金晨星馬 is an aquarium, located at 721, Tainan City, Madou District, 新生北路308巷35號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 986 400 824 for more detailed information. [read more]
魚品多,魚相佳!. 乾淨. 專業的魚場!老闆又親切!讚. 買錦鯉的好地方. [read more]
畢竟是比較鄉下,魚種類還是較少些。. [read more]
海浜水族館 is an aquarium, located at No. 339, Minquan Road, Shuili Township, Nantou County 553. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9277 5776 for more detailed information. [read more]
魚很健康、老闆也很專業. 提供疑惑解答,平價,器材和魚種類多樣. [read more]
老闆幽默,價格實在,大推~. [read more]
魚好多水族龍魚会館 is an aquarium, located at No. 68-1, Chenggong Road, Meinong District, Kaohsiung City 843. They can be contacted via phone at +886 989 435 678 for more detailed information. [read more]
High quality petshrimp. Very clean shop friendly personal, they really work hard to do their best for you. . [read more]
哇 這麼好的店應該多去去,老闆親切小姐貼心,值回票價!. 很專業 服務很棒~. 比較是做龍魚,那種商業高貴魚類的,不是一般的水族缸寵物. [read more]
不只賣魚還教你怎麼養魚,超棒的老闆!魚價也比別人低!不來這間買會後悔!花蓮逛過這麼多間水館就這家最棒!. 老闆很熱心 人很親切. [read more]
紫煌國際 is an aquarium, located at No. 65, Xiliao Road, Daliao District, Kaohsiung City 831. [read more]
益海水族研發中心 is an aquarium, located at 925, Pingtung County, Xinpi Township, Wanan Rd, 2-4號1 號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 787 0335 for more detailed information. [read more]
愈勝水產育苗資材行 is an aquarium, located at No. 104-1, Ren'ai Road, Linbian Township, Pingtung County 927. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 875 8145 for more detailed information. [read more]
Quiet spot on the weekdays. Exhibits are on the third floor. 50ntd$ full ticket price. Fresh to saltwater aquariums, also their famous shrimp tanks. Very beautifully care for. [read more]
Worth your time, even without children. We, both seniors, spent almost 5 hours at this museum and aquarium. It is easy to catch public bus (#101) from Kenting, or Nawan right to the door of.. [read more]
老闆態度很好 沒架子 不錯的店. 老闆很友善的招呼我們,滿臉笑容叫我們慢慢看。我們是新手,老闆很熱心分享很多飼養知識,是一個非常愉快的經驗!. 老闆很細心的解釋如何養魚,值得推薦的好商家. [read more]
竹東少有的水族館,老闆娘人不錯。. [read more]
冠鴻水族館 is an aquarium, located at No. 58, Section 2, Xibin Road, Mailiao Township, Yunlin County 638. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 693 4532 for more detailed information. [read more]
川瀧水族 is an aquarium, located at No. 226, Mingde Road, Touwu Township, Miaoli County 362. [read more]
上扬水族馆 is an aquarium, located at 300, Hsinchu City, East District, Xuefu Road, 52號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 516 6162 for more detailed information. [read more]
還不錯,老闆是養孔雀魚的高手. [read more]
老闆很親切 價錢也很合理 推薦附近有養水族的居民可以去喔~. [read more]
很有心,老闆很親切。. 水族老店,老闆很專業!. [read more]
古比工厂 is an aquarium, located at 428, Taichung City, Daya District, Section 2, Yahuan Road, 24號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 980 181 736 for more detailed information. [read more]
驛站水族-昶星國際水族南區分會 is an aquarium, located at No. 89, Xinyi South Street, South District, Taichung City 40251. They can be contacted via phone at +886 917 782 787 for more detailed information. [read more]
真心覺得老闆服務不錯. 晚上下班後出去走走散步的地方. 大眾類的魚蝦水草器材商店. [read more]
交流珊瑚的好去處!. [read more]
物美價廉,花蓮看了那麼多間的水館商品,就這間最便宜!老闆推的打氣機真的超安靜!. 魚很健康 常常進新的魚 花蓮附近最不錯的水族館. [read more]
珍稀水族 is an aquarium, located at 221, New Taipei City, Xizhi District, Fude 2nd Road, 363號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2695 9179 for more detailed information. [read more]
寵物的種類非常多 鬥魚的狀況"一般". [read more]
有質感的水族館!有別於一般一進去會有大量的水聲,魚腥味,一進去店裡可以聞到舒服的香氛,和輕鬆的音樂,每一個水族缸上都有寫著詳細的魚類種類,並可以看到老闆和老闆娘精心整理設計的每一個缸體都相當雅致!有什麼養殖上的問題,老闆娘都很親切又專業的解說!這是一間目前看過最棒的水族館!. 親切的老闆跟老闆娘 很多問題都會用心的教學 活體都很健康才出售. [read more]
活體健康,價格公道~. 價格低廉,燈光稍嫌昏暗,適合快速採買。. 新竹市唯一我喜歡去的地方,價錢公道,養魚的設備齊全,魚種也很多可以選擇。. [read more]
駿銘水族 is an aquarium, located at 300, Hsinchu City, North District, 新竹市光華二街150巷56號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 533 0075 for more detailed information. [read more]
魚類眾多,老闆親切. 請問一下賣鱷龜嗎. [read more]
老闆親切熱心教導. 老板為人熱心誠懇,水族知識豐富,跟他請教,就對了!. 專業海水水族,老闆有問必答,很隨和。魚多珊瑚多。. [read more]
設備跟魚還蠻齊全的,價錢比起連鎖水族館便宜。. 老闆娘很熱心 店裡乾淨明亮 是一個值得造訪的水族館. 國中的時候來買好多魚. [read more]