君皇果雕祀宴工作室 is located at Chiayi, Taiwan 608. They can be contacted via phone at 0985667694, visit their website tw.myblog.yahoo.com for more detailed information.
承制 果雕 芋頭雕 大菜 保麗容雕 果凍雕 糖雕 捏麵水族~ 各式大中小御宴 以及婚喪喜慶 有需要小弟服務地方 要說一聲 可洽電 0985667694 LINE: f241100 或留言給我唷~~
Tags : #ArtsEntertainment, #FoodBeverage, #Arts&Entertainment, #Food&Beverage
宴王喜慶婚宴排場果雕包場一律服務!!! 歡迎訂購參觀 lime:f241100 俊杰來電: 0985667694
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