FX Hotel Taipei Nanjing East Rd. is conveniently situated in the hub of the bustling financial and commercial center of Taipei City, the Jhongshan district.
酒店擁有166間獨具設計感的精緻客房,大廳旁設有新時尚中國風餐廳,滿足您的味覺。位於15樓的Connect 7設有商務中心、閱讀區、點心區,交誼廳和健身房,提供多項貼心服務。
Hotel features 166 exquisite rooms and integrated Connect 7 where guests can experience technology and relaxation at once. Indulge in contemporary Chinese cuisine restaurant located on the first floor. Workstations, reading area, coffee/snack area, social lounge, and a fitness room can all be found in the exclusive yet cozy “Connect 7”.
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