維諾鏟子有限公司 is a bar, located at No. 1, Shizheng North 1st Road, Xitun District 407. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2258 1700 for more detailed information. [read more]
The food is good, the beer is better. Both the service and the atmosphere are good. A nice place for a Saturday lunch and a brew. . Great beer! Great service! Great food!. [read more]
氣氛和裝潢都不錯,但是播的音樂CD,自從第一去到現在,一年來從來沒換過,希望店家多花點心思找音樂。. Tasty sushi with excellent presentation. 環境和氣氛都非常好,一進門最引人注目的就是月球,把餐廳點綴的很奇幻. [read more]
服務態度跟桌邊服務都還不錯,食材也有新鮮,但希望介紹菜單可以再仔細一點. . . . . . 以為是蒸一整條魚,端上來是幾片魚肉,對愛吃魚的我有點小失望,但其實份量也是夠,後想整隻的龍膽石斑價格也不便宜. . . . 還是算了. . . . . . . . 東西很好吃服務也很好~但東西的分量少了點~不過還是滿值得推薦的. [read more]
This rooftop bar is an excellent place to see the city lights. Their Mai Tai was on the sweeter side but delicious... [read more]
Ligero雪茄館,徹底顛覆了一般人過去對於雪茄會館的刻板印象──密閉不通風、猶如黑盒般的空間。它於今年6月底開幕,雖然隱身於柏地廣場12樓的一間開放式酒吧之中,但間接保留了私密性的優點。當你一踏入這占地50坪的空間,最先映入眼簾的是明亮寬敞的一般座位區,盡頭以能夠將戶外風景一覽無遺的落地窗取代冰冷的水泥牆,特別引人注意. [read more]
好吃!便宜!Cp值高!. [read more]
Best damn western style sausages in all of Taichung, possibly the whole island (not sure, but they would at least be competitive). A true local treasure that single-handily diversifies local.. [read more]
減輕壓力的好地方. 消費低、直得大家的喜愛. [read more]
Stone House 岩屋 is a restaurant, located at No. 1, Shizheng North 1st Road, Xitun District, Taichung City 407. They can be contacted via phone at +886 923 665 869 for more detailed information. [read more]
超级无敌好吃的烤肉店!就是地方不好找开车转了40min才找到,但是非常非常好吃!强力推荐牛舌!美味死了!. [read more]
只能說超級好吃,值得來鹿港必吃. 店內環境清幽,是鹿港少數幾家吃到飽的,還有環景可以看. 能吃的到這裡不錯的選擇. [read more]
可前住宿用餐。. [read more]
Really cosy et good atmosphere with great musique. Food here is fantastic et delicious especially sausage et paella which you must try. One thing you cannot miss here is champagne, excellent.. [read more]
食材新鮮,口味適宜. 好吃!好吃!好吃!. 還是懷念最早的碳烤香雞排,改良過後的版本就不曾再光顧!. [read more]
燈光好,音響也不錯~重點現在很少ktvㄉ廁所有那麼乾淨的。. [read more]
Fun place to meet up with friends. Staff is always friendly and they have events every so often. Usually two beers on tap and good selection of bottled beers (for 180-200NT). [read more]
Mr. Cow烤大爺台中精誠店 (Permanently Closed) is a meal takeaway, located at No. 265, Jingcheng Road, West District, Taichung City 403. They can be contacted via phone at +886 960 709 653.. [read more]
無數夜裡你覺得自己孤身一人感到寂寞無助 “想要"卻無處可以發洩嗎? ★讓你享受到最高潮的性愛服務★ ★滿足你所有的視覺. 觸覺. 聽覺三享受★ ★保證您消費過一次之後回味無窮 性福就從這裡開始★ 約砲+賴7788teas. 親切的服務;菜色豐富,👍!. 價位平等,菜色眾多,十分適合全家及親朋好友們用餐。. [read more]
上次與太太傍晚運動經過貍小路餐飲小酌,感覺氣氛不錯想進去用餐,但服務人員告知要等,要等多久不知道,因此就沒吃成。此次特地早一點過去,看有空位就先坐了,結果到櫃檯點餐時,服務人員說不能自己入座,要點玩餐後等帶位,這些規定都要等到櫃檯才知道,因為這裡跟本沒招呼帶位人員!料理食材還不錯,價位也平實,但服務不好,應該多一位外場服務員,會更好,可惜了!. [read more]
With relax good MUSIC Excellent service nice beer. [read more]
好吃,氣氛很棒,但生意不是很好,有點可惜. 一間藏身於大甲小鎮的美式餐廳,外國老闆人很親切,漢堡肉味道很讚,薯條也很好吃,在這享用餐點氣氛很棒. 牛肉漢堡也變的太好吃了吧!紮實且帶點焦香味,超推薦!!!. [read more]
無數夜裡你覺得自己孤身一人感到寂寞無助 “想要"卻無處可以發洩嗎? ★讓你享受到最高潮的性愛服務★ ★滿足你所有的視覺. 觸覺. 聽覺三享受★ ★保證您消費過一次之後回味無窮 性福就從這裡開始★ 約砲+賴7788teas. [read more]
晚上氣氛不錯,餐點尚可. 喝酒聊天,餐點名稱很有趣~. 起司捲捲很好吃呀!但酒水有些就過稀了。. [read more]
雅士屋 is a restaurant, located at 404, Taichung City, North District, 大雅路431號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2295 6789#8324 for more detailed information. [read more]
第二次來了!餐點都好吃,氣氛佳,服務很貼心,CP值超高😊. Great nouveau French cuisine. . exceptional food, Wonderful service. . [read more]
有潮物和咖啡喝的好店 店員親切. [read more]
暗暗的,很有私密空間的店,晚上可以放鬆整晚,mojito 好喝. 内部空間設計有創意 唯停車位一位難求 氣氛很好不來又可惜. A place I strongly recommend to visit. The espresso just too good I got nothing to say about it. [read more]
非常好吃!每次來花蓮都會來吃😘. 燒麻糬只有五六日提供,一定要來吃! 很舒服的古玩店結合麻糬甜點,很愜意. 好吃有意思的环境 老板人很好. [read more]
透天凉亭 is a bar, located at 978, Hualien County, Ruisui Township, Section 1, Zhongzheng Road, 20號號. [read more]
寂寞空虛的夜,需要的密我,高潮專線加Line:are633 Lonely empty night, need me, high tide line plus line: are633. [read more]
公關的素質還好!. 3. 6. 7. 9樓都是酒店,小姐素質不錯. [read more]
不錯的地方可以打鏢喝酒看電郵. 台版深夜食堂神之美味,. 給人打氣氛棒,東西又好吃,店員可愛,老闆很愛聊天,還有鏢機可以打. [read more]
麋鹿森林 (Permanently Closed) is a bar, located at 404, Taichung City, North District, 台中市北區育德路47號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2207 7241 for more detailed information. [read more]
Frog Family Mexican Resturent is a bar, located at 號, No. 30育德路北區台中市 Taiwan 404. [read more]
歌達人 is a bar, located at 號, No. 21-1原子街127巷北區台中市 Taiwan 404. They can be contacted via phone at +886 926 954 189 for more detailed information. . [read more]