臺北市立大學運動科學研究所為台灣最頂尖的體育運動科學國際學程,採英語授課。提供碩士與博士學位之課程,專注於拓展運動營養學、運動生理學、運動醫學與運動體能訓練與運動產業之尖端新知,全所教授在該領域全球國際期刊學術論文發表的質與量,為世界頂尖大學之水準,研究成果受全球學術論文引用的次數已達數千次。研發之產品亦於全球銷售。本所不斷致力於提供優質舒適的研究基礎建設,廣納台灣與全球菁英學生,在一個以學生為中心的愉悅學習環境下,教育出未來的專業領袖。國際學生來自美國、日本、中國大陸、泰國、印尼、馬來西亞。 Overview Being the top research institute of sports and exercise sciences in Taiwan, Department of Sports Sciences at the University of Taipei is an international graduate program offering degrees at Master and Doctoral levels. Courses are taught in English. This program focuses on providing innovative knowledge or idea in a wide range area including Sports Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, Sports Medicine, Physical Training, and Motor Control, and Sports Industry. Increasingly expanding global citation on publications from students and faculty members of the Department has made this institute to be a world-class knowledge contributor in sports and exercise science. Ergogenic supplements designed in the Department are spreading in global market. The Department is committed to provide high quality research infrastructure and pleasant student-centered learning environment for educating elites becoming future leader in the area. International students come from US, Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia.
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