Ciao 茶歐烘焙坊 is a cafe, located at No. 48, Shangzhu 3rd Street, Luzhu District, Taoyuan City 338. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 313 5987 for more detailed information. [read more]
新鮮地瓜芋頭真材實料下去純手工製作好吃 !. 皮薄餡多,蠻適合當小孩的零嘴. 每到必買的月光餅。地瓜口味. [read more]
Ginjer is a bakery, located at No. 20, Lane 233, Section 1, Dunhua South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8773 3061 for more detailed information. [read more]
奧瑪烘培 is a bakery, located at No. 28, Tonghua Street, Da’an District, Taipei City 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2784 6718 for more detailed information. [read more]
【推薦】雪凝糕、綠豆糕、綠豆椪、芝麻小餅 糕餅類有許多細節讓人印象深刻,非常好吃!來永春必定會來這裡買伴手禮 雪凝糕味道創新優雅,質地非常細緻;綠豆糕的綠豆香較明顯,適合喜歡傳統口味者 芝麻小餅裡的冬瓜糖讓層次加分;綠豆椪內餡比例完美,清爽不油膩. 雪凝膏綠豆口味別有風味,冰冰涼涼又不黏嘴,綠豆香十足,很適合搭配咖啡享用. [read more]
I'd willing to give high praise on this lovely store. The cake and drinks are all tasty. The music played in this store would not let you feel noisy. Moreover, there's also free Wifi and plug for.. [read more]
The pineapple bun really lives up to the name of the shop: ‘very yummy’. The best bun I have tried in Taipei so far. I would even consider it good against the standard in HK. [read more]
The soufflé hotcakes (or as I called fluffy pancakes) are pretty good but very few options/flavors to choose from. It comes with butter and maple syrup as opposed to cream and honey. [read more]
煎餅非常好吃,價錢經濟。. [read more]
麵包好吃,雖然有點貴,但服務人員都很親切. 商品經常缺貨,一下子就賣光光. 小姐親切服務 但門口警察多;不能違停 會拍照寄罰單. [read more]
平價好吃的蛋板捲,佛心價只要10元。. 便宜好吃,味道像是長型的雞蛋糕,小心一個10元,當小點心還不錯。. 很好吃的點心,甜甜軟軟的。買回去宿舍吃一定要買兩個,因為第一個走在隧道時不知不覺就會吃完了XD. [read more]
馬木蘭手工乳酪蛋糕 is a bakery, located at 802, Kaohsiung City, Qianzhen District, 高雄市苓雅區三多三路213號B2. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 610 0233 for more detailed information. [read more]
每年過生日 店裡推出的水果巧飾蛋糕清淡爽口適合全家人一起吃的10吋大蛋糕。有名的波士頓蛋糕這裡網購風評不錯!. 我喜歡波士頓藍莓,讚。. 簡簡單單的海綿蛋糕配上奶油果醬,一不小心就吃完一整盒。. [read more]
兒子生日要買蛋糕,指定要汽車造型,看遍高雄各知名的蛋糕店官網,就只有巧美蛋糕的造型超多的,所謂的客制就是這種ㄚ~~打電話去詢問時,老闆娘超有耐心的,聽得出來很忙的聲音,但還是一一回答我的問題(為了兒子的蛋糕,MAMA一定要問很清楚的)。個人覺得這是一家滿意度價值遠超過價錢的蛋糕店~大家可以參考ㄛ^. [read more]
採買麵包,食品的好地點!!. 直接攻主打--芋泥紅豆派,好吃 不過甜 餡蠻實在的 會再回購 但吃太多還是會膩拉. Great pastries at decent prices. . [read more]
綠豆椪最最⋯⋯美味. [read more]
推薦店內的泡芙,內餡超多,內餡偏向於冰淇淋的口感。泡芙購買回家,再經由第二次烘烤,會有非常驚艷的酥皮口感,與一般別家常見的菠蘿外皮不同,十分特別。. 真材實料的餅乾,老闆夫婦人很nice。. 餅乾非常好吃, 很多種類看都沒看過, 值得來試試看。. [read more]
18:00 的訂位,17:30到店。給二男小桌,老招指窗口的四人桌,我們多點菜吃完走人。小姐馬上搖頭18:00滿屋。限90分鐘用餐。 水晶野菇白菜餃、 皮蛋瘦肉粥、 上海湯包、 金絲白汁明蝦捲、 乾坤太極露、 羅蔔糕、 竹炭流沙包、 紅豆豆腐花、 雪衣香蕉捲、 荷葉米香珍珠雞、 鼓汁滑嫩蒸排骨、 韭黃鮮蝦腸粉。 我們真點了一桌,盤盤菜乾淨可口。勉強唯二不足湯包皮稍厚、排骨骨多肉少。 店內服務人員很親切勤快,訓練有素的店。一位花短褲男前前後後錄影,眼光隨他望. [read more]
