價格實惠,服務用心,甚至貼心,注重細節. 對環境付出,環保蒸氣洗車;用最少的水資源,還能達到清潔您的愛車!有機會可以看看我的2004現代1800 cc保養的車況!. 服務親切,品質也很好,車子都能很放心的交付照顧,更況又是愛車一族,真的覺得很優質!. [read more]
環境空曠,有自動販賣機可以買飲料,缺點是沒有零錢兌換機. 場地大 自己來洗車有療癒作用,帶兒子來,兩個邊洗邊玩也很開心 ^^. 位置幽靜;乾濕分離,這是最滿意的地方!. [read more]
行家汽車美容 is a car wash, located at No. 370, Section 2, Donghua St, Beitou District, Taipei City 112. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2820 0381 for more detailed information. [read more]
龍貓汽車美容 is a car wash, located at 號, No. 215民生路二段板橋區新北市 Taiwan 220. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2255 5286 for more detailed information. . [read more]
奇桀汽車美容 is a store, located at No. 578, Zhongzheng North Road, Sanchong District, New Taipei City 241. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2982 3277 for more detailed information. [read more]
洗車價錢公道,基本精緻洗車注意很多細節,不只是清潔一眼望去看得到車體外的部分,一些小地方的細節也都很注意,像是車門密合處、玻璃內與外……,還會處理內部腳踏與車廂的清潔,而且貼心地會幫忙注意雨刷是否該更換。 我個人覺得服務相當物超所值。 要來這之前,記得先撥通電話預約,安排時間。. [read more]
隔板有點短,車間有點窄。 其他部分還OK,附近沒有其他更好的選擇!!. 高壓水20元,其他都10元,只提供小水桶,其他工具請自備或現場購買. 有音樂喔!所以洗愛車不會無聊。. [read more]
夢想星塵-汽車美容工作室 is a car wash, located at No. 193, Renzheng Street, Sanchong District, New Taipei City 241. They can be contacted via phone at +886 932 149 709 for more detailed information. [read more]
細心的施作手藝,合理的收費。. [read more]
洗車打蠟超用心,連椅子下都清的乾乾淨淨,價錢又合理,大家可以來看看. 老闆紅光滿面,態度親切,洗車細緻細心。. [read more]
加一次油送洗車!. 平常很空的加油站,幾乎不用等,洗車也可以慢慢來. 離交流道近,車少,很少需要排隊加油,旁邊還有洗車服務,相當方便~. [read more]
鑫明专业汽车美容 is a car wash, located at No. 323, Minzu West Road, Datong District, Taipei City 103. They can be contacted via phone at +886 985 145 353 for more detailed information. [read more]
專業技術解說,做工細緻,服務親切,值得推薦👍. [read more]
有自助加油跟Gogoro電池交換站。Self-service pumps and Gogoro electric scooter battery swapping service available at this petrol station. . [read more]
老闆及師傅們很專業. 服務專業、老闆親切,值得推薦的汽車美容保養廠。 Ps 店狗:黑色長毛臘腸表示,我也很專業。. 有洗大型重車,需事先預約 車洗的很乾淨 很滿意!. [read more]
FCB富丽仕汽车美容 is a car wash, located at No. 178號, Section 4, Chengde Road, Shilin District, Taipei City 111. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2881 9187 for more detailed information. [read more]
Profection International INC (Permanently Closed) is a car wash, located at No. 62號, Zhonghua Road, Bade District, Taoyuan City 334. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 217 4190 for.. [read more]
不馬虎,很用心的店家!. [read more]
安森汽車 is a car wash, located at No. 211號, Nanshan Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City 235. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2248 1502 for more detailed information. [read more]
[此店家採預約制,務必先預約] 老闆是個友善的年輕人,會先依照車主提供的照片幫忙評估需要的服務項目,不會亂推銷,可以放心。洗車、美容的每個步驟老闆都是純手工一吋一吋慢慢弄,感受的到用心與對品質的堅持,過程中有疑問都可以跟老闆聊,另外提供保固和集點,值得推薦的好店家!. 老闆相當細心,成果也很棒,很值得推薦喔!. [read more]
小美容後,又是亮晶晶. 老闆18年豐富資歷加上專業及熱情,細心解說車況以及最好最專業的處理方式!非常推薦!. [read more]
黃店長很親切,服務也很周到. [read more]
美修444汽車行 is a car wash, located at No. 110號, Shuangxi Street, Shilin District, Taipei City 111. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2836 8754 for more detailed information. [read more]
老闆親切,師父細心,價格合理. [read more]
亨原汽車 is a car wash, located at No. 214號, Zhongshan 1st Road, Luzhou District, New Taipei City 247. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8286 3491 for more detailed information. [read more]
方便的好鄰居,讚. 技術本位服務好價格公道. [read more]
仔細的洗車打蠟. 技術好,動作快,物美價廉. 非常專業 值得推薦. [read more]
專為成功人士打造的Coat DCC 還有車身保護貼XPEL. [read more]
花了800清內裝,地墊翻開還是有紙屑跟沙塵。 1600洗車加打蠟,引擎蓋上的大片水垢超級明顯,用面紙一擦就掉,絕對不會再去第二次! 雖然整理內裝很用心,可是品質真的讓人太驚嚇了~. 真的超級cp值,找了好久好久的傳說洗車場. 專業!師傅施工十分的細心!. [read more]
專業的鍍膜美容的店家 施工精緻 產品效果很持久 平常去自助洗車輕鬆很多. 功夫細,用心不馬虎的店家~. [read more]
7車汽車美容 is a car wash, located at No. 43號, Kulun Street, Datong District, Taipei City 103. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2598 8099 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務認真!下次還會再去. 服務、技術都是專業之上,收費合理、老闆很實在. [read more]
Really detail explanation what their plan and services are available. Also will suggest what suitable for your car~ definitely will be back for regular maintenance monthly~. [read more]
安裝細心,價格公道. [read more]
服務真棒,技術一流. 換玻璃速度很快. 換汽車擋風玻璃首選. [read more]
場地明亮,設備完善,商品齊全,愛車DIY好去處!. 整潔的自助洗車場地,看得出店家有用心維護,車位寬敞不易受鄰車影響,泡沫與沖水時間都夠長,能完整洗完一台車,相較其他洗車場地,我仍偏好帶小老婆來此洗澎澎~. 乾淨空間大!位置有點少要避開人多時段。. [read more]