味道還OK價格公道,不懂為何一堆人要在SO嵐排隊等,這間都沒人超快的ㄟ. 老闆人很好,不過覺得茶無糖會有點澀. 黑糖系統真的很讚!!. [read more]
熱心服務,誠信可靠,知名大品牌的專業經銷代理商,推薦給鄰近社區住戶們,隨時路過皆可進去,店家免費咖啡招待。. [read more]
A beautiful little coffee shop with great views, a definite must try!. [read more]
素敵な空間でした。お茶は飲んでいませんが、ギャラリーが併設されているため、建物の中を魅せて欲しいとお願いしたところ、気持ちよく案内してもらえました。茶器も扱っていました。 次回はゆっくりお茶を楽しみたいと思います。. 充滿藝文氣習的品茗空間,桌椅擺設很寬鬆,讓來客彼此不會干擾,茶為上選,服務也好,是文教區裡,放鬆聊天喝茶的好選擇!. [read more]
麥克風跟音響很讚!. 它的店名已改為紫坊卡拉OK. [read more]
地理位置很棒,價位合理. 餐點ok 吃個鬆餅配咖啡 不錯. 很有特色的商旅,早餐是現做的有很好的手工咖啡, 有很大的按摩浴缸,靠近中山捷運站, 週邊有美食和新光三越百貨公司~讚!. [read more]
司馬特単車生活館 is a bicycle store, located at 268, Yilan County, Wujie Township, 中里路16號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 954 3006 for more detailed information. [read more]
環境好,`非常適合聚會聊天的好地方。. 適合下班後休息一下,明天再出發!. [read more]
很高的山上,開車的話還蠻裡面的~但茶真的好喝,走一趟超值,賴永富夫妻倆對茶是很講究的,還得到ITQI三顆星~茶界的最高榮譽~. 來一杯好茶, 享受慈峰美景. [read more]
Everything's above average! A good place to enjoy your afternoon tea! Good for family/friends gathering, too!! Food - 4 Service - 4 Coffee - 4. 5 Environment - 4. [read more]
Nice cafe with a really great vibe, it reminded me of the trendy coffee shops back home in Seattle. I would definitely return. Although, I do wish the tea was a little higher quality than.. [read more]
Sweet guy, hot waffles, coffee, hot chocolate, feels like a dream at this altitude. 上合歡山的中繼站, 不常上山的人下車休息走一走緩和身心的好地方~. 上合歡山很棒的中繼站. [read more]
看日出最好的地方,很多觀光車隊,雲層,雲海,日出. [read more]
處在環山部落裡的幽靜民宿,住在這的幾天遇上連續陰雨,但遠方的山景在山嵐環繞下依然美麗動人。 似乎深怕有了甚麼怠慢,民宿主人一直問「還有甚麼需要改進的地方嗎?」但這幾天的熱情招待,以自家種植的蔬果用心現作的美味餐點,寬敞舒適的客房,讓我只能連連回說一切都好,吃得太好睡得太飽,難得有這麼樣的一個地方會讓人離開時有股依依不捨的惆悵,不知下次再訪是哪時了. [read more]
從信義鄉賞完梅景、途經日月潭,來到台 14 線省道/埔里鎮上時,因饑腸轆轆隨機在路上進去這家全省都有分店的《異人館》餐飲,沒想到店內竟然有提供手沖咖啡,餐點口味不賴,咖啡沖的也有一定水準,推薦!. 座位空間大,出餐需要等候,可先預約,甜點是布丁會拿當天到期的先給客人。餐點選擇多、中上價位、附餐飲料很大杯。適合大家庭、朋友、情侶聚會場合。. [read more]
Good place to stop by for their sweet taro ball activities, which is all year round. During the winter season, they offered the experience to harvest taro in t here filed! Highly recommend!.. [read more]
很舒服的地方,彷彿到另一個世界,單品咖啡好喝. 甜點很棒 咖啡有水準 用餐環境舒適 值得五顆星的地方!. 空間規劃傑出 充滿巧思 甜點略甜且口味略為平淡 然瑕不掩瑜 仍值得一訪 (給店家:如可行,水壺建議二樓也置放). [read more]
環境悠美 美食價廉. [read more]
Better than average coffee, nice staff. No set hours, but if they're here you're in luck. . 咖啡茶類好喝,現做鬆餅好吃,爆米花好吃不甜不膩又脆,全不添加香料又健康👍. 桂花拿鐵超好喝♥. [read more]
Nice feel, cool wooden structure. Friendly people. [read more]
適合晴朗冬天的營地,距離新竹地區很近,鬧中取靜之感。 有四間大衛浴間,時間1900-2100會有柴爐燒的熱水,水溫水量都很穩定。. 老闆超親切,還會幫忙搭帳篷,場地也很適合小朋友們. 廢話不多說,就是不錯啦…. [read more]
蘇馬利逗迪咖啡 is a cafe, located at 545, Nantou County, Puli Township, Shuren Road, 168號1樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 963 121 603 for more detailed information. [read more]
東勢在地一間簡餐,開很久的老店,位於東勢豐原客運車站對面,有點不起眼的招牌跟門面,所以人潮並不多. 本地唯一茶館- 品茶/厚片吐司 / 燴飯/湯麵 / 炸物/滷味/個人小火鍋 ,樣樣其全。 ※一樓開放空間座位,二樓包廂(每人低消費100元。. 平價簡餐口味還不錯. [read more]
❤💛💜💛❤ 尋幽訪勝. [read more]
山田花源沉香主題莊園 is a cafe, located at 田 寮 村田 寮 坑 40 號, Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County 312. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 593 2827 for more detailed information. [read more]
特殊發酵 間隔烘培 養生樟芝咖啡 喝了 一樣好睡! 而且還能回沖耶~一樣好喝 還會感受到喉韻回饋給口腔的回甘滋味~大推 服務態度很好!. [read more]
餐食好吃,風景優美. 這一家民宿老闆介紹的私房景點~只是去的時候剛好被包棟,老闆娘說最好用餐先打電話預訂唷!殘念⋯有機會可以去在那邊用餐. 花蓮可以看夜景與日出的好地方。泡茶聊天。或者是住宿都不錯。有提供場地烤肉。. [read more]
吉丰茶叶 is a cafe, located at 546, Nantou County, Ren’ai Township, Fugui Road, 66號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 928 585 049 for more detailed information. [read more]
令人舒適的狀態 自然山林中的生活,茶書美食讓人自在 適合小住怡情. 清幽自在的好地方,女主人走過世界又幽默風趣. [read more]
老屋翻修氣氛下午茶. [read more]
4. 5 The jam is really nice! Scrabbled eggs are great. I also like those beverages before and after the meal. . Very stylish Japanese style coffee shop. [read more]
Came here on a weekend for their breakfest. The food is excelent. They used good quality stuff like the cheese the meat. Price is reasonable and the environment is 5 star. [read more]
環境清幽料理不錯. 只有吃過餐廳,所以先給四顆星,東西吃的出來用心,山藥雞湯以低度調味突顯食材本身的鮮甜,不像一般餐廳每一道都重口味,值得推薦。. 我們一家都喜歡的味道。. [read more]
店員親切,介紹仔細. There's a café salon in the shop, and ongoing meet up events, amazing cozy place. . [read more]
139 Cafe is a cafe, located at No. 139, Section 2, Duxing Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City 220. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2687 4161 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pet friendly coffee shop, the owner has their own dog and cats in the house, but you can bring your own pets and join the party. Male dogs will need to wear diaper before entering. [read more]