i+鬆餅 is a bakery, located at 807, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, 高雄市三民區昌裕街214號(高應大門口正對面). They can be contacted via phone at +886 938 755 619 for more detailed information. [read more]
美珍香 is a bakery, located at No. 319, Xintian Road, Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City 801. They can be contacted via phone at +886 7 241 2698 for more detailed information. [read more]
好吃,不會太甜,買給父母吃正合適. Surprisingly good. Very light, not overly greasy or sweet. Red bean was great. Loved it. . 好吃!蛋糕很新鮮!用料實在!店員親切! 非常推薦哦😋. [read more]
住家內的麵包店😊服務親切❤️麵包很厲害呀!食材新鮮超好食☺️可以上Fb看麵包種類營業時間或詢問訂購,直接去可能會沒有麵包可以採買哦😆 髒髒包70元. 第一次嘗試最近很紅的髒髒包!好好吃! 讓我一吃就愛上 希望能多點自取或營業時間,想吃吃不到好痛苦. 草莓新鮮香甜,乳酪濃厚,可頌口感偏扎實,可中和乳酪的濃膩,推薦~. [read more]
環境舒適,老師也很親切,小朋友有新的體驗. 老師很用心教學,第一次做蛋糕就上手,做出來的成品美的連自己也很驚訝呢!. 舒適乾淨的環境,可以自己做甜點的地方,也可以親朋好友親子一起享受手作的樂趣!. [read more]
學習烘培的好地方. 學習烘焙好地方. 食材講究健康導向口耳相傳的好味道. [read more]
新化老街古早味大餅 is a bakery, located at No. 223-187, Xinyi Road, Xinhua District, Tainan City 712. They can be contacted via phone at +886 910 867 526 for more detailed information. [read more]
Curry bread is tasty when it is still hot!! If you want to eat curry bread, either you order earlier or you go there earlier. My sis said it is limited. [read more]
很好吃接待很親切. 特色蛋糕好吃又健康. 客製化蛋糕,我們的客戶做生日時很喜歡此款的蛋糕,米妮氣球館的客戶群也喜愛此公司。. [read more]
他們的麵包真的很硬,口味則是因人而異。. [read more]
蛋糕很好吃,尤其是奶凍卷,也會推出特別的蛋糕. 結論:CP值高 消費:如附件圖片所示 環境:一般 服務:一般 個人經驗:便宜好吃,很合我口味. 美味好吃又便宜!! 冰過也很好吃~ 每次坐車到新化站必買美食!!. [read more]
大餅~蛋糕鳳梨酥👍👍👍. [read more]
青山谷喜餅蛋糕 is a bakery, located at 712, Tainan City, Xinhua District, 台南市新化區中山路192號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 590 3079 for more detailed information. [read more]
娃芙waffle鬆餅專門店 is a bakery, located at 741, Tainan City, Shanhua District, 中山路85號(德昌藥局騎樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 908 181 960 for more detailed information. [read more]
我超愛吃他們家的“炸彈”😍 因為它的內餡是傳統的配料~ 還包有葡萄乾. . . 😋 並非是那種白色的甜內餡. . ... [read more]
鳳媽媽手製烘培 is a bakery, located at No. 389號, Guotai Road, Baihe District, Tainan City 732. They can be contacted via phone at +886 916 523 034 for more detailed information. [read more]
鳳媽媽手製烘焙 is a bakery, located at No. 389號, Guotai Road, Baihe District, Tainan City 732. [read more]
我只說這個真的超好吃,試吃也很大方給一整根剛烤好的,濃濃的牛奶香酥脆的外表,每一根都是現場純手工製作,甚麼福X軒的完全比不上呀,我的媽媽很愛吃蛋捲也覺得很好吃,不愛吃甜食的朋友一吃也默默請在地朋友幫忙訂購,有經過的話必買,是個非常值得帶回家當伴手禮,偶而嘴饞想吃還會特別從台南市區開車買一大袋扛回家。. [read more]