式居然這麼好唱. [read more]
南崁最美麗的老闆娘在此 。. 全新開幕!親切服務、環境舒適、音響效果好. [read more]
空間寬敞,麥克風很好唱. [read more]
Cocobar-ATT4Fun 專屬你的KTV is a night club, located at No. 12號6樓, Songshou Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110. They can be contacted via phone at +886 80 022 9800 for more detailed information. [read more]
舞琳 卡啦ok is a night club, located at No. 6, Alley 18, Lane 250, Section 5, Nanjing East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City 105. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2748 2665 for.. [read more]
花蝴蝶卡拉OK is a night club, located at 105, Taipei City, Songshan District, Beining Road, 34號B1. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2579 3659 for more detailed information. [read more]
緻美企業社 is an electronics store, located at 106, Da’an District, 大安區忠孝東路四段76號6樓之4. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2751 5086 for more detailed information. [read more]
單纯,音响不错,服務也親切。. 喝酒唱歌的好地方,超好唱. [read more]
這家店的服務真的非常棒. [read more]
店員都很親切而且東西很便宜 要試琴也都會給我們試 環境也都很良好 我還想去那邊學吉他哈哈哈 總之很推這家店. 新裝潢,很棒的地方. 我喜歡這裡吉他都有標價,服務人員介紹客觀詳盡,不吹牛也不推銷商品,在沒有壓力之下,挑選到我喜歡的吉他。. [read more]
花市小吃部 is a night club, located at No. 190號, Shoushan Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City 330. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 329 7280 for more detailed information. [read more]
場地很大 通風不良 菸一抽會有煙霧. 歡唱服務的娛樂場所. [read more]
老闆娘很親切,店裡全面禁菸,也不會看到客人喝酒,很適合不菸不酒純粹唱歌的歌友。 有分白天場和晚上場,一場一人200元有一盤水果,熱茶自助,可帶外食。 機台是BB cyber DAM,店家每個月有持續更新。 新歌收錄比較少,唱舊歌的話還可以~有需要可以自帶卡拉去唱~ 也有國台語的點歌機,但主要還是唱日文歌較多。 客群以唱演歌的銀髮族為主,偶爾會有唱ACG的阿宅出沒ww. [read more]
小海豚視聽歌唱 is a night club, located at 330, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Minquan Road, 126號3 樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 331 7989 for more detailed information. [read more]
金曲卡拉OK is a night club, located at No. 479號, Minsheng Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City 330. They can be contacted via phone at +886 930 308 849 for more detailed information. [read more]
老師非常用心,老闆跟老闆娘人都很好. 老師專業又有耐心,很讚!. 老師非常有耐心!循序漸進的教學方式,小朋友比較能快樂的接受!老闆娘人也超和善,都默默的關心每一個小孩的進步!. [read more]
心愛茶藝KTV is a night club, located at 330, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Fuxing Road, 163號4 樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 333 9210 for more detailed information. [read more]