收費方式: ①12歲以上,每人門票100元。 ②6歲至12歲兒童及65歲以上長者,50元。 ③3歲至6歲兒童,30元。 免費:芬園鄉民(1人1證件)、身心障礙人士及1位愛心陪同者、未滿3歲幼兒者(請出示健保卡). [read more]
陸福村主題遊樂園 is an amusement park, located at 新竹縣關西鎮仁安里拱子溝60號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 306. They can be contacted via phone at 03-5475665 for more detailed information. [read more]
壽山動物園親水廣場 is an amusement park, located at Wanshou Rd, Kaohsiung 804. [read more]
六福村-火山歷險 is an amusement park, located at 新竹縣關西鎮仁安里拱子溝60號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 306. They can be contacted via phone at 03-5475665 for more detailed information. [read more]
桃園市三民遊客服務中心 - 親子館 is an amusement park, located at 三民路一段200號2樓, Taipei. They can be contacted via phone at 033398607 for more detailed information. . [read more]
壽山動物園 戲水區 is a zoo, located at Kaohsiung 804. They can be contacted via phone at 07-5215187 for more detailed information. . [read more]
兒童新樂園 摩天輪 is an amusement park, located at 士林區承德路五段55號, Taipei 111. [read more]
兒童新樂園-小飛龍 is an amusement park, located at 士林區承德路五段55號, Taipei. [read more]
知卡宣森林公園 is a park, located at Hualien City, Hualien 973. They can be contacted via phone at +88638227171 for more detailed information. . [read more]
八大森林遊樂園 is an amusement park, located at 屏東縣潮州鎮潮州路800號, Kaohsiung 92055. They can be contacted via phone at 08-7898822 for more detailed information. . [read more]
汯軒會館 is an amusement park, located at 農安街34號B1, Taipei. [read more]
義大遊樂世界 E-Da Theme Park is a shopping mall, located at 高雄市大樹區學城路一段10號, Kaohsiung 840. They can be contacted via phone at 0800-588-887 for more detailed information. [read more]
釣蝦、釣蝦蛙、抓泥鰍、撈魚、玩沙、戲水、溜滑梯、吊床、吊椅、打陀螺、親子遊樂等遊樂設施、餐飲、代客料理. [read more]
以粉紅色打造的戲球池,入場年齡不限 歡迎大小朋友們 一起同樂~. [read more]
台北市立兒童新樂園 is an amusement park, located at 台北市士林區承德路5段55號. , Taipei 11169. [read more]
Intime CAT specializes in offering discounts on eating, drinking and entertainment in Taiwan, as well as discount coupons. Whether it's an amusement park ticket, a restaurant coupon, or a.. [read more]
義大世界摩天輪 is an amusement park, located at 大樹區學城路一段12號, Kaohsiung 840. [read more]
義大摩天輪 半空中 is an amusement park, located at 大樹區學城路一段10號, Kaohsiung 840. They can be contacted via phone at 0800-588-887 for more detailed information. . [read more]
湯姆貝貝親子樂園-蘭城新月店 is an amusement park, located at 民權路二段38巷六號4樓, Yilan City 260. They can be contacted via phone at 03-9311670 for more detailed information. [read more]
臺北市立兒童新樂園(Taipei Children's Amusement Park,簡稱兒童新樂園),在2014年12月16日開幕,位於台北市士林區,全園區由臺北捷運公司營運,主管機關為臺北市政府教育局。. [read more]
義大摩天倫最高點 is an amusement park, located at 高雄市大樹區三和里學城路一段12號, Kaohsiung 840. [read more]
夢時代摩天輪 is an amusement park, located at 高雄市中華五路789號, Kaohsiung 806. They can be contacted via phone at 07-973-3888 for more detailed information. . [read more]
夢時代摩天輪透明車廂最頂端 is an amusement park, located at 高雄市前鎮區中華五路789號, Kaohsiung 806. They can be contacted via phone at 0970421801 for more detailed information. [read more]
免費遊樂園活動. [read more]
位於嘉義國立故宮南院前的『棒棒鯨奇樂園』是南臺灣最大型室內遊具、結合休閒娛樂、冒險運動、美食餐飲之主題樂園。. [read more]
花蓮遠雄海洋公園晴空纜車 is an amusement park, located at 974 花蓮縣壽豐鄉鹽寮村福德189號, Hualien City 974. They can be contacted via phone at (03)8123-199 for more detailed information. [read more]
海洋公園﹣晃晃海獅秀 is an amusement park, located at 花蓮縣壽豐鄉鹽寮村福德189號, Hualien City 974. They can be contacted via phone at (03)8123-199 for more detailed information. [read more]
花蓮,遠雄,悅來,遊樂園,海洋公園,花東美食,自由行,五星級,東部,東部旅遊,夏令營. [read more]
義大世界 全台最高摩天輪之最高點 is an amusement park, located at Kaohsiung 824. They can be contacted via phone at 0800588887 for more detailed information. . [read more]
溪頭妖怪村-360°3D妖獸劇場 is an amusement park, located at 南投縣鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路2-3號, Nantouhsien 558. They can be contacted via phone at 0492612699 for more detailed information. [read more]
中国电影文化城为中影股份有限公司旗下的影视城。目前中影文化城针对国内外各电影和台湾国内戏剧与偶像剧,提供协助制片与拍片、拍摄场景与提供场景。 早期曾为台湾电影和电视剧的拍片取景地点之一,也是知名的观光景点。但中华民国政府解严后,不少电视剧及电影都赴中国大陆取景,加上台湾电影市场不敌好莱坞电影而日益萎缩,以及民众可选择的观光景点增加,导致中影文化城日益萧条。. [read more]
遊戲愛樂園-義大世界 is an amusement park, located at 高熊市大樹區學城路一段12號c區2樓, Kaohsiung 840. They can be contacted via phone at 07-6569037 for more detailed information. [read more]
台中月眉麗寶樂園 is an amusement park, located at 台中市后里區福容路8號, Taichung 421. They can be contacted via phone at 04-2558-2459 for more detailed information. . [read more]
懸掛在空中的樂園,讓小朋友在遊戲中 透過手腳並用的闖關活動中培養〝三力〞 成為小泰山勇士. [read more]
有趣可愛的馬戲團. [read more]
生態園区駅(せいたいえんくえき)は台湾高雄市左営区にある高雄捷運紅線の駅。博愛三路と孟子路の交差点に位置し、駅番号はR15である。計画時の名称は植物園駅だったが、2005年7月1日に新聞に現行の名称が発表された。駅構造3層構造でホームドア付き島式ホーム1面2線の地下駅であり、2箇所の出入口がある。駅階層駅出口出口1は駅南端、出口2は駅北端にあり、出口2にはバリアフリーのエレベーターがある。 出口1:博愛三路(南)、文強路 出口2:博愛三路(北)、博愛公園、新光国小駅周辺 博愛公園 簡称:植物園 博愛三路 孟子路 文康路 重上街 立荘路 崇徳路 立大路 新光国民小学 重化路 文強路歴史 2008年3月9日 高雄捷運紅線の「橋頭駅—小港」間が正式に開通した。隣の駅高雄捷運■紅線左営駅 - 生態園区駅 - 巨蛋駅外部リンク生態園区駅(高雄捷運公司) (正体字中国語)生態園区駅周辺地図(高雄市政府捷運工程局) (正体字中国語). [read more]