剛去二樓處理匯款 專員雅琳 非常細心認真核對有耐心 還仔細發現外國朋友給我錯誤的swift code 期間有其他同事來尋求幫忙 也非常樂意幫忙 中間也有客戶打電話來 應對都充滿了耐心 非常喜歡 這樣的專員. 服務態度很好很好很好!!. 人員服務態度好. [read more]
服務親切,詳細解說. [read more]
終於把它改到對了. . . 好累. [read more]
這邊的服務人員態度很好,提款機也換新了。. 服務很親切 環境明亮舒適 要注意是松江分行不是松山分行,個人曾經因為這樣發生匯款上的困擾兩次…. [read more]
徳信総合証券 is a bank, located at 100, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Section 1, Xinsheng South Road, 50號3樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2393 9988 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務非常好,有效率,很喜歡的一家銀行. 玉山銀行服務好就沒話說. 玉山的服務很棒. [read more]
Hwatai Bank is a bank, located at No. 150號, Section 5, Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City 105. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2763 9177 for more detailed information. [read more]
The guard was enthusiastic and asked about the business carefully and also told the approximate waiting time. The clerk's service was very good and quick. [read more]
富邦証券 is a bank, located at No. 45, Huichang Street, Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County 310. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 581 8888 for more detailed information. [read more]
關西鎮農會錦山分部 is a bank, located at 306, Hsinchu County, Guanxi Township, 金山里12鄰127號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 547 8321 for more detailed information. [read more]
峨眉乡农会 is a bank, located at No. 12號, Emei Street, Emei Township, Hsinchu County 315. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 580 0216 for more detailed information. [read more]
元大銀行 is a bank, located at No. 276, Minsheng Road, East District, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 545 6688 for more detailed information. [read more]
いつ行っても人が多いです。行員さんは親切です。日本円の他主要通貨両替可能。. [read more]
片言の中国語をなんとかわかろうとしてくれた. 交通便捷,空間寬敞明亮,人員服務親切!. 其實就是中國人壽大樓下面的中信銀行. [read more]
新社区农会 is a bank, located at 426, Taichung City, Xinshe District, 中興嶺178號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2581 7408 for more detailed information. [read more]
誠信當鋪 is a bank, located at 號, No. 142和平東路埔里鎮南投縣 Taiwan 545. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9242 2077 for more detailed information. . [read more]
南庄鄉田美農會分部 is a bank, located at 號, No. 153三灣南庄道路南庄鄉苗栗縣 Taiwan 353. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 782 3550 for more detailed information. . [read more]
老闆很熱心助人,有次遇到假日車路邊拋錨,車廠都在修假,老板還特地回來幫忙修車,讓我們可以安全回家,真是太感謝了!!. [read more]
你好,我是鈺晶銀樓。 我記得該條銀鏈按照客戶要求要三條細項鍊接成一條細腰鏈。當初您要求這麼接法時,我們也曾經告知這樣接法,由於破壞他原本的結構及非正常使用的方式,加上銀本身就很軟,很容易斷,而且又不是掛在脖子上,是掛在腰上。 二百的工錢,包含了許多次的服務,而非只有一次服務。 如果造成你的困擾,我們深感抱歉。. [read more]
You love it. . . come for shopping food and night market. [read more]
升級帳戶很快方便 沒有機車停車位 停附近又被收20元的停車費. [read more]
CTBC Bank (Fujin Branch) is a bank, located at No. 165, Section 5, Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City 105. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2760 2766 for more.. [read more]
線上預約後到現場開戶手續15分鐘完成相當便利👍. 為什麼只開到15:30,很不便民耶. 服務人員很積極的服務!有問題都會馬上幫你解決!棒!. [read more]
Good bank but the wait can be long. [read more]
非常棒 是一所團戰道館 急凍鳥(謀略之鳥)所在地. 服務親切專業 。建議不要中午時來 人太多. 旁邊有中國信托和華南銀行,離捷運港墘站近. [read more]
服務很好,尤其是一樓的張小姐,很細心的解釋. 服務親切 不愧是評比第一的銀行. [read more]
Australia and New Zealand Banking is a bank, located at No. 89號, Songren Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 7723 3600 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務好 但是可以離捷運站近一點就好了. 玉山銀行的服務品質果然很好,客氣又快速。. [read more]
服務態度都很好,但人真的太多了,每次都要等超久~. [read more]
許多的農產品可供選擇 ^^. 農會超市有很多新鮮好吃的農產品,其他生活商品也很齊全. 在地的農產品值得購買,尤其推薦新香米. [read more]
和其他銀行比較起來,台銀最大的不同之處,就是不再流通的舊版台幣,只要完整無缺,在這兒依然可以兌換. 過年時有換新鈔的服務. [read more]
有點可惜不知幫客戶花點腦袋想辦法 還是我自己問才幫到忙⋯. [read more]
服務好~對面可以買些農用物品. 服務很好、很親切,很有在地小鎮味道. [read more]
個人出國都是到這裏買外幣,服務親切、有耐心、迅速確實,最重要的是匯率都還算不錯!. 親切,服務快速. 行員服務親切, 警衛也頗熱心專業. [read more]
Yuanta Securities (Permanently Closed) is a bank, located at No. 2號, Lane 61, Section 2, Yanping North Road, Datong District, Taipei City 103. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2549.. [read more]
菲律賓首都銀行 is a bank, located at 106, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, 107號2樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2776 6355 for more detailed information. [read more]