台灣芒果冰專賣店,成立於2002年的夏天,老闆的經營理念為「誠信×品質」,層層把關水果品質,堅持不添加香料,希望帶給每位消費者最新鮮、最健康的芒果冰!歡迎加入我們的粉絲頁哦!. [read more]
芒果的故鄉,玉井 在冰店林立的玉井.. [read more]
來大A呷冰!. [read more]
花媽~是個玉井芒果小農。 秉持「呷菓子拜樹頭,不傷樹木與土地,照天行的傳統農耕法」,培育各式新鮮水果,呈獻原始、純粹的好味。 地址:新竹縣芎林鄉文衡路17-1號 電話:03-5922822. [read more]
台北市CP值最高的商務KTV酒吧!!!. [read more]
犇騰の燒烤 is a bar, located at 台中市大雅區民生路一段100號(威定汀飯店旁貨櫃屋), Daya 428. They can be contacted via phone at 0425600882 for more detailed information. . [read more]
LOUNGE BAR & DARTS. [read more]
美髮沙龍,彩妝造型,剪燙染專業. [read more]
現有設計師Eric(line:darteric)、Sam(line:@wwi6958m) 地址:中山北路二段50巷25號 電話:25318765(預約制). [read more]
好吃又獨特 綠島最特別的海草冰 來綠島千萬別錯過-苦窯監獄海草冰. [read more]
加勒比海懶人俱樂部 is a bar, located at 桃園市桃園區民有六街87號1樓, Taipei 330. They can be contacted via phone at 88633333605 for more detailed information. . [read more]
人生海海,恁ㄟ鬱卒,阮了解。. [read more]
營業時間:09:00-19:00 熱情外送專線:04-2215-2758. [read more]
回天然水果飲品 is a bar, located at 興隆路五段83號, Hsinchu 302. They can be contacted via phone at +886908282878 for more detailed information. . [read more]
TOP HAIR DORIS is a bar, located at 信義區基隆路1段147巷11號, Taipei 110. They can be contacted via phone at 0922824994 for more detailed information. . [read more]
成大家鄉團膳便當&阿閔現炒 is a bar, located at 台南市東區勝利路171巷10號, Tainan 701. They can be contacted via phone at 0988617602 for more detailed information. . [read more]
星期一公休。目前營業時間定為晚上九點到凌晨3點。僅服務南區中西區外送須滿兩百。0911621168。同 line. id. [read more]
坐落於南屯區大墩十四街267號,秉持平價的消費卻有活力的團隊為您服務!有好吃的串燒. 炸物. 現炒. 飲料,是一個飲酒小酌的好地方!亦是工作之於娛樂消遣聚會的好場所!預約電話:04-23200688. [read more]
東烤西烤無煙燒烤 is a bar, located at 三峽區介壽路一段27號2樓, New Taipei City 237. They can be contacted via phone at 0226723597 for more detailed information. . [read more]
我們是原手串本舖竹北店,現在是《鳴居酒屋》新團隊,新的開始,新的理想。 《原班人馬,原味呈現》 希望在屬於我們的《雞》年,我們可以 《一鳴驚人》 2017 we are ready!. [read more]
平價的燒臘快餐便當店. [read more]
原名為 蔵玥和牛燒肉,改名後不僅只提供頂級和牛,又新增了其他食材,讓顧客有更多選擇及方便記憶。我們的專業的刀工及桌邊代烤更是讓食材的味道與口感更上一層樓,讓您回味無窮~. [read more]
Votion HAIR SALON is a bar, located at 同德六街142號1F, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan 330. They can be contacted via phone at 03-3465940 for more detailed information. [read more]
最專業的髮型設計 以最親民的價格 提供最至上的服務!. [read more]
本店 1. 環境空曠優美 2. 前後備有停車場 3. •夏季•以燒烤、熱炒、BEER與風味餐為主, •冬季•將另有湯鍋類。. [read more]
MUS Meet Up Salon 遇見不斷向上的沙龍 由一群熱愛美髮工作的年輕人聚集在一起而成立的,秉持MUS精神的我們不斷創新及學習是對自己的要求,把最好的技術及服務給予每位顧客是我們的責任!. [read more]
山野屋日式海鮮燒烤 is a bar, located at 高雄市前金區自強一路149號, Kaohsiung 801. They can be contacted via phone at 07-2157989 for more detailed information. . [read more]
山野屋日式海鮮燒烤 - 明華店 is a bar, located at 高雄市鼓山區明華路242號, Kaohsiung 804. They can be contacted via phone at 07 5222333 for more detailed information. . [read more]
二隻魚手調茶飲-彰化大城店 is a bar, located at 彰化縣大城鄉中平路106號, Erhlin, T'Ai-Wan 527. They can be contacted via phone at 048947235 for more detailed information. . [read more]
本店採預約制,提供美髮設計、頭皮護理等……多項服務,其過程全由美髮設計師專人一對一服務。. [read more]
髮質。為造型之本! 健康。就是品質!. [read more]
【招牌綠豆沙】v. s【獨家紅豆沙】 古法熬煮。純正天然。無香精。無色素。 ~純天然的健康冰沙~. [read more]
JD BAR Youtube頻道:https://www. youtube. com/channel/UCRxT6MdhtYOFPqL1C1msKzQ JD bar調酒新美學 品嚐經典調酒 也學經典調酒。 來JD bar一次品嚐三種經典調酒,並且學會三種經典調酒。. [read more]
燒肉與鴛鴦火鍋,吃到飽餐廳 成人用餐價位分三種: 659+10%、759+10%、959+10% 兒童收費: 0-2歲 免費 3-5歲 100元清潔費 6-12歲(含) 959的為399+10% 759的為369+10% 659的為329+10%. [read more]
大河屋 燒肉丼 串燒 is a bar, located at 信義區松智路17號5樓, Taipei 110. They can be contacted via phone at +886227233468 for more detailed information. . [read more]
星光碼頭 is a bar, located at 台東縣綠島縣南寮村119號, Lütao, T'Ai-Wan 951. They can be contacted via phone at 0913-651619 for more detailed information. . [read more]