BeerCatTaipei is a bar, located at 承德路二段1巷9號, Taipei 103. They can be contacted via phone at +886225581518 for more detailed information. . [read more]
SWAVE bar is a bar, located at 新店路197號, Penghu 880. [read more]
Vino Vino 提供精緻餐食與雅致用餐空間 全天候供應咖啡輕食 X 義麵排餐 X 現打啤酒 讓不論是獨自前來或與好友同行的您 每次都能在這享受悠閒愜意的美好「食」光!. [read more]
喜歡吃喜歡製作美食 一同分享 回歸樸實的一餐創造更棒的美食. [read more]
有尚介青ㄟ海鮮碳烤 尚讚ㄟ就在強強滾海鮮碳烤. [read more]
Juize取自於英文juicy squeeze,juicy代表新鮮多汁的蔬果,亦指滿滿的活力,而squeeze則是期待每位顧客都能感受鮮甜果汁的「榨汁趣」。. [read more]
專營男士髮型設計,服務項目包括剪髮、雕刻髮、頭皮調理、髮質修護、燙染髮設計,並有在店銷售沙龍用品,歡迎來電或透過Fb粉絲團及官方Line洽詢預約^_^ 官方Line: http://line. me/ti/p/@aad1484m. [read more]
以健康、自然、養生為出發點的豆子. [read more]
本店採預約制. [read more]
日式炭火燒肉. [read more]
久大燒烤熱炒店 is a bar, located at 桃園市龍潭區大昌路二段107-1號, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan 325. They can be contacted via phone at 0926904996 for more detailed information. [read more]
接受預約(人數不限) 台北市商務會館酒店消費- 洽詢專線:0972-015-191 陳小春副總 LINE:down_adam1130 (存電話自動+LINE) WeChat:a0972015191 任何問題亦可私訊(LINE). [read more]
綠豆沙, 珍奶, 綠茶. [read more]
MAGIC 主要客戶族群很廣,店內對於服務的自我要求、不僅止於提供有形的服務、更致力於消費者五感120%的滿意,視覺上素雅白淨的空間設計,呈現出MAGIC對極簡風格的堅持。. [read more]
位於墾丁大街上,曼波泰式餐廳正對面,有個 Smurfs Bar. [read more]
還沒試過?那你真的該來試試。包你連一吃就上癮! 快來大口吃肉,大口喝酒,人生不過如此! 及時行樂,有好吃的就要趕快吃!哈哈哈. [read more]
湯尼老爸燒肉店 is a bar, located at 板橋區雙十路二段78號, New Taipei City 220. They can be contacted via phone at 02 2255 0878 for more detailed information. . [read more]
English speaking hairstylist with 10+ yrs experience. Sandra has worked in Los Angeles for over a decade. California St Board of Cosmetology Certified. [read more]
屏東縣內埔鄉內埔村中興路58號 08-7782501 堅持. 嚴選素材. [read more]
卡樂活新鮮現打果汁飲品 is a bar, located at 天津街44號, Taipei 104. They can be contacted via phone at 02-25364663 for more detailed information. . [read more]
HAIR STUDIO. [read more]
打屁聊天小酌的好地方. . . . . [read more]
仟華快剪佰元 is a bar, located at 彰化縣社頭鄉員集路二段508號, Shetou, T'Ai-Wan 511. They can be contacted via phone at 0931993901 for more detailed information. . [read more]
日式炭火燒烤吃到飽. [read more]
京棧手作碳�便當 ------------------------- 營業時間 中午11:00至13:00 下午(採取提前預約制!) 晚餐時段全提供專員外送服務! ------------------------- 電話:082-312607 手機:0988100530 ---------------- 地址. [read more]
當季嚴選蔬果、時蔬沙拉與Q彈冷麵搭配,有胡麻、泰式、和風三種口味可供搭配,在熱到厭世的南國,一個清爽健康的新選擇;目前還在試營運擺攤階段,歡迎私訊預訂嚐鮮。. [read more]
我們是一家以品質服務待人的燒烤食堂. [read more]
煙匠居酒屋 is a restaurant, located at 㓓雅街253號(金竹路口), Hsinchu 300. They can be contacted via phone at 88635311032 for more detailed information. . [read more]
營業時間:早上9:00~睌上9:00. [read more]
這是一家價格平價的料理店,歡迎嘗鮮。. [read more]
輔大果之霸 is a bar, located at 新北市中正路514巷15號, New Taipei City 242. They can be contacted via phone at 0968935900 for more detailed information. . [read more]
創業六十多年的老牌理髮店,就是老師傅,真手藝. [read more]
有剪燙染護的需求,可以向Ada資訊預約喲�Line:@adahair. [read more]
奇巧髮型設計Hair Design~剪. 燙. 染. 護. 美髮造型產品. 美髮洗護系列產品. [read more]
夯店-懷舊食堂 (燒烤 熱炒 海鮮 鍋物 啤酒) 禮拜一公休 (02) 2942-0818 18:00 - 00:00 (01:00 清場) 網路留言訂位 (備有火車包廂) 新北市中和區成功路81號(近秀朗橋) 前. 後方備有收費停車場【. [read more]
Ds星空質髮沙龍將為您締造出那一顆屬於你的完美閃亮之星~ 洗髮 200 UP SPA洗髮 500 UP 剪髮 400 UP 深層護髮 500 UP 頭皮護理 1500 UP 染髮 1500 UP 燙髮 1500 UP 離子燙 2000 UP 溫塑燙 2000 UP. [read more]